Rise of the Pauper Son-in-law

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Rise of the Pauper Son-in-law

By: Omoflex Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 19 views: 36

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Drake grew up in an orphanage home, having nothing to his name. All his life, he had worked and worked to earn every penny just to survive, and with every effort he put into life, things always seemed to work against him. His situation made him a subject of mockery and derision by everyone. The only fortunate situation to happen to him was falling in love with Summer, the only daughter of a prominent family. But even this was met with backlash and even more troubles. Summer's family kicked against the union all day but finally agreed to it for fear of losing their only daughter to depression. Drake got a job in a logistics company as a delivery agent, by the help of his in-laws. He had no respect, no love, no favours, and no comeliness to his life. Summer eventually got pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl, this became the second thing of value he had to his life. Two months to his daughter's fifth birthday anniversary, his wife had an accident which led to a critical condition for both herself and their daughter. Summer is in ICU and their daughter is declared to never walk again. Drake's in-laws blamed him for everything, threatening to end his life should anything happen to their daughter. Drake is faced with troubles on different fronts, including a lawsuit and loads of threats from a powerful family who lost their only child in the accident. However, at the height of all of these, Drake's life was about to change drastically, such that he would become the most powerful and wealthiest man in the world. But Drake must agree to his family's demands to inherit and embrace both the good and the ugly ways of the family.

