Chapter 15 (Hitler Ivanov a.k.a Viking)

“What!” Hitler Ivanov's exclamation pierced through the dimly lit room where he sat with his most trusted lieutenants as he opened the package which Drake had delivered to him through one of his thugs.

Hitler Ivanov, popularly called “Viking” was the leader of a small notorious gang whose operations weren't just limited to Woodruff but to other similar places within the city.

He was greatly feared and respected amongst other gang leaders who operated in the underworld, just like the notorious Adolph Hitler of the Nazis in Germany.

His operations were vast and complex, spanning illegal arm deals, drug trafficking and money laundering.

He had earned himself the nickname “Viking” as a result of his cunningness and show of no mercy. No one had ever stepped on his way and lived to tell the tale afterwards.

He had opened the package with a sense of anticipation, expecting the arms he had been promised only to be met with the surprise that contained in the box was nothing were toys for littl
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