4. A new friend

[The herb helps you to remove dirt, fat that your body doesn't need, diseases from your body.]

No wonder Travis felt light after the bath, even though the bath was like torture for him.

Travis also tried the facial wash, which was nice because it had a lot of foam. After washing his face, his face felt soft and supple. He loved it.

In the morning, he washed his face again, and then drank a health potion that was a rather disgusting color, a strange dark green. He was relieved that it didn't taste bad.

"What exercise should I do?" Travis muttered.

[Just walk, master]

[You can walk for thirty minutes at a leisurely pace]

It's that easy?

"Then, can I do it while going to school? Since it's also thirty minutes away from here, even more."

[Of course it's no problem, master!]

"Thankfully, but since today is a holiday, I'll do it later on Monday. For now, I'll just go around the neighborhood."

[Cheer up, master!]

With light steps, Travis left his grandmother's house and walked leisurely around the compound.

Before he knew it, Monday came, Travis felt that his body was much lighter than before, so he was excited to go to school.

When he tried on his uniform, it turned out that his uniform was looser and his pants were shorter.

"Am I getting taller, huh?" he muttered.

He was determined that when he got to school, he would measure his weight and height.

[No need Todo that master, the system can measure for you]

"Really? What's my height and weight then?" Travis asked enthusiastically.

[Your height is 175 cm and your current weight is 115 kg]

Travis was surprised to hear that, "seriously? I've gained five centimeters in height and lost thirty-five kilograms, amazing!"

Travis had to tighten his belt to get his pants on.

"I'll try hard to get the ideal body!"

[That's a good spirit, master.]

Since the system ordered Travis to eat healthy food, Travis cooked his own meals. He only ate steamed chicken breast, lightly steamed vegetables and also brown rice. If it's not enough, he will eat boiled eggs as well.

In addition, he drinks more water and refrains from drinking sweets. If he wants coffee, he will order an iced Americano, which is the only cold drink approved by his system.

For snacks, Travis can eat fruits only.

But the system did not limit Travis' eating, he could eat as much as he wanted, but if he was full, he could not continue eating.

"Hey fatso! Still alive, huh?"

Travis's spirit immediately faded at the familiar greeting.

Roni, this time he was alone with Cathy, his girlfriend.

"Aren't you fed, you're so skinny?" Cathy commented.

"Still fat like this, what's skinny?" Roni said, then allhe turned back to Travis who wanted to run away.

"Hey, where are you going? Quickly buy me food and drinks, take that to my class as usual."

[You should firmly refuse]

Travis' heart was pounding with fear at the system's command.

Has the system gone crazy? Travis didn't want to be beaten up.

[You must be able to fight back, master]

[You can't continue to be a coward]

[If you succeed, you will get a reward]

Ugh, gosh whether he get beaten up or not, Travis didn't care anymore.

"I don't want to!"

[You successfully get the reward]

[Click the reward menu to claim your reward]

It was the answer that Roni had never gotten so far.

Roni approached, Travis was scared, but he wanted to be brave.

"What did you say?" Asked Roni in a frightening tone.

"I... don't want to."


"He doesn't want to, why do you insist."

Roni and Travis turned to the origin of the voice, a student with a small handsome face, and a tall body.

Travis recognized him, he was the new student council president.

Roni chuckled softly, "This is my business with him, you don't need to interfere!"

June, the student council president laughed loudly and tapped Roni on the shoulder.

"Why would I interfere? What am I afraid of? Is it because you're an official's son? I'm the son of the Minister of Defense in this country, what do you want?"

Oh, Roni had forgotten who June Gideon was.

He was a fearless person, the son of the defense minister who was known to be very fierce and came from a conglomerate family.

June himself was so powerful, he could slaughter Roni and all his followers if he wanted to.

"Let go of me, let's go, Cathy!"

It turned out that Roni was also a coward when dealing with June.

Then June approached Travis and put his arm around Travis's shoulder easily, because June was five centimeters taller than Travis.

"If you want to fight someone like that you have to be confident, you can't show any fear, understand?" June said.

[Tell him if you want to be his friend, then you'll get a reward]

"I understand, but can I be your friend?"

June was silent listening to Travis' words, he looked down at Travis' cute serious face.


"Yeah, I... don't have any friends."

June laughed at Travis' words, so Travis thought he would be disappointed.

But he was wrong.

"Alright, let's be friends."

"Are you serious?"

"Why aren't you even sure? I'm serious."

[You have successfully obtained a reward]

[Click the reward menu to claim your reward]

Travis couldn't believe that if June was such a friendly person, he also seemed sincere. If he wasn't a good person, there was no way the system would recommend him to be Travis' friend, right?

[No, even if he's bad, I'll still recommend him]


Why is that?

[Did you hear what he said? He's the defense minister's son, and he's strong]

[The current master is not strong, so the master needs a strong person who can protect the master]

[Being friends with the Minister's son will make you have a good connection]

It seemed like the system was right too, Travis didn't think about it at all.

Travis walked to his class accompanied by June.

When the two of them arrived at the class, no one dared to speak, all of them were silent seeing June's figure.

"From now on Travis is my friend, whoever dares to disturb him, he will face me."

Travis just realized, June has a pretty dark and creepy aura. However, when he turned to Travis, his aura brightened, he smiled warmly.

"If anyone bothers you, I will beat them up, so don't hesitate to tell me." June said, before going to his own class.

How could June behave like that to Travis?

However, Travis liked it, because after that no one dared to bother him or talk to him.

It was supposed to be fun, but Travis had a hard time when there were group assignments. He had to have a group of at least two people. But none of the students wanted to group with him to do the assignment.

"Travis, come group with me!"

Travis looked up, looking at Justin who was smiling at him. Thank goodness Justin was in his class.

"Can I join your group?"

The two boys turned to the origin of the voice and their hearts were about to burst at the sight of the beauty who was one of the most beautiful girls in the school.

Victoria Azarez, with her near-perfect beauty, flawless and glowing skin, a benchmark of beauty for some girls, outstanding academic performance, and she was also the girlfriend of a famous idol.

Why would she want to group up with Travis and Justin, the bullied students at school?

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