My unlimited lavishing system
My unlimited lavishing system
Author: Slaywriter
chapter 1

Chapter 1

Smith's hands crawled into Ella's sick cold hands. Her breath shaking. He watched his sister gradually fade into the cold hands of death with the name of brain tumor, helpless.

Just like he was three years ago. The memories of his parents being shot in the head were still fresh in his mind like it was yesterday, his body trembling as more memories flooded into his head.

And what about Junior Smith, he could not save his junior brother from those brutal stabs that ended his life a while ago.

Smith's breaths were sucked deep into his lungs and his heart was flustered with memories and emotions running through him.

"You have to stay strong, sister. For me. I am going to feel miserable if anything happens to you again." His voice drifted off into a whisper.

"Mr. Smith?" A similar voice came from behind.

"Doctor Glim. How is she doing? She doesn't seem to be getting... Getting any better." Smith said with a tint of pain in his voice that made the doctor, carrying a handful of documents sigh.

"That's because we can't hold on any longer Mr. Smith. We need to proceed with this surgery as soon as possible or I won't be responsible for her life. She is running out of time." The doctor announced.

He knew exactly what these words meant and Smith bit his tongue, his heart drumming as he pushed forward to say.

"And how much are we talking about doctor?"

"Two hundred thousand dollars." The doctor responded.

Smith was talking in cold shock and his face flustered. Two hundred thousand dollars? He was only a part-time worker who sought to meet the end with his sister and his wife. Even though he was going to save for a whole year, he could never be able to afford such a large amount of money.

"Two hundred thousand dollars is much doctor. We aren't doing well. Can't there be a discount, or maybe an installment payment? Or maybe?" Smith begged with a desperate voice but the doctor shook his head multiple times.

"I am afraid not. That's the hospital's policy. I can't help you, Mr. Smith." He replied.

Smith was lost in a daze with thoughts running through his head the moment making it feel like it was all going to blow up.

He tried to beg but the doctor would not listen even for a single moment.

"Let me know when you have the money." He ended, eventually walking away.

Smith sank his hands into his hair with his heart racing. His skin felt like it was on fire. He raced more, browsing through options.

However, Smith could not find a way to raise such a large amount of money. None expect.

He pulled off his card from his drawer before running off to the ATM stand to withdraw. "Jessica is going to be furious." He said to himself as he placed the card into the slot, hastily..

This was the money that he had been saving over to open a new business for her after so many years. But his sister was the only thing worth saving.

He could start again from the start. Work twice as hard to make it up to her. But for his sister, it was either now or never.

"Insufficient funds." The lights flashed him back to reality, cutting a clean slice through his heart as he exclaimed.

"What! I'm sure! I'm so sure that there was money here!" He tried again, hearing his own heart beat but it was the same thing.

He pulled out his phone from his pocket desperately. He pulled out his cell phone from his pocket to call the only person who should know his code, Jessica.

He was gasping like he didn't have enough air around there. His body was hot waiting for his wife, the daughter of the CEO of Hera Group to pick up the call.

What would she need money for? He had only been saving that to help her. She couldn't take it, could she?

"What do you want smith? Can't you tell the difference between work hours and free hours?" An indifferent voice blotted out from the other end of the phone.

When was she ever free? However, that wasn't what Smith wanted. He only wanted to ask one question.

"Jessica, I'm sorry but this is important. The money that I have been saving in my Republic Bank account, it's all gone. Do you by any chance..." Jessica would not even wait for her to finish the statement before she blotted out angrily at him.

"So you have money that you have been keeping all these well and I didn't know." Her voice was filled with rage and disdain.

"Not…not like that, actually…", smith stammered and was Interrupted before he could even finish.

"How pathetic can you ever get? Sometimes, I wonder why I am the only one who gets trash for a husband who can't properly take care of me and get the things that I want. And it turns out that you have been hiding money away from me? In my house? You broke ass bastard." He growled.

Smith sighed. The money was for her in the first place. How could he ever hide such a thing from her? However, he could run through the details later. Right now, he needed to find out anything there was to know about how that money left his bank account.

He wasn't going to watch another of his family die so helplessly while he started unable to do anything about it.

"Look, Jessica, I know that you are angry. You have every right to. But I need this money for Ella. You know, the tumor, the doctor needs money for her surgery.. and." Once again, Jessica didn't allow him to finish his statement.

Her voice was divorced or any form of pity for him.

"That's too bad."

"Too bad? What are you talking about Jessica?"

"My friends are going to my grandfather's birthday party today. And you know they are all rich and expensive people. You do not expect me to be left out, do you? So I noticed the money and I got it to get a Louis Vuitton bag and other stuff. You should find another way to take care of Ella." Jessica said nonchalantly.

"You did what?" Smith yelled out his phone for the first time.

"What! Apart from being broke and disgusting, don't tell me that you are also becoming deaf." Jessica said with an icy tone to her voice.

"I just told you that my sister is in the hospital, Jessica, I need the money". Smith's voice trembled.

"Well, if you can understand me, I told you I just spent it on a bag, even after hiding money, it could only be a bag!".

Smith gulped, sweat all over him, "okay, please you can return the bag and ask for a refund, you can do that".

Jessica's response broke every joint in his Body, as she replied, "Refund?Because of your dying sister, I should be embarrassed, Never!"

"Jessica, my sister is dying and you want her to____."

"To die! What do you want? Just take a look at yourself. Don't you think that it would be better if she is dead? Will she be able to keep up such a pitiful life with you? Pathetic being?

You are just a worthless piece of crap and I am sure she would be more than happy to leave you. Just pray she does get such a junkyard like you in her next life." She growled through her phone. Her voice was like stabs through his heart and his face was morphed with pain, so hard that even his Silva felt like large stones going through his throat.

Smith was smashed, right through his heart into his bone.

Smith was speechless. She always acts cold around him but never expected that she was going to be this heartless.

The call ended abruptly while Smith continued to stare at the screen, his world had completely gone blank.

"Beep beep." His cell phone voices out a sound.

[ My darling wife just sent you a photo. Downloading complete. ]

"This is the bag. I'm sure you can see that it was worth it." Jessica's heartless and ruthless message read, just below the photo.

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