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By: Clone Writer Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 8 views: 47

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Zhang Wei was betrayed in his past life and forced to blow himself up. He was reborn into the body of a youth with no spiritual root and no hope. But Zhang Wei would never give in - with knowledge and powers of his past life etched in his mind, he would rise to the top of the Martial world!

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8 chapters
I Will Be Back!
"Clang!"The shrill sound of swords clashing resonated through the grounds of the sandy mountain as several flashes of light collided, forcing Zhang Wei to stagger backward. In the chaos, dust and sand swirled in the air, carried by the brisk night breeze. With a deft motion, Zhang Wei's sleeve twirled as he raised an arm to regain his balance.Simultaneously, nine figures clad in diverse-colored robes descended upon the mountain, brandishing gleaming swords aimed squarely at him."Zhang Wei, today is your last day. You must leave your life here!" one of the men declared with conviction, all their expressions alert.Another swiftly added, "You practice forbidden arts, against Lingfeng Peak's rules. We shall eradicate you to keep the world safe."Zhang Wei, initially silent, looked up at this, his gaze chilly as it settled on the group. His voice was fluid and brisk, yet his tone carried a shallow sense of arrogance as he spoke, "You? Do you dare!?"As he spoke, Zhang Wei twirled his w
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Fènghuáng Temple."Second Brother, are you sure about this? What if someone finds out we did it?" "What are you talking about? As long as you and I don't talk about it, who will know it was us?"The night breeze was rather chilly, and the moon had receded behind the dark clouds—a sign of impending rain. But its dim light shone on the roads, illuminating two youthful male figures as they sneaked into the courtyard of the old temple. One of them was quite chubby and carrying a sack over his shoulder, while the other was fit and slender.The temple was not ancient; however, it had been abandoned for quite a long time with no caretaker, so a lot of grass had grown and lots of leaves had fallen from the wide magnolia tree in the middle of the courtyard. The sound of dry leaves scattered over the floorboards, crushing under their moving feet, was sharp in the otherwise silent night."Quick, Third Brother," the slender youth spoke, grabbing the handle of the doorknob. "Just dump him somewhe
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When Zhang Wei arrived at the manor following the memories in his head, he was not surprised to see the crowd gathered there. From the memories of the original host, his father had ascended to the seventh grade, which was why a party was being held.Zhang Wei remembered that when he was attacked on the mountains by Qin Shou and those nine cultivators, Zhang Lei was among them, and he was still in the sixth grade. From his assessment of their powers back then, none of them seemed to have reached the apex of the sixth grade yet. How could he have suddenly ascended to the seventh grade?He had an inkling regarding why but pushed it to the back of his mind as he entered. He intended to bypass the crowd and go to the apartment where the host and his mother lived. But he hadn't even entered the courtyard when his path was blocked.Zhang Wei halted in his steps, a cold glint flickering past his eyes for a second as he lazily raised his head to look at the intruder. It was a youth about the s
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"Zhang Wei... Zhang Wei!!!"Zhang Wei jolted from his trance, lazily opening his eyes to look at the intruder. It had been two days since he transmigrated into this body, and he was still struggling to adapt to the host's previous lifestyle.At this moment, he was in the courtyard trying to assess the limits of qi this body could sense. Usually, even for a mere beginner who had never cultivated, sensing some qi from the surroundings would be possible. But this body was rather hopeless.He had been meditating for two hours since dawn while Luo Yu worked in the courtyard. The sounds of her feet were a bit distracting, but he had finally managed to tap into a bit of qi in the air when someone suddenly appeared shouting his name.A youth jumped through the fence and landed a few feet from him, beaming, "Zhang Wei..."Zhang Wei sighed in frustration, knowing how difficult it would be to sense that amount of qi again. But the youth was not unfamiliar, and from his memories, he was the only
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"Don't tell me it's a wild tiger," Liang Feixing muttered warily as he stared into the dark canopy of trees."It is." Zhang Wei responded, just as a leopard peeked out of the trees and growled at them."Damn it... Run!" Upon seeing it, Liang Feixing exclaimed and was about to make a run for it but Zhang Wei grabbed him by the sleeve and pulled him to his side."Don't speak." He placed his index finger on his lips in a shushing motion before signaling to the side with his head. Liang Feixing gave a small nod before the two quietly tiptoed into the bushes.It was only then Liang Feixing noticed that a deer was grazing opposite and the leopard was waiting to pounce on it. It didn't seem to have noticed the two of them and approached the deer unawares."We finally found a forest deer but some wild animal snatched it away," Liang Feixing lamented. "We should get going before it notices us here.""No, wait." Zhang Wei shook his head and stopped him from getting up. "Another animal is coming
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Hiss!Liang Feixing wanted to retract his hand back quickly but the snake was too fast. He instinctively shut his eyes thinking he wouldn't be able to escape being bitten. But the pain he expected never came.He heard a tussle beside him so he opened his eyes to look and found Zhang Wei on the floor, struggling with the snake which he held by the throat. The snake was slippery and wanted to escape but Zhang Wei's grip was too tight. This made it angry and it hissed, sticking out its tongue to spit at him.But Zhang Wei seemed to have expected this and quickly pried his jaw apart, tearing it into two with force. The snake lost all its power after this and slid onto the floor, hissing in pain until it died.Once Zhang Wei was done, he instantly looked at Liang Feixing who still stood there, watching in awe. He gave him a probing look. "What were you standing there for? Waiting for it to bite you to death?"Liang Feixing finally came to his senses and when he heard Zhang Wei's derisive t
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They didn't seem intimidated or probably felt they could gather up and beat him, so they continued to advance.Zhang Wei's eyes glinted as he pressed even harder on the base of Quan Che's skull—a sensitive acupoint that could cause great discomfort and even death. Sure enough, Quan Che howled in pain and pounded the floor with his palm, unable to form coherent words."If you move another inch, I'll pull his acupoints and cripple him," Zhang Wei threatened as he looked up at them again. "If you don't believe me, you can try attacking me."His confidence made them stop to look at one another with doubt, but they stopped advancing.Zhang Wei wasted no more time as he looked at Quan Che, who was still in severe pain under him. "You seem to like bullying pretty much. Why are you so meek now?"He was a bully himself, but he would never put himself in such a situation. Except for the scene today, he had never lost a 1v1 fight, and it was because this body could not keep up with him. A mere b
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"Let's... stop here." Zhang Wei heaved heavily as he tried to catch his breath and placed the deer on the floor. He felt rather dizzy and had to lean on a nearby tree.Liang Feixing nodded. "Okay. Let's stop here." As he spoke, he looked behind them to see if they were still being chased. "I think they backed off already. We can wait a few minutes more."Zhang Wei nodded and slid onto the floor, patting his chest to ease breathing. This body was so weak when it came to basic physical endurance. They hadn't even run an entire village, yet he felt dizzy from running.Liang Feixing saw that he looked listless and pale and moved closer. "Let's wait more for you to recover. I forgot you can't run long distances."So, it was from the previous host. Zhang Wei clicked his tongue. It was fine if he had no essence as that wasn't his fault, but at least he should have kept his body fit and healthy for emergency situations.He sighed and pulled Quan Che's satchel over, prying it open to see its c
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