Chapter 11 (Drake's Arrest)

Regret washed over Drake as Captain Morgan shunned him, telling him to save his explanations, “I never asked you to defend yourself, did I?” Captain Morgan snarled.

Drake blamed himself for deciding to stop and try to reason with the police officers over his mother in-law. He should have known better than to think that she'd appreciate him trying to intervene. 

It was at that point that it really dawned on him that Rachel would never accept him as her son in-law. Her hatred for him was just too deeply rooted.

Captain Morgan was still scolding him as though he was a three year old kid and it was already getting him infuriated.

“Sir, are you saying that I have no right to defend myself?” Drake finally asked, his frustration evident in the tone from which he spoke.

Captain Morgan's eyes opened wide in disbelief. He wasn't expecting a low life peasant like Drake to question him. He felt insulted and for that reason, decided to teach Drake a lesson.

Seeing that there was no explanation he'd give that would make the captain listen to him, Drake decided to leave and continue with his job of going to deliver the packages that Donald had asked him to deliver at Woodruff.

Just as he was about to leave, Captain Morgan's voice cut through the air, “Officers, arrest him for questioning?” He ordered the two other officers.

The two officers exchanged puzzled glances wondering why Captain Morgan would suddenly want Drake to be arrested when it was so obvious that he had done nothing wrong to deserve it.

“Why, sir? For what purpose? What did I do wrong?” Drake asked, all in one breath.

Captain Morgan's eyes were cold and unyielding. “Didn't you hear what she said? That you're responsible for her daughter's accident?”

Drake's pulse quickened, “That's a lie! I had nothing to do with the accident. And besides, it's not right for you to take me based on her words alone!”

But his protest fell on deaf ears. The officers approached him. They knew they had no reason to arrest him but since the order had come from a superior officer, there was nothing they could do other than to carry it out without questioning, else they'll lose their jobs.

They seized him, placing the cuffs on his wrists, a sly smile tugged at the corners of Rachel's lips as she watched the cold metal bite Drake's skin.

“This is a mistake,” Drake shouted, struggling against the restraints. I didn't do anything wrong!”

Rachel couldn't have been more satisfied than she was at that moment, watching the police officers treat Drake with so much disrespect, just like she always wanted him to be treated.

As the officers were leading Drake towards the patrol car, a sudden ring cut through the tense atmosphere - It was Captain Morgan's phone ringing.

His brow furrowed, as he looked at the strange number. “Hello, this is Captain Morgan,” he said, answering the phone, waiting for what the caller at the other end had to say.

He listened to the caller at the other end, after which his face grew increasingly stern. “Understood,” he finally replied, his voice tight.

Dropping the call, he turned to the officers who were already forcing Drake to go into the patrol car. “Let him go, now!” He ordered.

“But sir,” the first officer began, unable to hide his confusion. “What's going on here?”

“We've been ordered to let him go,” Captain Morgan replied harshly.

“But by who, sir?” The other officer inquired, his curiosity piqued.

“Will you just do as you are told and stop asking questions?” Captain Morgan blurted out angrily.

Drake felt a rush of relief, as well as confusion. Who had intervened on his behalf and why? He thought within himself.

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