Chapter 13 (Grandpa Walter's Influence)

The first officer walked up to his colleague and asked him not to go ahead to issue the citation against Rachel for reckless driving.

“Let her go,” he said, his voice firm.

“Really?” The second officer asked, looking surprised. He couldn't understand what was actually happening.

“Yes, her son in-law had pleaded on her behalf.” The first officer replied, trying to make his colleague understand the reason why the had changed his mind.

“What about the citation against her for reckless driving?” The other officer asked.

“That won't be needed anymore,” the first officer replied, dismissing any attempt to continue with issuing the citation against Rose.

Turning to Drake who was about to leave, “We apologize again for the misunderstanding, Mr. Sullivan.” The second officer said, his tone sincere.

He couldn't help but admire him. Even though Rachel had been rude to him all along, he still begged for her and that alone had made Drake earn his respect.

Drake nodded, accepting the apology also
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