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By: Michael Chi Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 149 views: 20.9K

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"It was such a pleasure spending time with your wife. She's quite impressive I must say." Liam said in a mocking tone as he leaned on his car biting his lips staring at Nathan who was visibly boiling with anger. Nathan Cloud was the live-in son-in-law of the prominent Wilson family, a role that concealed his true identity as the Almighty Lord Nathan, the second son of the world's most powerful family, the Cloud family. For years, Nathan secretly helped the Wilson family riseto power until a tragic accident robbed him of his memories, making him to start behaving like a child. He was initially cared for by his wife, Claire, he soon became a burden, drawing resentment from the entire family and his family encouraged her to find a new husband. The situation escalates when his mother in-law, Victoria, plots to eliminate Nathan permanently, hiring hitmen to finish the job. Nathan narrowly escapes, regaining his memories in a near death encounter. Now that he remembers everything, all his enemies shall kneel and bow before him!

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  • Anita Igwe


    Love the story so far...️...️, kudos to the author, please update.

    2024-07-11 21:04:07
  • Adepoju Daniel


    beautifully crafted story! kudos to the author, please update more chapters

    2024-07-09 03:26:43
Latest Chapter
149 chapters
Nathan arrived at the Wilson family house holding a bouquet of rose flowers in his hands, today makes it three years since he got married to Claire. Nathan was brimming with excitement as he could not wait to surprise her with the flowers and now that he has regained his memories he was going to reveal his identity to Claire today as their anniversary gift and apologize for all the troubles he had caused her this past year. he was certain that their relationship would become stronger once he reveals his true identity to her. Nathan stood at the front door, his heart pounding with anticipation. As he was about to ring the doorbell, a sleek, white car gently pulled up in the driveway.The engine purred to a stop and Nathan's brow furrowed in confusion as the driver's door opened, and a well-dressed man stepped out. The man quickly made his way to the passenger's side, and Nathan's heart sank as Claire emerged from the vehicle. "Claire?" Nathan's voice was a mix of anger and confusi
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Liam then suddenly burst into laughter, his laughter was filled with disbelief and mockery as if he couldn't fathom the audacity of Nathan's claim. "How dare you think of impersonating Lord Cloud? You must be out of your mind, Nathan. Do you even realize the consequences of such a claim? I have seen Lord Cloud in person and you look nothing like him" Vanessa's face contorted with anger as she turned to Nathan, If Lord Cloud heard that someone from the Wilson family dared to impersonate him, their family might not get the investment even worse he might wipe out their entire family! The Almighty Lord Cloud was not someone to joke with. "You fool! Lord Cloud is not someone you can just impersonate. If he finds out, he could destroy everything we've worked so hard to build. Why do you keep bringing disgrace to our family?" Nathan remained stoic, his voice firm. "I am not impersonating anyone. I am Lord Cloud." But no one was taking him seriously, how could he be Lord Cloud when
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"Everyone else brought a gift for Grandfather, how about you? What have you brought?" Ivan continued. "Ivan, there's no need for that" Claire interjected before Nathan could speak. "There's no need for you to take his side, today is Grandpa's birthday and yet he dares to show up empty handed, this man has no respect for Grandpa at all! You don't deserve to be here!" The whole family agreed with Ivan as they continued to look at Nathan with disdain. "I have arranged for someone to deliver the birthday present, it will be delivered shortly," Nathan said firmly. Ivan stood up and circled James, stopping in front of him with a wide grin plastered across his face "Ohh, so you've gotten someone to do that for you, let me guess your colleagues from the mental hospital?" The whole family burst into laughter but Nathan stood his ground, his gaze unwavering despite the ridicule. "The gifts I have asked to be brought here are ten times more expensive than all of the gifts here brou
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"I can't help but laugh at your ignorance and Liam's audacity," Nathan said, pointing directly at Liam. Liam took a step forward, fists clenched as he glared at Nathan "And what is that supposed to mean?" "You keep bragging that you know me and now you claim that you got this project as a result of your relationship with me, but I have never met you until yesterday" Liam chuckled in Nathan's face "You still have the guts to claim that you're Lord Nathan, the business legend?" He then turned to face Grandfather Wilson, "Well, Mr. Wilson I guess all I have done here is unnecessary, since the Almighty Lord Nathan is in your family, there's no need for the 2 billion dollar contract," Liam said before letting go of the contract document in his hands and it dropped to the floor. Grandfather Wilson could no longer control his anger at this point "How dare you make such outrageous claims, Nathan!" His voice thundered as his face flushed with anger. "You've not only disrespected me
