Chapter 10 (Captain Morgan)

The confrontation between Drake, Rachel and the police officers was still going on when suddenly a sleek black car pulled up at the scene.

Stepping out of the car was Captain Morgan, a senior police officer, his presence immediately commanding attention.

Captain Morgan was known throughout the city, not just for his rank but also for his influence. He was a tall man in his late forties with a greying hair and a stern expression.

“Good afternoon sir,” the two officers saluted, throwing their hands in the air.

“Good afternoon officers, what's going on here?” Captain Morgan inquired.

“This woman here,” one of the officers began pointing at Rachel. “She was driving at a speed that exceeded the speed limit for minor street routes,” the first officer replied.

“Yes sir, she was driving wrongly,” the other officer chimed in.

They also went further to explain the situation regarding Summer being in the hospital and Rachel's claims that Drake was the one responsible for the accident and how they've come to side with Drake who appeared to be innocent of Rachel's claims.

Captain Morgan's eyes narrowed as he listened to the officers, his eyes flicking between Drake and Rachel.

Recognising Rachel as the wife of Fletcher Wilmont was the reason he had stopped to intervene. He and Fletcher had met at a function where he saw Rachel for the first time, although from what he was seeing, he could tell that Rachel didn't recognize him.

“You shunned Mrs. Wilmont, a prominent woman in this city over him?” Captain Morgan's voice was incredulous, almost disdainful. “What were you thinking?”

Rachel couldn't hide her surprise, wondering how the captain knew who she was. But all the same, she was happy that someone whose rank was higher had come to intervene on her behalf.

The first officer tried to explain, “Sir, we were just trying to follow protocol. This woman here was being disruptive and we needed to…’’

“Enough!” Captain Morgan interrupted harshly. He turned to Rachel, his tone apologetic, “I'm sorry, Mrs. Wilmont. I really apologize for the conduct of my officers. They clearly misunderstood the whole situation.”

Rachel couldn't help but melt into a smug of satisfaction as she straightened her shoulder, regaining her composure. “Thank you, sir,” she greeted. “You seem to know me well even if I don't really know you,” Rachel added.

“Oh! I'm Captain Morgan. I'm a friend of your husband Fletcher. We met at the states function last month and that's where he introduced you to me as his wife.” Captain Morgan replied.

“Sorry, I didn't recognize you. There were so many people at that function that I just couldn't possibly remember everyone.” Rachel apologized.

“It's okay ma'am. Once again I apologize for the way my officers treated you.”

“Thank you, Captain Morgan,” Rachel smirked. “It's about time someone realized who was in the right here.”

Captain Morgan then faced Drake, his expression hardening. “You, what's your name?” 

“It's Drake. Drake Sullivan,” Drake replied, struggling to keep his voice steady.

“Mr. Sullivan, you should know better than to cause such troubles, especially with someone of Mrs. Wilmont's standing. Consider yourself lucky that we didn't take any further actions,” Captain Morgan scolded.

Rachel stepped forward, her voice sharp and triumphant. “And another thing, Drake. You may think you're clever, but don't forget your place. You're responsible for Summer's suffering and I will not let you forget it.”

Drake's gaze focused on Rachel and then back to Captain Morgan. From everything that was happening, it was glaring that there was nothing he'd say that will make Captain Morgan listen to him but he knew he had to say something just to defend himself.

“Sir, I didn't do anything wrong. This is all a misunderstanding.”

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