Changing Life With Instant Wealth System

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Changing Life With Instant Wealth System

By: Dee Hwang Updated just nowSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 61

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Luck was never on Travis' side. He was bullied for being poor, fat and ugly. He also never felt the warmth of a harmonious family even though his parents were still complete. Being beaten and humiliated was his daily bread. He was also accustomed to getting a lot of bad luck. One day his bullies beat him up so badly that Travis almost lost his life. He thought, death is much better than living in misery. However, a system suddenly came to his help him.

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10 chapters
1. A cruel world
"Now take that bread, with your mouth!"Some of the students laughed loudly, seeing the fat, short, weak-looking figure of another student crouching down. The fat student did as they told him, otherwise, they would beat him up."Haha he's so stupid!""I've never seen anyone as stupid as him.""He's not stupid, but an idiot.""Now eat that bread, quickly!"The fat student had no choice but to eat it. The bread that had been trampled with their shoes was the only bread he could buy with his pocket money.As the tears flowed down his face, he covered himself up.He was so pathetic.His name was Travis Averdo. He was just a pathetic teenage boy, with a broken family, lack of finances, not to mention his appearance that people thought was very ugly, he wasn't very smart either.Luck never seemed to be on Travis' side.Being bullied like that was his daily life and he was used to it. Although it was still painful.His hands had just healed from their torture last week. They burned Travis' h
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2. The harsh reality
"Hah!"Travis woke up with a rush of breath. He'd just had a nightmare, he'd been beaten up just because they were having fun... no, wait, that wasn't a dream.Travis ruffled his hair, then looked around.He was already at home.Who had lifted him up to his room?The sound of the bedroom door being opened roughly made Travis almost jump, he immediately turned to his mother who had a sour face."Are you awake? You useless and troublesome child! You fainted in the field and was found by the residents, making me very embarrassed! They say I don't feed you, they don't know that feeding you is a waste of money."Travis didn't expect his biological mother to say something like that. But his mother was like that, always thinking of Travis as a burden."Hurry up and pack your things, I'll leave you with your grandmother. Because I will divorce your father and marry another man who is more useful. I'm not willing to spend a lifetime with a useless man like your father. He won't want to take ca
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3. Someone trusted
The person who greeted Travis was the head of the neighborhood association, Aron, who was not even responsible for his own mother, asked the head of the neighborhood association to take care of his mother's funeral.After learning about Travis' situation, the neighborhood chief asked Travis to stay at his grandmother's house instead.After he left, Travis cleaned up his grandmother's house. Since he was already hungry, he used the reward money from the system to buy food.[You can only buy healthy food, no junk food]That was the order from the system, so Travis bought a rather expensive meal from a restaurant online."Ugh, this smartphone is already slow, it's just annoying." Travis muttered.He got the smartphone from someone else two years ago. Because Travis was willing to clean his house every day and iron his clothes, Travis was given the smartphone for free. But it was only an object that had been used more than two years.Travis didn't mind at all.But, now it was time for him
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4. A new friend
[The herb helps you to remove dirt, fat that your body doesn't need, diseases from your body.]No wonder Travis felt light after the bath, even though the bath was like torture for him.Travis also tried the facial wash, which was nice because it had a lot of foam. After washing his face, his face felt soft and supple. He loved it.In the morning, he washed his face again, and then drank a health potion that was a rather disgusting color, a strange dark green. He was relieved that it didn't taste bad."What exercise should I do?" Travis muttered.[Just walk, master][You can walk for thirty minutes at a leisurely pace]It's that easy?"Then, can I do it while going to school? Since it's also thirty minutes away from here, even more."[Of course it's no problem, master!]"Thankfully, but since today is a holiday, I'll do it later on Monday. For now, I'll just go around the neighborhood."[Cheer up, master!]With light steps, Travis left his grandmother's house and walked leisurely arou
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5. Buying expensive clothes
Travis no longer feels hot or spicy when soaking in the bathtub. He's getting used to it and ten minutes is no more.Travis has bought a device to measure his own weight and height. Because even though the system can measure it, it still feels unsatisfying if you don't know directly.He was quite surprised when the digital weight scale showed 90.50, which meant Travis' weight was around ninety kilograms.Why did it go down so fast, when this afternoon according to the system there were still about a hundred kilograms.Travis took the clothes from the small plastic closet, and they became very big."Oh my! I can be this skinny?" Travis muttered when he saw his reflection in the full-length mirror. His clothes were very loose and even his pants had to be tied with a belt.[You should buy clothes, master!]The system was right.Travis immediately ordered an online taxi to go to the shopping center in the big city. The big city where Travis lived had many luxurious shopping centers, built
