chapter 4


Smith's heart felt like a burden had been lifted. His eyes quietly shot, all his sorrows drifting away gradually when.

"I can't believe this is happening!" A yell woke me up with a startle. Looking ahead, he could see an extremely stunning lady with the perfect shape and a classic look.

She was surrounded by a group of guards trying to protect her. Until he saw the manager shaking right before her.

Smith knew the manager because he had run a search about the kind of place that he would be bringing her sister into.

The radius was not far away so he could hear almost everything that they were saying at this moment.

"Can't we look for other investors ma'am!" The voice of the manager sounded so desperate as he inquired.

"An investor? Do you think that I haven't searched for it?" Her angry voice filled the room in an instant. But even with the dripping anger, it still sounded sweet.

"That bitch that I call a husband. After sticking to him for years. He tries to run away with the money that was meant to run the hospital.

Now with him gone. There is no way that I can keep up running this place." Her voice sounded to sound.

"I have contacted the previous investors to at least give us another chance but they are all running away because they think that there is no way that we would be able to come off from this crisis. And the new ones? Let's not get started."

There was a look of frustration all over the face of the manager. The hospital had been treating him right and he wasn't ready to leave just yet.

"We need to get someone to invest ten million dollars or I will be forced to sell this place, Mr. Patrick. That's the best that I can think of." She ended.

Smith was stunned. He thought that all his troubles were over after he had made that payment.

The hospital was the only accredited hospital that could take care of her sister's surgery at the moment. If the place was to fold up...

He could not allow that to happen. He had to make that investment so that the hospital would not have to be sold and his sister would be safe.

Smith snapped off from his thoughts. Chasing off to the lady to tell her his intentions. But her steps were already too far away.

"Miss!" Smith was about to call out but she had already gotten into the elevator and she was off.

"Shit!" Smith cursed, running his hands through his hair.

He walked off to the doctor's office. This time, it was somewhat different from before. All packed up. The doctor was troubled.

"Mr. Smith! Is there a problem?"

"I heard about it. The investment and everything." Smith replied.

"I'm sorry about that Mr. Smith. A statement will be released officially later but for now."

"I want to invest."

"What!" The doctor was stunned.

Even he was working here and he would not dare to say such, knowing the large amount of money that was involved in all of it.

"Mr. Smith. You don't understand what's happening. What the hospital needs is not a small amount of money. It's ten million dollars."

"Then I will invest! Or do you have a better option of a hospital that will be able to treat my daughter properly?" He inquired and to this, he shook his head.

"Then let me call you the manager."

The doctor had missed feelings inside of him. He knew that Smith was just able to afford two hundred thousand dollars and he could swear that this man was broke just a few moments ago.

His breath was sunk deep into his lungs. But what was the harm in him trying?

"I will get the manager to get things sorted out right away." He said, brought his phone from his pockets and placed a call.

"The manager has asked me to prepare a few things. I'm afraid I will have to leave Mr. Smith. Do you need anything? Coffee?" Doctor Glim's voice was dripping over with respect in such a way that he had never seen before.

Smith shook his head as the doctor's exited.

Smith could not hide his astonishment when the door was Opened just a few moments later. He wasn't expecting that the doctor was going to be back so early.

But when he looked just close enough. It wasn't the doctor. It was the man who had been pleading with the lady CEO a while ago and if he was correct, the manager.

Smith was getting up from his seat to welcome the newbie when a deadly snare was flung at him.

The manager had already seized him up from his head to his toe. He was furious and his hands were clenched.

He didn't maintain his professionalism. He was the manager of the place and he could do anything that he wanted, especially with poor raged peasants like the one that was standing before him.

He was part of the problem that the hospital was in the way that it was. He was so arrogant. "What are you doing here?" The manager glared.

"I.." Smith was about to clear the air since the first impression wasn't the most pleasant one but he could stop instead.

"You don't have to bother! I can already tell exactly what you want from your outfit." The manager emphasized.

"You have a sick relation that needs treatment and you don't have the money ain't it? And you are here to beg!" He snared.

"I'm sorry but we can't deal with you people. Get out of this place."

Smith was enraged by his words but he tried to control the rage that was trying to pull over at the moment..

"And who said I am here to beg?" Smith inquired.

"Cause it's written all over you." He replied with a snare.

Their gazes were already cutting into each other, but the two flying open interrupted their gesture.

"Manager Anderson. You met Mr. Smith already. He is the one that's investing." Doctor Glim informed me.

Anderson's blood rushed off throughout the vines of his body and he was taken aback in his steps.

He could not believe that he had talked down to the man who was going to help their company.

If the CEO was to find out about it. He would be a dead meat. His face already broke out into cold sweat and there was a sense of urgency rising between them.

"You are Mr. Smith."

"Yeah. If your ears are working properly." Smith replied, turning over to the doctor.

"Let's get this over with already. I don't have all the time in the world to waste here." He ended.

"Yes. Yes! This way." The composure of the manager was in ruins and his feet were staggering all at the same time as he walked.

The doctor had already been prepared and with just a swipe of his card, everything was over. Manager Anderson felt like he was burning inside and his skin was on fire.

Smith Ignored all their gasps and astonishment, singing the papers and tossing them off toward the doctor.

"Make sure that my sister is safe and well-treated." Smith ended up already walking out.

He was stopped by the manager who looked at him shivering.


"I'm sorry for everything that I said there. Please forgive me." The manager pleaded.

"I will have to talk about that to the CEO", smith said as he walked away and out of the company. Just as he left. The CEO walked in.

She had been stunned when she heard that someone was ready to invest such a large amount of money and even though she was in a meeting, she had to run down.

"What about the investor?" She inquired longing to meet someone who would be so wealthy and kind.

"He left already." The manager tried to act normal as he spoke but was still gasping for breath.

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