My unlimited lavishing system

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My unlimited lavishing system

By: Slaywriter Updated just nowSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 96

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Smith lost his parents in a car accident, and his brother died some days after. He was left to take care of his sister, who was suddenly diagnosed with a brain tumor. Smith didn't have any money, and his wife would rather spend money to buy a bag than save his sister's life. He was looked down upon and teased in front of all families. When Smith thought it was all over for him, something surged within him: {Congratulations! Welcome to the lavishing system. Warning, you must spend 10 million dollars every day, or else, the system will depart}.

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  • Slaywriter


    I am a first time author here, please support me with your review

    2024-06-28 08:38:57
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11 chapters
chapter 1
Chapter 1 Smith's hands crawled into Ella's sick cold hands. Her breath shaking. He watched his sister gradually fade into the cold hands of death with the name of brain tumor, helpless.Just like he was three years ago. The memories of his parents being shot in the head were still fresh in his mind like it was yesterday, his body trembling as more memories flooded into his head.And what about Junior Smith, he could not save his junior brother from those brutal stabs that ended his life a while ago.Smith's breaths were sucked deep into his lungs and his heart was flustered with memories and emotions running through him."You have to stay strong, sister. For me. I am going to feel miserable if anything happens to you again." His voice drifted off into a whisper."Mr. Smith?" A similar voice came from behind."Doctor Glim. How is she doing? She doesn't seem to be getting... Getting any better." Smith said with a tint of pain in his voice that made the doctor, carrying a handful of do
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chapter 2
Smith ran his hands through his head which was all over the place once again. His heart racing at this moment.The thought of his sister dying fell into his mind but he quickly pushed it away from his head."I can't let that creep into my mind. There has to be a way." Smith muttered to himself.Smith drew a deep breath. He could not go to the bank because he was already owed a large amount of money. There was only one place that he could go to at the moment.His heart raced, pulling off from the spot. Smith was already at the mansion of the Hera's family business group.He knew how it was whenever he came here but he had to do this for his sister. His hands slide through the door.Mr. Alfred, his grandfather, sat on the chair with a broad smile on his face with a group of people walking forward towards him."Mr. Alfred! I got you wine that was made from the finest brew in Italy and it's with over five hundred dollars, please accept this as my little present." A man dressed in a busin
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chapter 3
3 Smith was still lost in his daze. Staring at this strange screen that has appeared before him.Was it real? Or it was just his sorrows that had gotten the better part of him. The last time that he remembered, these things were supposed to happen only in fiction. [ Lavish statement downloading }{ 10% 30% 50% 80% }{ Download successful }{$2,000,000 has been top up in your dashboard}.{ First quest: To unlock the dashboard, host must pay his sister's surgery bills }The screen flashed, making him fall back in his steps, he Scoffed, "I think I also need surgery in my brain".{You have been chosen, you just have to try it out!}. A cryptic voice resound in his hand. He looked around, "Is all of this true? If i had such a large amount of money. That way I wouldn't have to worry about anything again.' He thought."Are you okay?" Ella's voice came from behind interrupting his train of thoughts.He stared at her pale sickly face with the emotions rising in him once again and he nodded
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chapter 4
4Smith's heart felt like a burden had been lifted. His eyes quietly shot, all his sorrows drifting away gradually when."I can't believe this is happening!" A yell woke me up with a startle. Looking ahead, he could see an extremely stunning lady with the perfect shape and a classic look.She was surrounded by a group of guards trying to protect her. Until he saw the manager shaking right before her.Smith knew the manager because he had run a search about the kind of place that he would be bringing her sister into.The radius was not far away so he could hear almost everything that they were saying at this moment."Can't we look for other investors ma'am!" The voice of the manager sounded so desperate as he inquired."An investor? Do you think that I haven't searched for it?" Her angry voice filled the room in an instant. But even with the dripping anger, it still sounded sweet."That bitch that I call a husband. After sticking to him for years. He tries to run away with the money t
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chapter 5
5{Congratulations! You have been gifted 1 golden points for completing the daily task}Smith was surprised, but how can he get hold of the gold?. He wondered.{Golden points can be used to unlock new skills}."Wow". He said as he kept walking to his destination. Smith stretched with a long yawn as he watched exclusive-looking people walking in and out of Trinity Five Star Hotel, rumored to be one of the most expensive hotels in the city.It was evident from the way the people who walked in and out were dressed and the exclusive cars in the parking lot. It was a place that should have been out of the league."How about that long-deserved rest!" Smith said to himself with a smile, walking gradually into the hotel.It had been an extremely long day for him. And"Hey! Do you want something!" He heard a yell just ahead of him and his eyes wandered towards that direction.The receptionist had seized him up. She had never seen anyone that was so ragged walking into that place. For her,
