Chapter Six

“What if what?” Chris stared back at me intently, hungering for whatever I wanted to say.

Pausing for effect, I drew in a long, measuring breath before continuing in a low, resonant tone. "What if there was a way to get back at those responsible? To make them pay for what they've done?"

He scoffed in disbelief. “And what could that be?”

I informed him that since his daughter was not yet legally eligible to succeed him, I should be his successor until then. 


"With that position, I can uncover those responsible and punish them," I added.


He looked at me with scornful contempt, chuckling bitterly. "Do you think the world is a child's play? It is far more complex than people like you perceive it to be."


Little did he know how determined I was to attain that position and become the person I now aspired to be.


I tried to convince him that I could, even though I didn't know how. I was fueled by determination, but he still underestimated me.


"I don't need that," he said.

"I've accepted this as my fate; otherwise, I would have taken action."

My heart sank on hearing the words because I already had a flicker of hope that my wishes some moments ago were finally going to be answered—I had thought God had answered my prayer immediately.


“But—” His word snapped me out of my thoughts.

“I can see that you are desperate to get rich, and considering the fact that you saved me, how about I compensate you by making you the successor to my fortune until my daughter has reached that age?” He suggested.


“What?!” My eyes widened as I could not believe it.


I had lost hope.


“Before then, you should have amassed wealth of your own.” He added, his expression still stern.


“Definitely,” I let out a relieving sigh, beaming with smiles.


I would have built my empire before then.


“The chance to make Michael and others pay has finally arrived.” I screamed inwardly with happiness.


He then told me that his line of business was risky and dangerous, much to my surprise, as it made me wonder if it was beyond what I perceived his company was doing.


But I could not even give the thought a chance to think about it, as I insisted on being okay with the life-changing offer.


“So I want you to learn more about the trade and everything in Italy for some years before returning here.”


My shoulder slumped in disappointment, thinking that he did not want me to take over from him immediately.


He understood my expression and smiled. “Don't worry. You can oversee all my fortunes from Italy.


“Some of my companies are also there. It is necessary for you to spend some years there, but if you are not satisfied with it, that's okay. I'm not forcing you to accept the offer.” He explained.


“Not satisfied by it?” I chuckled.

“I definitely am, since it's a requirement.” 


Then, on that bench, the deal was sealed between the both of us. 


“For your safety, your identity won't be revealed for now until you think you are ready to, after finding out the in-depth knowledge of this business.” He told me.


Immediately after our conversation, we left there to sign the deal and agreement that would be drafted by his personal firm.


Walking behind him with my stomach churning in happiness, I looked back at the lake as a satisfactory smile escaped my lips.


That spot, that moment, and that time marked the rise of the poor Lorenzo. 

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