The Formidable Vicario Returns

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The Formidable Vicario Returns

By: Unusual L.A Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 8 views: 42

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The era of Lorenzo, the devoted boyfriend, was over. Reborn from those depths was a man forged in the fires of humiliation and betrayal. A man whose sole purpose was to make Michael and those who had wronged him full.   One way or another, this city would be mine. And those who once mocked me would kneel at its feet, forced to bear witness to my ascension.   ****   Little did Lorenzo, now known as Vicario, know that his wish for vengeance would be granted the night he vowed retribution against those who had wronged him.   After spending some years building a fearsome reputation abroad after a humiliating past in his home city, he returned to exert his rage.   However, he uncovered a startling family secret his mother had kept hidden—a revelation that threatened to derail his single-minded pursuit of revenge.   As he navigated this newfound truth, would the formidable figure he had become be shaken? Or would unearthing his origins only fuel the flames of his vowed retribution? Or would his descent into the darkest recesses of his past prove to unearth more than he bargained for?     In this gripping tale of one man's thirst for payback, loyalties will be tested, secrets exposed, and the depths of vengeance explored.

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8 chapters
Chapter One
“Lorenzo, before you sign out, I want you to make one last delivery for the day.” I was walking to the staff room to sign out on the logbook when Ben's words, the manager's, prompted me to turn in frustration.I had been making deliveries since the company opened and even had to work overtime because one of the two other people that was meant to be on shift with me called in sick.The same Ben told me to cover the person's tasks, which I unhesitatingly did, but it seemed I could never satisfy him or the owner of the company, Michael Anderson, no matter what I did. I had been working for the fast food delivery company for two years, but I had never been rewarded for my diligence. Many people who were employed after me had been promoted, but I had never even been rewarded once.But I never cared about it. Even though I was nobody and had nothing, I had never sought validation from people and would never.Regardless of how Michael considered me and treated me like I was worthless and s
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Chapter Two
My heart raced as I struggled to find words, my mind reeling with a whirlwind of emotions. I blinked my eyes twice, hoping it was not her. It can never be my Sarah that was before me. Never!But as I gazed into her eyes, I saw the truth reflected back at me.“Sarah, what are you doing here?” I asked her in disbelief. “Lorenzo,” she muttered.“What are you doing here?” I asked her again because that was all that mattered to me at that moment.“I…I…”It suddenly became clear to me that she was there to have sex with Michael, given her stuttering and appearance, although I had initially hoped for a different reason.“You must be kidding me.” I scoffed.I could not believe my eyes as my world fell apart before I realised that the very woman around whom my life revolved was cheating on me. With that jerk, for that matter! Then the devil himself showed up.“I guess everything has been revealed.” He chuckled as he appeared from behind the door.Both I and Sarah were surprised as our gaze
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Chapter Three
“You are under arrest for physically assaulting Mr. Michael and for causing disturbance in his peaceful house.” The other cop replied.“What?” I was surprised that they did not interrogate any of us before coming to a conclusion. That is exactly what they were expected to do.“Just get him out of here.” That was when it dawned on me that that was the reason Michael said that I would regret my actions. He had obviously called them before he showed up behind the door.I could not believe the cops meant their words until one of them started approaching me.My eyes locked with Sarah’s as I expected her to plead with Michael on my behalf, even though everything that happened before me moments ago broke my heart, but she did not.She seemed not to take what was happening anymore and left, her eyes tinged with pity, leaving me with Michael and the two cops.“What the hell are you doing? This is a violation of my rights.” I wanted to call their senses into them as if they had been spellboun
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Chapter Four
As I was returned to the cell, I reflected on my conversation with Sarah. “Is it really over between us? That I thought I had found an eternal love and soul mate.” I shook my head.Devastated and heartbroken, I finally decided to agree to the terms set by Michael, as long as I would be set free.“I will make sure he pays for everything he has done to me in a hundred folds till this moment.” I swore under my breath, full of determination.I knew that I would still be ridiculed and humiliated by him—at least once—but I was determined that once I leave there, I will start working on my payback for him—for coming in between and separating me and Sarah.I asked to see the cop who arrested me since he seemed to be on his payroll.“Tell Michael that I'm ready to do as he said.” I informed the cop.Time slowly ticked by. As seconds become minutes, and minutes stretch into hours. Finally, when the sun was setting in the sky, the door to my cell creaked open, and I heard my name called out.“Y
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Chapter Five
"Hey!" I shouted, my voice ragged from the exertion. "Stop!"He did not react; he did not even flinch at my cry. With a few more strides, my legs pumping furiously, I reached him.Throwing myself at him, I managed to get a grip around his middle just as he was about to fall. With a grunt of effort, I heaved backwards, using every ounce of strength to divert his trajectory.The two of us went tumbling as we hit the ground hard with a bone-jarring thud. Gasping for air, I disentangled myself and pushed up on my hands to get a look at my would-be rescuee. He was already trying to clamber back to his feet, eyes wild and teeth bared in a feral snarl."What's wrong with you, man?" I wheezed, frantically scanning for anything that could subdue him without serious harm. "Snap out of it! Are you under some kind of spell?"He did not respond.Though his face was obscured in the shadows, I could sense the anger radiating off of him in waves. His body was tensed, fists clenched at his sides a
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Chapter Six
“What if what?” Chris stared back at me intently, hungering for whatever I wanted to say.Pausing for effect, I drew in a long, measuring breath before continuing in a low, resonant tone. "What if there was a way to get back at those responsible? To make them pay for what they've done?"He scoffed in disbelief. “And what could that be?”I informed him that since his daughter was not yet legally eligible to succeed him, I should be his successor until then. "With that position, I can uncover those responsible and punish them," I added.He looked at me with scornful contempt, chuckling bitterly. "Do you think the world is a child's play? It is far more complex than people like you perceive it to be."Little did he know how determined I was to attain that position and become the person I now aspired to be.I tried to convince him that I could, even though I didn't know how. I was fueled by determination, but he still underestimated me."I don't need that," he said."I've accepted this a
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Chapter Seven
Two years had passed since I, now known as Vicario, had shed my old identity and embraced a new life in the heart of Italy. The bustling streets of New York were a distant memory, replaced by the rustic charm of Italian villas and the sprawling estates that I now call my domain. Though my title was consigliere to Chris, earned through years of rigorous legal study, my reputation as Vicario struck fear into the hearts of many across the country. The man who was once looked down on in New York had evolved into a powerful force, amassing immense wealth and influence. My transformation was complete—not only in spirit but in body as well. My once slender frame, reminiscent of a man perpetually on the edge of starvation, was now powerfully built, thanks to years of intense training, and had been sculpted into a figure of power and intimidation. And my face, once soft and youthful, had hardened into a rugged visage with a thick moustache that masked any remnants of my former self.Contra
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Chapter Eight
"Mr. Savino?" One of the two men called out as I approached.I immediately realised Henderson had sent them to pick me up from the airport, despite my instructions not to. This kind of action might have been what led Sophia's kidnapper to connect her with Chris."I assume you gentlemen are here for me," I said, stopping in front of them. I offered a handshake to the one who seemed to be the boss—a man with a wrinkled face and a scar on his forehead. He glanced at my hand sceptically before scoffing and ignoring it."Follow us," he ordered curtly, muttering something inaudible afterward.I felt slighted by the snub. Normally, I wouldn't have offered a handshake, especially in Italy, but I had hoped to be friendly in order not to arouse suspicion from any of them."What are you waiting for? Did your legs stop working?" The wrinkled man called out impatiently, raising his eyebrows after he had turned, seeing that I was still fixated on the same spot.His subordinate smirked. With a f
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