chapter 3


Smith was still lost in his daze. Staring at this strange screen that has appeared before him.

Was it real? Or it was just his sorrows that had gotten the better part of him. The last time that he remembered, these things were supposed to happen only in fiction.

[ Lavish statement downloading }

{ 10% 30% 50% 80% }

{ D******d successful }

{$2,000,000 has been top up in your dashboard}.

{ First quest: To unlock the dashboard, host must pay his sister's surgery bills }

The screen flashed, making him fall back in his steps, he Scoffed, "I think I also need surgery in my brain".

{You have been chosen, you just have to try it out!}. A cryptic voice resound in his hand.

He looked around, "Is all of this true? If i had such a large amount of money. That way I wouldn't have to worry about anything again.' He thought.

"Are you okay?" Ella's voice came from behind interrupting his train of thoughts.

He stared at her pale sickly face with the emotions rising in him once again and he nodded.

"I'm fine. I will just go ahead now and sort out a few things." Smith assured and walked out.

He didn't want his sister to see that he was freaking out. So lost in his thoughts that he bumped into a few people.

He held on to his card tightly. The last time that he tried to make his card. It was dead. Just maybe.

"Or I am running crazy."

"Hey! Lav.. ish a system Right?. You can't just toss yourself at me and leave me halfway with a whole lot of questions!" Smith had already gone to a separate area so that no one would think that he was going crazy.

{ What do you want to host? I'm here to answer your questions } The hologram appeared once again.

"So you said that I have fifty Million dollars which isn't reflected in my account. How do I get that out?"

Smith ran his hands through his head once again. All the blood in his veins pummeled. He wasn't thinking straight and was desperate only to save his sister.

{ Yes host! You can make a withdrawal just by thinking about it } the system's message changes.

Smith's palms were sweaty. He didn't ask questions or think about the other consequences that this might cause. There was only one thought on his mind.

"Great. My head. Then I just have to focus."

'I want two million dollars to be withdrawn from my account.'

{ Congratulations host! You have made a withdrawal of two million dollars and the same amount will be transferred to your account }

[ Ding! An amount of two million dollars has been transferred to your account. Thanks for banking with us ]

A beep came from his phone also, he immediately checked it. And truly, the money was sent in his account.

The message flashed right before Smith and he was beyond stunned. He had never thought that anything like that would be possible and his breath was stuck in his lungs.

"Thank you!" His both hands were clasped in genuine appreciation.

"Kid, are you okay?" A woman who was walking by the lonely part and had seen him talking to himself inquired.

Smith nodded his head before taking off to a race. His heart was still racing fast. There were a lot of things that needed to be done.

When he got to the hospital, he walked straight to the secretary of the doctor who looked at him with disdain.

Other customers would always give her tips. Or sometimes bribe her just to skip the queue to meet the doctor.

But for this broke ass before her, he had never given her even a single dime. And she hated him for that.

He was such a poor ass loser that could barely feed himself. How would he be able to afford a tip of over a hundred dollars?

"I want to see.."

"You don't have to spill." She halted his words with a face that was full of disdain.

"I Know why you are here! You obviously can't afford the f*e and want to take your sister and bury her. It is inside, at least I will never get to see that face of yours again." She snared.

"I'm here to pay", he told her urgently and just walked in.

"That poor man is here to pay Two hundred dollars?." The secretary muttered to herself, watching him step into the office while ignoring her statement.

She stared even harder with disdain. Most people would not be able to afford such a large amount of money. Even for her, that would be a large sum of Money. Take less of a poor large piece of metal junk like Smith.

Smith walked into the office and was followed by the daze of the doctor and a sigh. He could barely shoot the door when the sharp stabs of his words came rushing after him.

"Mr. Smith! I have told you already. There are rules set by this hospital. And even though this is a special case..." There was no need for Smith to let him finish.

"I am not here to beg for a pay reduction or anything. I just want to pay up so that you can begin my sister's treatment." Said smith.

Doctor Glim was stunned to hear these words. He had never believed that would be coming from someone like him. He knew smith wouldn't ever be able to pay that money.

He stared at Smith for quite a while, still lost in his daze. Was he trying to play some trick? He a deep breath into his lungs, trying to keep his composure and his professionalism.

"Well then. Let's go ahead with the payment at the secretary's desk." The doctor said getting up from his seat and Smith nodded, following him closely from behind.

"Doctor Glim. How may I be of help?" The secretary inquired.

"I need you to prepare payment for Mr Smith."

The room was supposed to be prepared first but the doctor still had to take precautions.

Smith brought out his card from his pockets and his eyes crossed paths with the secretary. She was taken aback a little.

'He is going to pay two hundred thousand dollars? Does he think that this hospital is a joke?' She would have snapped a snare at Smith if the doctor wasn't there. But instead, she collected the card with a smile.

"What a smooth process this is going to be." She said sarcastically, just loud enough for Smith to hear while she swiped through the card slot.

[ Payment for section 309 successful. ] A green light flashed them back to reality and their bodies were shaking with astonishment.

The doctor could swear that Smith didn't have this money just a while ago. How was he able to come up with such a large amount in a short time?

The secretary's jaws were very much on the floor. But Smith could barely see the looks on their faces.

His attention was all focused on a new screen that had suddenly appeared right before him.

[ Task completed ]

{ Congratulations Smith Jason! You have unlocked the dashboard section of your system as a reward for completing the task }


Name:. Smith

Age: 23

Strength: 7+

Intelligence: 40+

Agility: 5 +

Charisma: 12+

Skills: negotiating skills (25+) cooking skills, omniscient skills (30+)

Points: (0).

Additional skills: martial art (locked) and Running skills (locked).

Note: 1 point can be used to unlock skills or use it to upgrade other skills. Points are rare gems given at any time the system wants.

Note 2: Omniscient skills let you have information about people to help you in your mission.

Note 3: for each mission completed, there will be a reward, which could be money, gold, or points.

Note 4: Additional skills can be added any time you complete an impressive mission.

Note 5: Each day, you must spend 10 million dollars, or else the system will disappear never to come back and his time starts now.

Smith's face was dripping over with the astonishment that raged throughout his body getting him petrified to the ground.

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