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19 chapters
Chapter 1 (Accident And Hospital 1)
Drake's eyes welled up with tears as he slumped in the sterile hospital waiting room. The harsh fluorescent lights amplified the worrisome look on his face. He tried holding back the tears that were slowly finding their way down his cheeks. He turned to the wall clock, each tick amplifying his anxiety. It was like his world had shattered into a million pieces. "Not my wife and my daughter," he sighed.He wished all that was happening at that moment was nothing but a terrible dream - one he'd wake up from to see his wife, Summer, and his daughter, Michelle, right in front of him.They had just got into an accident on their way from the mall. It was two months to Michelle's birthday, and Summer had taken her to the mall to get a dress for her. It was on their way back that their car collided head on with another car.The traffic lights had malfunctioned, showing green for both directions. Summer's car entered the intersection first, but the other car travelling at a higher speed colli
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Chapter 2 (Accident And Hospital 2)
"But Mr. Sullivan," the doctor continued, "We need an immediate deposit of $5 million to begin the surgical procedure.""$5 million?!"Drake's brows furrowed. "I thought you said my wife and daughter are already stable?" Drake inquired, his eyes wide in disbelief at the mention of the outrageous sum."You see, Mr Sullivan," the doctor began. "All we did was to make sure they're out of imminent danger but we need to carry out the procedure, especially on your daughter.""My daughter? Why? What happened?" Drake asked, all in one breath."Your daughter has sustained very serious fractures and the earlier we attend to her, the better it will be for her." The doctor replied. "We need the money, because without it, we can't proceed."Drake fixed his gaze at the doctor, a puzzled look on his face, "Doctor, is there something you're not telling me?"The doctor eyes narrowed, contemplating the enormity of the news he was about to deliver, "To be honest with you Mr Sullivan, your daughter suffer
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Chapter 3 (Grandpa Walter)
"Drake, it's your grandfather," the voice at the other end was deep and calm, with an old authority. "Grandfather..." Drake sighed, recognising the voice of the man he had sworn never to identify himself with ever again.It's been years since he last heard from his grandfather or any other member of his family. Ever since the deaths of his parents, he had decided to live a life that had nothing to do with him being a Sullivan even if he still adopted the name as his last name. "Yes, Drake," grandfather Walter began. "How have you been? It's been a while."Drake's brow furrowed, wondering why grandpa Walter would call him at such a time like that. He had made up his mind never to have anything to do with his family again.Though he was from the richest and most powerful family in the world, he had refused to be identified with them due their affiliations to underground crimes and mafia activities. He left after the death of his parents by a rival family, he didn't want any part in t
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Chapter 4 (Grandfather's Intervention)
Drake couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that gnawed at him as his thoughts raced through the implications of his grandfather's unforseen intervention. How had grandpa heard about Summer's and Michelle's accident? He thought within himself. He didn't want grandpa Walter getting involved in his life again. He wanted to have nothing to do with him ever again, especially whenever the thoughts of how his parents died crossed his mind.He knew that grandfather Walter had agreed to pay his wife and daughter's hospital bills because he wanted him to come back into the family."Mr. Sullivan," the doctor began, coming out to the waiting room of the hospital to meet him. “So how were you able to raise so much money so quickly?”Drake was stunned for a second but then recollected his grandfather's words when he had told him that he would pay all his bills even though he had announced that he didn't need his help."How much payment was made?" He inquired as calmly as possible, keeping his
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Chapter 5 (In-laws And Accusations)
Drake returned home, his body heavy with exhaustion. Everything that had happened during the course of his day had really taken a toll on him. He had not imagined that something like that would happen that day. Everything had happened so fast that he had to abandon the deliveries he had to make at work that day.As soon as he stepped through the door, Fletcher and Rachel came on him, their faces tight with suspicion and anger.“How's Summer? What's happening with Michelle?” Fletcher demanded, the accusation in his tone very much palpable.Drake took a deep breath trying to remain calm. He felt there was no need telling them that his grandfather had paid the bills for both Summer and Michelle. “They're receiving the best care possible now. The payment has been made and the doctors are doing everything they can.” Drake replied, hoping to reassure them.But his words only seemed to fan flames of their distrust. “How did you manage to get the money so quickly?” Rachel asked, her voice n
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Chapter 6 (Bereaving Husband)
Drake stepped out of the crowded bus, straightening his jacket as he made his way towards the towering building of the logistics company where he worked.Entering into the lobby, he forced a smile at the security guard and made his way to the elevator. The door slid shut and for a brief moment, he allowed himself to exhale.After a couple of climbs, the elevator stopped on the fifth floor. He stepped out, his footsteps echoing on the polished floor. Heads turned and conversations hushed momentarily as he walked past. Drake kept his gaze forward, trying to ignore the skeptical eyes that seemed to be staring at him.“Look who decided to show up?” One of his colleagues began. “Heard your wife and daughter are in the hospital. All these for the wealth of the Willmounts, isn't it?”Drake's brow furrowed, puzzled by the implication of the statement. He was still processing it, When another colleague chimed in. “Aren't you one hell of a gold digger? I believe you're happy seeing your wife i
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Chapter 7 (More Accusations)
As Drake was about to pull out, the semi bald headed man asked him to wait as there were still a few more packages left to be loaded in the truck.Donald, a distant relative of Summer who was incharge of all deliveries, walked in. He was a stern looking man who had never really liked Drake and was never in support of the marriage between Drake and Summer.Hearing about the accident, he couldn't help but put the blame on Drake even if he knew quite alright that Drake had nothing to do with the accident. He so much loathed Drake that he wished it was in his power to have him fired from the company.Walking up to Drake, he eyed him with an open hostility. “So here comes the mastermind,” he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt.Drake wasn't surprised. He wasn't expecting Donald to be nicer to him than the other colleagues who had earlier picked on him but he knew he had to defend himself all the same.“Sir, it was an accident. I'll never….”Donald raised a hand, silencing him. “Save
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Chapter 8 (Mother-in-law And The Police)
The other delivery guy had pulled away already in the truck leaving him to grapple with the terror before him - Woodruff. The name alone sent shivers down his spine.Woodruff was a home for the underdogs, not to be trespassed by just anyone. It was well known for its faded storefronts and worn out buildings, the hub for criminal activities.Everything, from illegal weapons to counterfeit exchanges took place in Woodruff. He had come to know of the place through his grandfather, during those times when he was still with him.Right from that day, he had sworn never to visit that place again nor have anything to do with it. Now seeing Donald asking him to go over there to deliver a package made him wonder what exactly he was up to.“Sir, the address says Woodruff street,” Drake's eyes narrowed, as he looked back at Donald.“I know,” Donald replied. “You're a delivery guy and your job is to deliver parcels to those who need them irrespective of the location.”“But sir…” Drake tried to pro
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Chapter 9 (Mother-in-law And The Police)
“This is all your fault,” Rachel spat angrily, turning to face Drake who suddenly looked stunned, wondering how her being stopped by the police was his fault. “My daughter is lying in the hospital bed because of you,” she added.Drake found it hard to connect the dots between Summer being in the hospital and she driving recklessly but all attempts seemed to appear futile.“Mom, please..” Drake begged, his voice calm while trying to reason with the police officers to let Rachel go.“Don't you dare call me mom,” she interrupted, her voice rising. “You are nothing but a coward and a gold digger. You never deserved my daughter. Summer's greatest mistake was marrying you. Now see where it landed her - in the hospital bed battling for her life.”Drake's brows furrowed, confusion mounting up within him, almost making him want to regret having to stopped by to salvage the situation.“Mother…, not here, please.” He begged.“Then where?” Rachel snarled.The officers exchanged puzzled glances wo
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Chapter 10 (Captain Morgan)
The confrontation between Drake, Rachel and the police officers was still going on when suddenly a sleek black car pulled up at the scene.Stepping out of the car was Captain Morgan, a senior police officer, his presence immediately commanding attention.Captain Morgan was known throughout the city, not just for his rank but also for his influence. He was a tall man in his late forties with a greying hair and a stern expression.“Good afternoon sir,” the two officers saluted, throwing their hands in the air.“Good afternoon officers, what's going on here?” Captain Morgan inquired.“This woman here,” one of the officers began pointing at Rachel. “She was driving at a speed that exceeded the speed limit for minor street routes,” the first officer replied.“Yes sir, she was driving wrongly,” the other officer chimed in.They also went further to explain the situation regarding Summer being in the hospital and Rachel's claims that Drake was the one responsible for the accident and how the
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