Chapter 14 (Woodruff Street)

As Drake approached the entrance of the delivery location in Woodruff, a feeling of unease gnawed within him. It was just like the last time he saw it, even worse.

There were more dilapidated buildings lined up along the street, their windows falling apart, doors out of place and roofs almost completely off the buildings, yet groups of people met in these buildings.

Dark alleyways seemed to stretch endlessly, shadows moving within them, emanating a constant threat of violence causing a wave of fear to course through Drake.

Moving forward, his eyes caught sight of a group of men who looked like sentries keeping watch for any signs of trouble or unwelcome intruders.

The occasional flare of a lighter and the glow of cigarettes illuminated their faces, revealing expressions hardened by years of survival in the underworld.

Drake tightened his grip on the handlers of his bike, his heart pounding. He managed to navigate through the narrow streets and menacing stares until he finally arrive
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