chapter 8

Smith's eyes locked onto Kelly,. He knew he couldn't take on a martial arts specialist like Kelly without some help. He needed his martial skills unlocked, to fight him.

"System, unlock my martial skills," Smith said, his voice firm and commanding.

{Processing...please wait for one minute for it to be integrated into your body}.

Smith's eyes widened in panic. One minute? That was too long! Kelly was already charging towards him, his fists flying in a flurry of punches.

"No, no, no! I need it now!" Smith shouted, his desperation growing.

{Processing...please wait for one minute. You should have told me this before and it will be integrated by now, please wait.}.

It's already late, smith was in front of him already as he delivered a super power punch at him right in his face. Smith staggered and nearly fell down.

Everyone gasped, while the CEO uttered, "Wasted… what is he thinking, he can't fight Kelly".

{70%, 75%...}.

"Be quick please". Smith uttered as he gathered himself up, but Kelly was already waiting for him, he punched him again, right in his face.

This time, Smith fell and started bleeding.

"Oh no", Clara uttered in worry.

Kelly smirked and whispered at him, "I will crush your bone that you won't be able to walk again… I swear you that".

{Integration complete}.

{Host is already with martial skills}.


Smith chuckled back, "Really, now let's see whose bone will be crushed!".

Kelly angrily growled as he prepared another punch on him again.

Kelly's eyes widened in surprise as Smith held his hand, stopping the punch in mid-air. The staff and customers gasped in shock, their eyes fixed on the scene.

Smith uttered, "now, witness your hand become useless", He crushed Kelly's hand, his joints cracking and popping like fireworks.

Kelly screamed in agony, his face contorted in pain. He tried to pull his hand back, but Smith held tight, his grip unyielding.

With a swift motion, Smith twisted Kelly's arm, crushing his elbow joint. Kelly's scream turned into a wail as he fell to his knees, his arm dangling limply.

Smith wouldn't back up without another fight as he swiftly threw his left hand punch at him, Smith gave it a strong kick, and another crack could be heard. Now both arms were useless.

The CEO's eyes widened in shock, her expression changing from amusement to concern. "Enough!" she shouted, but Smith was unforgiving.


The staff and customers watched in horror as Smith continued his brutal assault, crushing Kelly's knee joints.

The lady rushed forward, her face pale. "What? stop! You've gone too far!"

Smith's gaze flickered towards her, his expression unyielding. "He threatened to crush my bones," he said, his voice cold and detached. "I merely returned the favour."

The staff and customers stood in stunned silence.

Smith gave a look at Fred, who was now trembling.

Kelly tried to get up, but his body betrayed him as he slumped down on the floor.

"Such a useless fighter, always brag that you are the only best in the city… what are you waiting for, throw him out already, he has been sacked according to the agreement ".

"Please ma'am, you can't just ditch me…".

The lady sharply interrupted him, "Just shut up, you are now useless and a disgrace, someone should throw him out".

"No, ma'am… there is no way I'm going to feed myself!". Kelly grabbed smith's oeg begging seriously. people were surprised, how the mighty had fallen.

Smith kicked him away, "you were bragging and even humiliated me, you thought you could beat me, but now see, I beat you and even crushed your bones, never looked down on people".

"I promise I won't, I have learnt my lesson, I won't never", he cried profusely.

Although the CEO knew Kelly was a gem, he always behaved like he was the boss and rode on everyone. He was so arrogant and deserved this.

"I said throw this Man out this instant", the lady yelled at the security once more.

The security immediately rushed at him, Kelly vented his anger at Fred, "You this asshole, you made me lose my limbs and job, how will I live!".

The security bundled him up and threw him outside, Fred immediately followed and they could be seen outside making some argument.

The lady faced Smith, impressed by his skills, "Hello, I'm Veronica, the CEO of this hotel and many other companies".

"Good, I'm Smith" .

"I really like your skills and I want to get to know you better… maybe use you as my personal bodyguard and I will pay $2 million dollars per month ", Veronica proposed.

"I'm Smith, you shouldn't know more than that, and $2 million dollars is just a change", Smith said and swiftly turned to Clara with a smile.

Clara walked slowly towards him, running her hand on his cheek, "hope you are fine, and not hurt".

"Nope, I'm fine totally fine", smith held the hand gently. Smith couldn't even deny, Clara was a hot girl, even in that company uniform.

Clara teased, "how will someone save to sleep beside a man like you".

{New mission alert. 20%, 30%...... 90%, 100%}.

{GRANT her wishes}.

Smith couldn't believe his ears and mind talked back to the system 'what are you saying!, She won't agree'.

{She really meant it when she said that dumbass, you shouldn't just let the hot girl go!}.

Smith composed himself and calmly stated, "Maybe, you should… let sleep together tonight".

Clara widened her eyes in surprise and shock, "I…".

Smith put on a smile and face Veronica, "she will be sleeping with me tonight, and I will cover up for her night work by paying you $2 million dollars!".

Veronica jaw dropped, that was the same $2 million dollars she was offering to pay for a month, this man in front of her must have be a very high profile billionaire's son.

She immediately felt jealous, he just ignored her some moments ago just to give her employee a chance to even sleep with him.

"Okay, you are free", Veronica finally answered while Clara was just smiling.

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