5. Buying expensive clothes

Travis no longer feels hot or spicy when soaking in the bathtub. He's getting used to it and ten minutes is no more.

Travis has bought a device to measure his own weight and height. Because even though the system can measure it, it still feels unsatisfying if you don't know directly.

He was quite surprised when the digital weight scale showed 90.50, which meant Travis' weight was around ninety kilograms.

Why did it go down so fast, when this afternoon according to the system there were still about a hundred kilograms.

Travis took the clothes from the small plastic closet, and they became very big.

"Oh my! I can be this skinny?" Travis muttered when he saw his reflection in the full-length mirror. His clothes were very loose and even his pants had to be tied with a belt.

[You should buy clothes, master!]

The system was right.

Travis immediately ordered an online taxi to go to the shopping center in the big city. The big city where Travis lived had many luxurious shopping centers, built by conglomerates there.

"Do I look like a hobo?" asked Travis.

[You're handsome, but maybe you're right]

[With a height of 180 cm, you will look good if you wear good clothes too]

"Wait a minute, am I that tall already?" Travis measured his height manually and the system was right.

No wonder with a weight of 90 kg, Travis felt thin, it was his height that made him feel that way.

"I have a group project with my friends tonight, I have to hurry."

The group assignment later, Vicky had booked a place at the hottest cafe in the city. Of course Travis was very happy, he wanted to experience going to a cafe and eating sweet food and expensive drinks.

Because he had never been to a cafe before.

Travis noticed his appearance in the mirror, he straightened his hair that was getting long. But with a face that had lost quite a lot of fat, long hair suited his face perfectly.

"Now that I'm gaunt, the acne on my face is also gone, how come my face is so smooth like this?" Travis muttered.

He was very confused by his brutal body changes, very fast and extraordinary.

Travis thought, his face became more handsome because of the face wash, maybe the sunscreen was not ordinary sunscreen either.

The online taxi had arrived, Travis left his house and took the taxi.

Incidentally Travis also hasn't had time to go out to buy the latest smartphone, so it's just as well as buying clothes for him.

Being noticed by people when walking alone is something Travis is used to, because he used to be fat, short and ugly. His body was not well-groomed.

But after he took care of his body and according to him, he was better... he still got those blasphemous stares.

Maybe it was because his clothes were too big for him at the moment.

The average male height in his country was not tall, only around 170 cm. So it could be said that Travis was taller than most people. But Travis had seen people who were 190 cm tall in his town. So Travis didn't feel too tall.

[What are you doing here?]

Travis who just wanted to enter the store that he usually visit if he wanted to buy clothes, had to stop.

[Not here, the clothes are too cheap]

[Buy clothes at the big store in the south, you'll get double what you spent on them]

Travis got the money from the two prizes this morning, he got 20,000$ and Travis thought he could buy some clothes from the big store.

Because the store only sold clothes with expensive brands, so Travis felt nervous when entering the store.

Some of the people there looked at him sarcastically.

Travis knew that but he was still brave, because he had to carry out his mission.

He quickly went to where they displayed men's clothing.

The clothes were very nice, but when Travis saw the price tag, he was surprised to see that the cheapest one piece was 250$.

"Hey, look who's here!"

Travis turned to Cathy, Roni's noisy girlfriend who pulled Roni over to Travis who was busy picking out his own clothes because none of the employees had come to help him.

"What are you doing here, pig?" asked Roni, annoying as ever.

"It-it's none of your business!" Travis said, still afraid of Roni, even though he was alone.

"Are you shopping?" Cathy asked, as if she cared.

"Yes, so leave me alone." Travis said quickly.

Then an intern came up to Travis, because none of her seniors wanted to approach Travis after seeing his sloppy and messy clothes. They thought, there was no way Travis could buy one piece of clothing at all.

"Can I help you?" the employee asked kindly.

"He wants to buy clothes, you can pick the nicest and most expensive clothes for him!" Cathy said casually.


"You must have money if you're here," asked Roni, he also pretended to be nice and embraced Travis, although it was a bit difficult, because Roni himself was only 177 cm tall. It's not difficult to embrace, but it's difficult to look taller.

Roni himself wondered, since when did Travis become that tall? Even though he knew Travis was much shorter than him.

Roni felt strange.

"Let's pick out a nice outfit for our friend, honey!" Cathy said happily. She had already grabbed a few pieces of clothing without looking at the price. But she was accompanied by an employee, telling her what clothes would be good for Travis. Cathy was even happier that the staff had chosen something expensive.

Although everything in this store was good, Travis had to know the price first.

"Cathy wait!" Travis tried to stop Cathy, but Roni held him back.

"You can pick it out for our friend, baby!"

Travis knew that the two of them wanted to embarrass him by making him pay so much. They would be happy when Travis said he didn't have any money, then was looked at sarcastically by the others, then kicked by the security guard.

Because Travis had already experienced it several times.

'Please, don't let there be 20,000$ in total for all those clothes.' Travis muttered in his heart.

"Let's pay at the cashier, Travis!" Cathy shouted, eager to humiliate Travis like the last time.

Travis had been beaten by a store security guard, he had also been told to wash dishes at a restaurant because Roni called him there when Roni and his girlfriend had finished eating, Roni said that the payment was borne by Travis.

That was outrageous.

Travis had to go to the restaurant for a whole Sunday to pay for the 1200$ that Roni and Cathy spent in one night.

Travis had to take responsibility for a meal that he didn't eat at all. But because the people in the restaurant were nice and he learned a lot from there, so Travis felt fine. The restaurant owner took pity on Travis and paid him 10$ an hour.

Even so, remembering that made Travis upset.

"Maybe you should mop here for a year..." Roni whispered happily.

Travis thought he was a crazy psychopath.

"Total is 8,090$, payment by cash, credit card, debit card, or-"

"Give me your debit card, quick!" Cathy snatched Travis's card as soon as Travis pulled out his card.

"Pay with this, okay?"

Travis looked very glum, having to spend 8000$ just for some clothes, pants and two shoes.

But Cathy and Roni saw Travis' expression was one of fear, so they were very happy.

"The payment has been successful!"

[You got 16,180$!]

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