Rise of the Pauper Son-in-law
Rise of the Pauper Son-in-law
Author: Omoflex
Chapter 1 (Accident And Hospital 1)

Drake's eyes welled up with tears as he slumped in the sterile hospital waiting room. The harsh fluorescent lights amplified the worrisome look on his face. He tried holding back the tears that were slowly finding their way down his cheeks. 

He turned to the wall clock, each tick amplifying his anxiety. It was like his world had shattered into a million pieces. 

"Not my wife and my daughter," he sighed.

He wished all that was happening at that moment was nothing but a terrible dream - one he'd wake up from to see his wife, Summer, and his daughter, Michelle, right in front of him.

They had just got into an accident on their way from the mall. It was two months to Michelle's birthday, and Summer had taken her to the mall to get a dress for her. It was on their way back that their car collided head on with another car.

The traffic lights had malfunctioned, showing green for both directions. Summer's car entered the intersection first, but the other car travelling at a higher speed collided forcefully into Summer's car. 

Summer and Michelle had sustained serious injuries and were currently in the ICU. The timely intervention of emergency services salvaged the situation ensuring that Summer and Michelle arrived at the hospital early enough to get medical attention.

Unfortunately, the other victim lost the child to the cold hands of death, having suffered much severe condition from the collision.

The doctor approached, a folder clutched in his hand, his expression grave. He was a young man in his early 30’s almost the same age as Drake. 

Drake sprang to his feet, rushing to meet the doctor, "How are they?" He asked.

"Mr Sullivan," the doctor began. "Your wife and daughter are stable, but we must act fast to avoid further complications."

Drake's brow furrowed, "What do you mean, doctor?"

"Your wife has sustained injuries and your daughter's condition is really serious. We need to carry out an operation immediately," 

Confusion and fear gripped Drake, his mind reeling with the severity of the situation. "What can I do? Tell me, I'll do it," Drake's pleading voice echoed through the waiting room.

Before the doctor could respond, his in-laws Fletcher and Rachel Willmount stormed in, their faces masked in fury and grief.

"You!" Fletcher exclaimed, jabbing a finger at Drake. "This is all your doing!" He shouted, his voice ringing through the waiting room causing other people who were also waiting to be attended to, to look surprised wondering what the cause of the commotion was.

"You think we don't know your plan?" Rachel chimed in. "You want our daughter's inheritance, and this was your way to get it!"

Drake staggered back, his surprise palpable. "What? No! I would never hurt Summer nor my daughter, Michelle. I love them both more than anything. How can you think that?" He cried.

Rachel stared at him, her eyes cold and accusing, "Save your lies. If anything happens to our daughter, you'll pay dearly. Mark my words," she spat angrily.

“Yes, Drake,” Fletcher chimed in. “If anything happens to Summer, you'll regret the day you got married to her.”

With that, they turned and left. Drake stood there, trembling. He couldn't believe his in-laws would accuse him of harming his own wife, their daughter. 

He knew they didn't like him for Summer from the beginning but that he would harm his own wife sounded unfair to him.

Turning back to the doctor, "Please, doctor. What can I do to save them?" He whispered, his voice barely audible.

The doctor placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We need your consent for the surgery, and we need you to stay strong. Your family needs you now more than ever," he said gently.

“Doctor, please save them,” Drake pleaded. 

“Don't worry, Mr Sullivan,” the doctor said. “Your wife and daughter are in the best possible hands.”

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