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chapter 6
6 Jule's eyes popped. Her nails dug into her skin until it bled. But the sight before her was reality.Or she would rather say a nightmare. That room had not been occupied in a while because not everyone would be able to cough out two million dollars in one go. And Smith, he was able to do that without even blinking. She was dead. Smith could tell the manager of the Trinity Hotel to sack her and he would not be hesitant.The rude words that she had spoken started running off through her head once again and her breath was lost in her lungs at the moment.With a wobbling leg, she crawled towards Smith and fell on her lips, not daring to look at his face."Please, sir. Please forgive me. I was so ignorant and stupid when I said those words. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me, sir." She pleaded, a thick stream of tears flooring down her eyes.Meanwhile, the crowd was beginning to snap out from their dazes with fear in their hearts. For Smith to be able to afford such an amo
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chapter 7
7 Kelly's eyes drafted forward towards someone in the room and his face tilted into a deep frown.Clara also recognized the person who was standing right before her. He was supposed to be the martial arts specialist of the company so what was he doing with that trash earlier?"You fool!" His hands were pointed with disdain towards Clara."How dare you talk to Fred, my good friend, in such a manner? Do you have a death wish? And you even dared to get him kicked out?" He yelled at her."It has nothing to do with you, Kelly. That was my department and you should have nothing to do with it.""Your department? You are a lowly slut. Do you know how many years I have been here? With just a snap of my hands, I will get you fired and you know that!" He snapped a snare at Clara but she was frightened no more.Hearts raced as Fred turned his direction right towards Smith. All the vines that lined up his body were already popping out at the moment."You! You are going to tell me where you got th
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chapter 8
Smith's eyes locked onto Kelly,. He knew he couldn't take on a martial arts specialist like Kelly without some help. He needed his martial skills unlocked, to fight him."System, unlock my martial skills," Smith said, his voice firm and commanding.{Processing...please wait for one minute for it to be integrated into your body}.Smith's eyes widened in panic. One minute? That was too long! Kelly was already charging towards him, his fists flying in a flurry of punches."No, no, no! I need it now!" Smith shouted, his desperation growing. {Processing...please wait for one minute. You should have told me this before and it will be integrated by now, please wait.}.It's already late, smith was in front of him already as he delivered a super power punch at him right in his face. Smith staggered and nearly fell down.Everyone gasped, while the CEO uttered, "Wasted… what is he thinking, he can't fight Kelly".{70%, 75%...}."Be quick please". Smith uttered as he gathered himself up, but Kel
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chapter 9
Clara was a very funny lady who kept cracking Smith up, she told her about her life and how good she was in marketing strategy department. They have a good night gist, before going to sleep. like, actually slept, no plot twist here. {fuck up man} The system tingled him. ***** The Next morning, smith was awoken by the bright light that shines directly into the room, he groaned as he wake up, he looked beside him and couldn't find Clara, she only left a note. *good bye, thanks so much.. Actually, I had stopped working here, I have to attend to my mother, she is suffering from heart disease and need my personal assistant, thanks for making my day special, I really pray all rich people are like you* reading the message broke smith heart, he immediately got up and dressed up then sprinted out, he met the hotel owner Veronica, he stopped her and asked for Clara. "she left this morning, she re-sign", Veronica sternly stated. "is there any way I can contact with her", he asked w
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chapter 10
Smith didn't even think about Alfred's family, they are just a piece of shit that required to be ignored. Smith made his way to the hospital to check on his sister, just as he was about to enter, he was being pushed away."Get the fuck out of the way!"One of the hundreds of thugs said as they rushed inside the hospital, all with batons, while even others had knives and cutlasses.He shivered and wondered what they were here for. Before he could know it, the thugs are already vandalizing the hospital, smashing everything that comes Their way, and anything they encounter.Then, someone brushed past him, he dressed in a long black coat and wore an undertaker hat and a black glasses, he looked like the actor in the movie "matrix".As soon as he entered, all of the thugs stopped, made a way for him and bent down."Master!". They crossed his name.The hospital's staff has already went to Their hiding, leaving only four security guards to faced them.The matrix man stepped forward and roare
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