Chapter 18

Aiden had to practice shooting before going on task. He had over ten days. Bob took him to a place where Mr. K often took his men.

Aiden wore earplugs and goggles, aiming at a target made of steorofoam. He pulled the trigger, hoping to hit the spot on the heart that had been marked. But no, Aiden's shot did not hit the object.

Aiden felt tired. He stopped for a moment. He left the arena and sat in the chair. Aiden looked at his cell phone.

Aiden wondered what Eri was doing at the moment.

"Why did you stop?" asked Bob, who came up next.

"I don't think I'll be able to do it."

Bob sat down next to Aiden. "I'm also confused about why you suddenly want to learn to shoot, but what's wrong with that? You never know when you'll use these skills later."

"You're right." Aiden wondered if he hadn't learned to shoot, then how he could protect himself. Moreover, there were many people who wanted to finish him off.

"Having shooting skills is a good thing if you live in this country. If you can't c
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