chapter 7


Kelly's eyes drafted forward towards someone in the room and his face tilted into a deep frown.

Clara also recognized the person who was standing right before her. He was supposed to be the martial arts specialist of the company so what was he doing with that trash earlier?

"You fool!" His hands were pointed with disdain towards Clara.

"How dare you talk to Fred, my good friend, in such a manner? Do you have a death wish? And you even dared to get him kicked out?" He yelled at her.

"It has nothing to do with you, Kelly. That was my department and you should have nothing to do with it."

"Your department? You are a lowly slut. Do you know how many years I have been here? With just a snap of my hands, I will get you fired and you know that!" He snapped a snare at Clara but she was frightened no more.

Hearts raced as Fred turned his direction right towards Smith. All the vines that lined up his body were already popping out at the moment.

"You! You are going to tell me where you got that money from!" Fred glared.

Smith continued to look undisturbed, getting up slightly from his seat and he said.

"And why do you want to know? Since when did we become that close?"

Fred was dripping over with fury and his face was burning red, a finger of accusation pointing directly at Smith.

"You think that I don't know? You stole that money from Grandpa, didn't you? I was there when you came begging for money and now you have two million dollars to spend recklessly. Do you think that I am going to fall for that?" Fred thundered.

"You! You will have to get him dealt with at my orders! Get him arrested right this moment."

Fred knew that his name was big in the city. He thought that the staff was going to shiver in her boots. But it turned out that he was wrong.

Her stare was strong. Overbearing with her air of professionalism and her shoulders were straight right up in the air

"I'm afraid. No security agent can step into this place and arrest a customer. We were granted immunity by the parliament. As long as he has made his payment. How he got it doesn't matter to us. You can wait outside for as long as Mr. Smith has decided to be here." She replied.

With each passing word, it felt more like a stab right through the heart of Fred. He wanted to see Smith boiling over with pain and pay for the way that he had been treated just a while ago.

"Then I will get him out," Kelly said. Clara quickly stepped forward between him and Smith and stared right into Kelly's eyes.

"You know our policy. You can't do that! I will stop you." She said

But immediately after she said these words, Kelly burst into laughter. He could not believe that such a petty looking person was even daring to challenge him. Had he gone that low?

"It looks like you don't know me, darling. Do you know how many people that I have dealt with? I worked with the president. If I wanted you dead, you would be already. So don't mistake my kind gesture or I will make that happen in a split second." Kelly threatened Boost fully with raging eyes.

"Then let's fight it out. You feel you are so powerful, don't you? Then let's fight." Smith was already getting fed up.

Everyone that was in the room was stunned at the moment. Even for Clara. Even with her brave act, she still knew the beast that someone like Kelly could be.

She wanted to sway Smith away but his heart was already made up. Kelly chuckled evilly, stepping forward.

"You want to fight with me? Or did I just hear wrong?"

"I don't want to fight with you, I would beat you," Smith replied.

Kelly laughed out aloud. It was one of the funniest things that he had heard in quite a while.

He stared at Smith with a smack on his face. It had been long since he had someone for a pouncing bag and Smith, he was going to be just perfect.

They needed a clear place and they went to the lobby and the receptionist stand. Kelly had already gathered all the staff around who were stunned also, he even notified the customer, so he could entertain them.

The people were surprised, Finding it difficult that their rich crush wants to pick a fight with someone like Kelly.

"Such a cute face. And it's going to go all to ruin. What a waste." One of them said,

The door split open and a lady walked in. She was stunning, her skin was silk, and looked different from every other rich person.

"Good day, ma." The workers bowed down right before her and Smith could easily see that she was the CEO.

Her eyes wandered around. Most of the workers had been rounded up for a meeting that she knew nothing about and she frowned deeply.

"Do you care to tell me what's going on here?" She Inquired with furrowed brows.

Seeing that she was the closest to the CEO, Clara went ahead with the explanation.

After which, the CEO looked at Kelly with a look of disdain. Not believing that he would go against the company policy after so many years.

But he wasn't someone that could just be done away with. He was powerful and could take down most of their guards.

Her eyes went to the man who wanted to engage in a fight with the martial arts specialist and she was stunned.

There was nothing special about him and he didn't even look like someone that could throw a successful punch.

"Was he really out of his mind?" She whispered to herself.

But the confidence that was in the eyes of this man. He had never seen anything like it before and the CEO found this interesting. She wanted to give it a look.

She looked at Kelly before her eyes went back to Smith and she said.

"You guys want to fight right? I will let you! You are adults anyways." She added.

Smith's cold gaze met with that of Kelly who had a large grin on his face, waiting for how he was going to beat this person.

"When I win! I want him to be sacked!" Everyone already knew who he was talking about and the grin on his face became even larger.

"And if I lose I am going to be taken to the police. Just like you want." Smith carved out the terms.

"We have a deal then. Except it should have been when you lost!" Kelly said and Smith said nothing after all.

The lady nodded to the agreement.

Thoughts were running through his mind at the moment

"I doubt it if you even survive it to the police station." Kelly looked deeper at Smith with a sinister look on his face.

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