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Nathan’s voice trembled as he repeated the word, "Divorce?" His eyes were filled with sorrow. From the day he married Claire, he had done nothing but love and support her, and now she wanted to divorce him. The room buzzed with whispers, the family members exchanging glances. They were happy that finally Claire was getting rid of the burdensome son-in-law. Meanwhile, Liam's smirk widened at the word. "Divorce." With Nathan out of the way, there was nothing stopping him from marrying Claire; he already had the support of the other family members. Claire continued, her voice cold and resolute. "In just three years, our family has changed a lot and we have become one of the prominent families in Prescott, but you, however, despite regaining your memories, remained the same. Useless! Arrogant! And incapable of doing anything. You've always been a burden to me and our family, and I can no longer tolerate you." Nathan let out a sad laugh, but one could still hear the pain in his voic
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"Ma, are we still going to support Nathan now that the Vice President of the Cloud Corporation is here? We could get into trouble if he is caught impersonating him," Vanessa's personal assistant whispered into Vanessa's ear, fearing trouble with the Cloud Corporation. But Vanessa stood her ground. "All that matters is we get him to join us." The Wilson family thought Bianca felt insulted when they sent the servant to welcome them. Immediately, they all rushed forward, bowing their heads apologetically with Grandfather Wilson taking the lead. "I'm very sorry, Miss Bianca. Welcome to the Wilson family. With you in our midst, our family will definitely succeed and prosper." "The Wilson family prosper?" Miss Bianca repeated. "Of course," Victoria answered. "It's all thanks to my daughter, Claire. She is a rising businesswoman in Prescott, and she will make the Wilson family good enough to partner with the Cloud Corporation." "Claire?" Miss Bianca asked. "Everything your family
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"Yes! Miss Bianca he called over was a fake! There's no way he could be Lord Cloud! I have met Lord Nathan and his Vice president personally and they look nothing like him" Liam continued to lie and the Wilson family fell fir this lies once again. "That rascal, how dare him!" Victoria said through gritted teeth. "So it was really all a scheme?" Ivan said. "I've always suspected him since the day he started to act like a child, he must have been preparing for this day and conspired with some paid actors" "Those gifts are worth millions of dollars, Nathan knew that we would kick him out so he wanted the gifts for himself, and now he has taken away those gifts worth millions of dollars" Claire added bitterly. "We cannot let it slide we must deal with Nathan at all cost!" Claire said she couldn't believe that she was almost fooled by Nathan's display. Nathan's convoy of black SUVs came to a stop at Nathan's command. "Lord Nathan, any problem?" Bianca, seated beside the dri
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The manager furrowed his brow, eyeing Nathan with a mix of skepticism and curiosity. "It seems your card isn't working, sir. If you truly are Lord Cloud, you should be able to access this area without any issue." Nathan frowned, his mind racing. Something must have changed in the hotel’s security system without his knowledge. He decided to remain composed, knowing that losing his temper would only escalate the situation. "There must be a mistake. This card has always granted me access." Nathan said wearing a confused look. The bodyguard crossed his arms, a smug look on his face. "Sure, sure. Everyone's got an excuse. Why don't you just admit you're trying to scam your way in here and save us all some time?" Nathan took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "There must be an issue with the security system," Nathan said calmly. "This card has never failed to grant me access before. Perhaps there have been some changes in the security system" "Yes, the systems were upgraded and
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Nathan turned his attention to the manager, who stood trembling before him. The manager quickly bowed his head, his voice quivering as he spoke. "L-Lord Cloud, I humbly apologize for the misunderstanding. I had no idea it was truly you. Please, accept my deepest apologies for the way you were treated," Nathan regarded the manager with a measured gaze, his expression inscrutable. After a moment of tension-filled silence, he spoke. "Apologies are only as good as the actions that follow them. Ensure this never happens again. I expect the highest level of professionalism from my staff, especially in places that hold significant value to me and my family." The manager nodded vigorously, relief evident on his face. "Of course, Lord Cloud. I will make sure that this does not repeat itself." Nathan nodded slightly, accepting the manager's promise. "Here is your new VIP card, sir," Bianca said, handing over the gold-embellished card. Nathan took it, swiping the card, and the door swung
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Nathan scoffed and said, "What do you mean? This is the Celestial Resort and not the Wilson's mansion, or is the Celestial Resort not somewhere I can visit?"Nathan placed his two hands in his pockets as he wore a confident look which seemed to enrage the Wilson family even more.Nathan should even be asking the Wilson family what they were doing here.The entire hotel was shut down because of the meeting he had with the Global Triad.As the country's largest and most exclusive hotel, the Celestial Resort was a favored gathering place for politicians and influential figures from around the world."Don't play dumb with me, you fool!" Ivan cursed, infuriated by Nathan's confidence.How could someone be so confident after stealing gifts worth millions of dollars?Nathan should be somewhere hiding off as the thief and liar he is."You think we don't know what you did last night?" Grandfather Wilson said, pointing his stick furiously at Nathan."What I did last night?" Nathan asked with a
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