chapter 9
Clara was a very funny lady who kept cracking Smith up, she told her about her life and how good she was in the marketing strategy department. They have a good night gist, before going to sleep. like, actually slept, no plot twist here.

{fuck up man} The system tingled him.


The Next morning, Smith was awoken by the bright light that shines directly into the room, he groaned as he woke up, he looked beside him and couldn't find Clara, she only left a note.

*good bye, thanks so much.. Actually, I had stopped working here, I have to attend to my mother, she is suffering from heart disease and need my personal assistant, thanks for making my day special, I really pray all rich people are like you*

reading the message broke smith's heart, he immediately got up and dressed up then sprinted out, he met the hotel owner Veronica, he stopped her and asked for Clara.

"she left this morning, she re-sign", Veronica sternly stated.

"Is there any way I can contact her", he asked
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