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6. Change quickly
Roni and Cathy gaped at the cashier's words. The helpful intern was arranging all the clothes into paper bags with a big smile. She was sure she had gotten the customer who bought the most that day, so her boss must have given her a bonus."Here are your purchases, sir... please come again if you want to buy anything."Travis accepted the groceries with a happy heart. He trusted the clerk to pick out the most suitable clothes for him.He himself was not familiar with fashion."Can I use the dressing room to wear just one outfit? Because the clothes I'm wearing are already baggy." Travis asked.The employee escorted Travis to the changing room.Meanwhile, Roni and Cathy still couldn't believe what they saw."Did he just steal?" asked Cathy."I think so." said Roni."Let's report it to the police-""No stop! If my dad finds out, I get beaten up again, remember your idea to make Travis wash dishes for a week at the restaurant? My dad found out from the restaurant owner and he beat me wit
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7. Not grateful enough
"You guys are rude for collecting a debt that doesn't belong to my friend in a public place like this," said Justin, he was blocking Travis from the two bad-looking guys."It's okay Justin, I'm used to this." Travis said."Even though you're used to it, it doesn't mean they can be mean to you." Vicky said.Travis stood up and asked the two men to talk about his father's debt properly. Travis grabbed the bag he was carrying and left with the two men.His friends could only stare at Travis and the two men walked away. But Justin quietly followed them because he was worried about Travis.After arriving outside the cafe, Travis stopped, then looked at the two men with a flat stare.He was upset about his father being in debt.But also not surprised at all.In the past, it was his mother who was always billed for every debt his father owed. His father always lost at gambling.But if he won, Travis and his mother never enjoyed the money. His father used the money to have fun with other wome
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8. Overcome the trauma
"Haahh... haah." Travis was catching his ragged breath. That morning he felt that just walking to school wasn't enough exercise, so he took the initiative to go for a morning run around the housing complex. But he had only been running for two minutes, he already felt tired.It seemed like his stamina was very poor.[You don't have to push yourself, master]"I know, but I want to get strong quickly, I... don't want to always be afraid and not fight back when bullied. I'm so upset, I want to fight back, but I can't." Travis said. He sat down in a small park near the highway, because he was tired after running for two minutes.[The system wants you to change, but not instantly.][The system may give you instant power, but besides money, instant is not good, there are risks.][You can try a morning run like this, or go to the gym][But you shouldn't push yourself, because it's not good][The health potion you drink every morning makes your stamina increase every day][So you don't have
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9. Be brave
Somehow, Aron managed to break away from June. Travis didn't expect his father to be so strong."If you're the defense minister's son, then I'm the president's son! Don't fool me, damn it! This is my business with my son, you don't need to interfere." Aron said.June just grinned, he walked over to Travis and hid Travis behind him.Travis was surprised because he was now the same height as June! But he was fuller than June. Although June was thin and tall, he was very strong."This is a school environment, you can't just do whatever you want even if it's your child. The school is the students' second home, as the student council president, I have the right to protect the students here."Aron looked angry, but he couldn't do anything about it either."Alright, meet me after school, Travis, but for now, give me some money." Aron said.Travis couldn't believe his father was still like that, after saying that he didn't want to consider Travis his son anymore."You're a father, what father
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10. Only friend
Travis looked at himself in the mirror, his uniform had been replaced with a new one. He bought it from a student who suddenly offered his unused uniform, saying it was too big. Travis bought it without a second thought.Travis didn't recognize the student, he was smaller and looked very young, despite actually being the same age as Travis."Can I open that present?" Travis muttered, more like a whisper, very quietly for fear of anyone hearing him.[You have two unopened presents, master!][Do you want to open them all?]"Yes," Travis replied quickly.[The first prize is an Arch KRGT sports bike priced at 85,000$][The second prize is a small apartment worth 350,000$]Travis almost fainted from the shock of all the prices. How could he ever own something with that much value?"But, I still want to live in grandma's house." Travis muttered.He planned to make grandma's house bigger. After all, grandma had made the house and the land belong to Travis, the only grandson she had.Then, ne
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