Chapter 4 (Grandfather's Intervention)

Drake couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that gnawed at him as his thoughts raced through the implications of his grandfather's unforseen intervention. 

How had grandpa heard about Summer's and Michelle's accident? He thought within himself. He didn't want grandpa Walter getting involved in his life again. He wanted to have nothing to do with him ever again, especially whenever the thoughts of how his parents died crossed his mind.

He knew that grandfather Walter had agreed to pay his wife and daughter's hospital bills because he wanted him to come back into the family.

"Mr. Sullivan," the doctor began, coming out to the waiting room of the hospital to meet him. “So how were you able to raise so much money so quickly?”

Drake was stunned for a second but then recollected his grandfather's words when he had told him that he would pay all his bills even though he had announced that he didn't need his help.

"How much payment was made?" He inquired as calmly as possible, keeping his voice steady.

"The money paid exceeded what we needed," the doctor said. This is more than sufficient to meet all the expenses of the treatment of your wife and daughter," he said.

Drake wasn't taken aback. He knew grandpa Walter too well to kind of always want to show that money wasn't a problem to the Sullivans. The only issue was the source of the money.

It could have been just normal and peaceful with the Sullivans if only grandpa Walter wasn't so deep into all these underground and mafia activities and probably, his parents would still be alive.

"Thank you, Doctor," Drake said, nodding humbly. “Please do everything within your power to make sure my wife and daughter gets the best medical attention you have to offer.” Drake instructed.

“Definitely!” The doctor began, a reassuring smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “I assure you that your wife and daughter will get nothing short of the best of our medical attention.”

Sluggishly, Drake moved towards the intensive care unit where his wife lay unconscious. He took a seat beside her on the bed, staring at her pale figure. 

She looked still and peaceful, unaware of the troubles and worries she was making him go through. As he sat there watching her, the hum of the hospital machinery was the only sound he could hear.

He reached out gently, taking Summer's hand in his, his voice breaking with sorrow as he spoke to her still figure knowing fully well that she wasn't hearing him.

“Summer,” he began, “I know you can't hear me but I wish you could.” His voice trembled. “I spoke to my grandfather. You know, I've tried so much to distance myself from my family - not to be involved in their underground activities. But grandfather found out about you and Michelle.. I don't know how?” He admitted.

He turned to look at the life saving machine, its beep filling the room, assuring him that Summer was still alive and there was still hope for her to get better.

He paused, swallowing hard, trying to keep his composure. “Grandfather offered to help with the hospital bills. I tried refusing his help but Grandfather still went ahead to send the money.”

It felt to him like he was already losing his mind but he continued, desperately in need of someone to talk to. “I told him that I wouldn't go back, that I didn't want to have anything to do with him. But he helped anyway. He said I'm Sullivan and it's something I'll never be able to change.”

Drake's eyes welled up with tears as he continued. “I don't want to return to that life, Summer. I don't want to be involved in my grandfather's underground and mafia activities. You know why I left? I wasn't comfortable with Grandfather's ways…, his manipulations…, everything was just pissing me off. And then mom and dad died.”

Drake couldn't control the tears in his eyes anymore as they trickled down on their own accord. The memories from his past which he had so much tried to forget came back fresh, sparking a surge of emotions within him.

“I don't know what to do, Summer,” he admitted. “They won't let me be and I'm scared.”

Lowering his head, to hide the tears that were steaming down his face, his voice broke, “All I want is a happy family with you and Michelle by my side. Please don't die, Summer. Please don't.”

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