chapter 6


Jule's eyes popped. Her nails dug into her skin until it bled. But the sight before her was reality.

Or she would rather say a nightmare. That room had not been occupied in a while because not everyone would be able to cough out two million dollars in one go.

And Smith, he was able to do that without even blinking. She was dead. Smith could tell the manager of the Trinity Hotel to sack her and he would not be hesitant.

The rude words that she had spoken started running off through her head once again and her breath was lost in her lungs at the moment.

With a wobbling leg, she crawled towards Smith and fell on her lips, not daring to look at his face.

"Please, sir. Please forgive me. I was so ignorant and stupid when I said those words. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me, sir." She pleaded, a thick stream of tears flooring down her eyes.

Meanwhile, the crowd was beginning to snap out from their dazes with fear in their hearts. For Smith to be able to afford such an amount of money, then it could only mean that he was a very powerful person who was only in disguise.

The fact that they had said terrible things about him made their heart drop to the bottom of their feet. He could take their lives at any time if he so wanted.

Jules looked up, hoping that Smith would yield. She was ready to give in to anything. Even though it meant giving up her beautiful body.

"I don't need to take revenge. That would be very petty of me. If I had wanted my revenge, I would have started with someone else." He stared at Fred who was instantly taken aback, still lost for words.

"There is no way that you all believe all of these right? I am sure that he stole that card. That can be the only explanation."

Everyone stared at Fred with different looks on their faces. He was the reason that they had almost gotten themselves into a lot of trouble.

Jules got the guards and Fred was kicked out no matter how hard he tried to struggle.

Meanwhile, the young staff was stuffed with joy that she was the one who had helped.

"Please come with me sir and I will take you to your room." She said respectfully and Smith liked that.

Smith nodded, flowing her to an exclusive room with tempered glass and the beach at full bloom outside. It has a swimming pool too.

It felt like paradise for Smith since he had never been anywhere that was this beautiful before. He thought about Ella. The imagination of how jumpy she would have been after seeing such filled his head and he smiled.

"Do you like it here sir? I mean you do have a lot of money and we might not meet your taste." She chuckled slightly.

Smith looked at how stunning the lady that was before him was, sprinkled with every sense of humor.

"I love it. The right amount of food would do."

"Then I will have the kitchen department working." She said with a warm surface smile.

A few minutes later, Smith had the menu in his hands and was browsing through the list of items that he could pick out from while the staff did all the explaining.

She noticed that he was having difficulty with all of these and since he had been here for a while, it was easy to run him through.

Smith had taken out what he wanted. Restraining himself not to choose everything that was on the list.

She was about to leave when Smith pulled her back. She was still startled for a while until he inquired.

"You haven't told me your name ma. At least I should know the name of the person serving me."

"Sure. My name is Clara." She replied

A few minutes later, the food was brought by Clara. The aroma filled the air and he could barely breathe properly. It was one of the sweetest things that he had sniffed in quite a while.

While she stood at the edge, Smith gulped down his food barely chewing. The sensation of it raced throughout his body.

After he was done, Clara packed everything up. Smith was tired and wanted to rest when the hologram popped right before him.

{ New Task unlocked }

{ Miss Clara was not happy in the last twenty hours. For a task to be successful, you have to make her happy}

Smith read the message and looked up at Clara who was already walking away from the room.

"Clara!" He called and she stood with the ever alluring smile still on her face.

"Do you need anything, sir?" She inquired seeing that he wasn't saying anything.

Smith could feel a surge of awkwardness surging through his body at this moment as he looked into her eyes.

"You did a wonderful job as my guide and everything. Thank you." Smith began.

"It's nothing, sir! I'm just doing my job and nothing more." She replied.

"Nah! Since you have made me happy. How about I make you happy too."

Clara turned her face around as it flashed red with a blush. Her heart heaving out a heavy breath at the moment.

The smile that was once on her face had suddenly disappeared, memories running through her head at the moment.

"What could I do to make you happy?" Smith inquired.

She was still scared trying not to stare. She was just an ordinary girl from a poor background while Smith was a millionaire trying to keep a low profile. They were the farthest worlds apart at the moment.

She drew a deep breath as Smith gestured for her to sit. He could see through her. The sorrows that clouded her soul.

"If you need someone to talk to about anything. I'm here."

She gently sat down setting some boundaries between them. She was really passing through alot and just putting on a weak smile.

"My mother has been sick and she has to move around with the aid of a wheelchair. My brother ran away with the property that my late father left and all the responsibilities are on me. And it has never been easy, I'm broken and have no one to talk to." A strand of tears escaped from her eyes as she spoke and her voice broke.

"I just need a hug. Mr. Smith." The boundaries that were once between them were suddenly broken apart.

Smith pulled her and hugged her tightly. At first, she was tense, holding back. But after a few minutes, she let go and hugged him tightly.

Pulling off, there was now a smile on her face and she felt very better.

"Thanks very much sir." She appreciates it.

{ Congratulations host }

{ Task completed }

{ Reward Loading 10% 30% 50% 70%>> }

{ Reward: You have been awarded with 1 gold point as a reward for completing this task. You can unlock skills with it }

Smith was about to nod when the door flew open. Clara was startled, hiding right behind Smith as the sound clouded her mind.

Smith's gaze met with Fred's angry eyes and face that was as red as that of a tomato.

But that didn't get Smith freaked out. Compared to the person who was standing right before Fred, he was nothing other than the toothless bulldog.

This young man was what he was afraid of. He was the company's martial arts specialist and one of the most powerful people in the city too. He has appeared on the TV many times.

He had a frown on his face as he stared up ahead towards where Smith was sitting. His face morphed into a smack and he muttered waving his hands.

"Hello, Smith, lowlife man. You know you are a dead man already right?" Fred stated

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