Chapter 12 (Sympathy For Mother-in-law)

The officers exchanged surprised glances but quickly uncuffed Drake, their faces reflecting a mixture of regret and respect.

Drake rubbed his sore wrists, his mind reeling from the rapid turn of events.

Just a few seconds ago, he was being ordered to be arrested and just before he knew it, the decision had been overruled by someone who seemed to be more powerful than Captain Morgan.

“We're very sorry, Mr. Sullivan,” the first officer apologized, his voice earnest. "This was a misunderstanding.”

Captain Morgan sensing the potential fallout, quietly took his leave, feeling defeated. He had no idea who Drake was until the call came in. He couldn't afford to make an enemy of someone who had such powerful backing.

The risk to his career was far too great. He thanked his stars that he hadn't done more than he had done before the call came in. It would have been the biggest mistake of his life.

Rachel's face contoured with confusion and anger as she watched the officers take off the cuffs f
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