chapter 5


{Congratulations! You have been gifted 1 golden points for completing the daily task}

Smith was surprised, but how can he get hold of the gold?. He wondered.

{Golden points can be used to unlock new skills}.

"Wow". He said as he kept walking to his destination.

Smith stretched with a long yawn as he watched exclusive-looking people walking in and out of Trinity Five Star Hotel, rumored to be one of the most expensive hotels in the city.

It was evident from the way the people who walked in and out were dressed and the exclusive cars in the parking lot. It was a place that should have been out of the league.

"How about that long-deserved rest!" Smith said to himself with a smile, walking gradually into the hotel.

It had been an extremely long day for him. And

"Hey! Do you want something!" He heard a yell just ahead of him and his eyes wandered towards that direction.

The receptionist had seized him up. She had never seen anyone that was so ragged walking into that place. For her, he could easily pass for a madman.

"Sorry! I'm new here and was looking forward to booking a room?" Smith quickly noticed that she was a worker there and just might be able to help.

Jules's face morphed into a frown instantly. At first, she had thought that this man might have lost his way here, but it was obvious that he was mad.

'Book a room here? Is the bitch out of his senses? Or does he think that this is one of those three hundred dollar hotels!' Her frown deepened as she thought.

"Excuse... Me?" Smith's gentle reminder snapped her back into reality.

"I think that you missed your way Mr." She didn't care to add sir to his name anyone as it pertains to her being a professional.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you blind? Can't you see the people around you? This hotel room and eventually that you see, the chairs, the tables.. They are changed every single day. Do you know what that means?"

"This place as a whole is way out of your league so you should leave before I call the security to drag you out of this place. And oh! Did I forget to add something? You even need a membership card to be able to book a room." She snared, saying all the words in one go with the annoyance that was rising in her.

"Then how much is the price for this membership card?" Smith inquired like he had said nothing.

There was no need for him to get angry because of such an arrogant lady who had tossed her brains off in the bathroom...

Jules's face was raging with annoyance, anger, and spite. She wanted to yell out to him.

"Just know that it's something that you will not be able to afford." A voice came from behind, oozing with every sense of familiarity.

Smith's reflexes made him turn and his eyes met with the hateful sets of Fred, Jessica's sister and lookalike.

He had a connoted glare on his face as he walked over to Smith.

"Surprise to see me? Well, you shouldn't be. This place was built for people like me. Member of the high class in the society. Well, you are a piece of shit."

Fred had never liked Smith right from the day that he had gotten married to Jessica. He felt that her sister had always deserved someone better.

And during that period, he was already planning to hook Jessica up with one of his friends for monetary gains, and her marriage with Smith had ruined all of that. As though there had not been enough reasons to hate his poor ass already.

"So why don't you tell me what you are doing here? To beg? Or look for a job? Do you have a CV? I heard to even be employed here you need two years of experience, not a part-time roamer. So a friendly brotherly advice from me to you, run along already." Fred said with disdain, hating the fact that he had to draw the same air with this person.

"I'm not here to cause any drama with you Fred or any other member of your family. I am here to book a room."

Fred let out a solid outburst of laughter at Fred as he stared right at Smith.

"You want to book a room here!" He scoffed.

"How hard did you hit your head? Do I tell you that you are a broke part-time roamer who can barely afford to eat properly! You even feer from our family" He sneered.

The people continued to look at Fred with disdain laced all over their gazes.

"What does he think that he is doing? Trying to fit in? Such a bummer!" One of the customers said.

"I wonder why they haven't called the security to chase him out of this place already cause he doesn't deserve to be here." Another one of them said.

It was a mess of voices in there as the people continued to lash out words at Smith and this made Fred warm up with a solid smile on his face. It was exactly what he needed at the moment.

"You heard that smith. If you need somewhere to keep your head after Grandpa chased you out. You should use the gutters, where you belong and not here."

Even with their insults Smith still acted calm. He stared at Fred right in. The eyes without any trace of fear muttered.

"Screw you! I think that the word Jobless was perfectly crafted for you. Don't try to push your shit down other people's throats."

Smith had stricken the cord perfectly and Fred was enraged. He was indeed jobless, depending on the family. But he was the heir of a powerful family.

He was bleeding over with anger. "I am going to make sure that you pay!" He glared.

He was about to attack Smith when a shout came from behind. Another lady who was more properly dressed walked into the place. She had a frown on her face seeing the commotion that had attracted her to the place was even worse than she thought.

She sneered at Jules who bowed respectfully.

"Jules! You are here and all of this is happening?"

"I'm sorry. This poor ragged Man is causing trouble."

"Spare me, Jules! I'm sure that you are at the beginning of these. I will have to file a report about your behavior to the manager this weekend."

"And sir." She turned to Fred.

"In this place, everyone is treated on an equal Level." She said calmly.

Fred snared at Smith wishing that he could rip his throat apart already.

"Let's see where all of this is going to end." He mustered.

The staff stared at Smith with self-pity before quickly pushing forward a quick smile.

She forwarded a handbook so that Smith was going to pick from the list of rooms that he wanted.

"That one." Smith pointed out.

This staff believed in equality for everyone but was stunned at the room that Smith pointed out.

It was a VIP plus room. And even though she didn't want to admit it, he didn't look like someone who would be able to afford that.

"That's two million dollars. Are you sure that's what you want sir?" She let out a tensed smile.

Fred, seeing this as his perfect opportunity, stepped back.

"You have some nerves, don't you? Picking a room that's worth such a moment. Do you think that you will be able to afford such things even though you work all day?"

"Just because you can't doesn't mean that others can't," Smith replied, bringing out his card and handing it over to the staff.

Everyone flung insults at him after hearing this. The highest that they would dare to go for is half a million dollars. Yet this man who was poorly dressed wanted to get such a room.

"I'm sure that he is mad." A lady that was close by whispered.

The hands of the staff trembled as she swapped the card through the terminal and a light flashed before everyone that made them hold their breaths.

"Payment successful!" The machine announced getting everyone petrified to the spot.

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