3. Someone trusted

The person who greeted Travis was the head of the neighborhood association, Aron, who was not even responsible for his own mother, asked the head of the neighborhood association to take care of his mother's funeral.

After learning about Travis' situation, the neighborhood chief asked Travis to stay at his grandmother's house instead.

After he left, Travis cleaned up his grandmother's house. Since he was already hungry, he used the reward money from the system to buy food.

[You can only buy healthy food, no junk food]

That was the order from the system, so Travis bought a rather expensive meal from a restaurant online.

"Ugh, this smartphone is already slow, it's just annoying." Travis muttered.

He got the smartphone from someone else two years ago. Because Travis was willing to clean his house every day and iron his clothes, Travis was given the smartphone for free. But it was only an object that had been used more than two years.

Travis didn't mind at all.

But, now it was time for him to change smartphones.

Before going out of town, his mom gave Travis 1,000$. She said it should be enough for the next month.

[You can buy a smartphone with that money]

[Don't worry, you'll get even more money after the mission]

"What mission?"

[For now, the system wants you to change your body for the better]

[In one week, you must use a set of glow ups and exercise]

[You should also take care of your health by eating healthy food]

[If you manage to lose weight well, you will get a reward from the system]

Travis paused for a moment. The mission that the system told him sounded easy, but the practice would not be that easy.

Even so, Travis did need it.

He didn't want to always be teased by people, and being fat made it difficult to move, easily exhausted, and diseases easily came.

Suddenly a box appeared in front of Travis, he thought, it must be the glow up set that the system meant. So, Travis opened it immediately.

He saw a few things that he didn't understand.

[The small glass bottle one is a health potion, drink it every day in the morning before exercise]

[Then the small round glass bottle is a special potion that you should mix with water and soak in it]

[Soak every day in the afternoon for ten minutes in warm water]

[Then the blue container is a special face wash to use in the morning after waking up and at night before going to bed]

[Then the white container is a special sunscreen, used every time you go outdoors]

[Everything in there is special for you, not to be sold to others, because it has a very high level of effectiveness compared to products in this world]

Travis looked back at all the items from the system.

He would start bathing with the potion and using the face wash.

Travis held up the blue container, which was a face wash that looked just like any other facial foam sold out there.

Then the sunscreen is also like ordinary sunscreen, physical sunscreen.

Travis' reverie had to be broken when the courier who delivered his food arrived.


Travis recognized the courier, he was Travis's classmate, who was actually bullied like Travis because he was nerdy and had rather dark skin. But he wasn't as bad as Travis.

"Oh, Justin..."

"Why do you live here, did you and your parents move in?" Justin asked.

Travis looked the other way, he didn't know whether to tell Justin about his situation or keep quiet.

[He's a good person and is sincere with you, you can trust him]

If the system said so, then Travis would try to open up to Justin.

"My mom divorced my dad and I was told to stay here, mom went out of town." Travis said.

Justin looked very surprised, but then he tried to act normal.

"You okay?"

How many times had Travis heard such a question, usually he felt annoyed by the question. Because they should have known if he wasn't okay, why still ask?

However, Travis this time felt a little happy with that little attention.

"I'm not okay, but you don't have to worry about me, I'm used to this, and I think it's better for me."

Justin actually knew Travis's situation, he also knew Travis's father liked to drink and often beat Travis. So he also agreed that Travis would be better off living there on his own.

"Can I come here to keep you company?" Justin asked, which surprised Travis.

"You... want to keep me company?"

Justin nodded, "Yeah, is that okay? If not, I won't-"

"Of course you can!"

After that no one dared to say anything, both were busy with their own thoughts.

Until Justin realized that he had to go back and report to work.

"I have to go, Travis."

Travis replied with a slow nod.

Justin took off on his motorcycle.

Travis closed the door to his grandmother's house, then prepared to eat because he was very hungry.

After eating, he of course tried to soak in the special potion the system was referring to.

The grandmother's bathroom was quite nice and modern. It did have a bathtub, although it was a little worn, but it worked well.

Grandma had asked for a bathtub in her bathroom, because she had a sudden urge to take a warm bath.

Travis remembered that he was ten years old. His mother had been nagging him because his father had made a bathtub for grandma with the money his mother earned.

That time they had a big fight, how could Travis forget it.

Grandma was not a good mother-in-law to his mother, only demanding money, but not willing to consider his mother her daughter in-law.

After the herb was mixed with the warm water Travis had prepared, the water turned slightly green.

Travis tried to soak there for ten minutes, but it was very difficult because the water became very hot. Though Travis was sure he had measured the right warmth for soaking.

It feels hot and spicy, Travis doesn't know how.

What was certain was that after the ten minutes was over, he immediately jumped out of the bathtub.

To his surprise, the water turned black.

"What happened to the water?" muttered Travis, he quickly grabbed a large towel to wrap around his body.

"There's no way I'm going to bathe like this every afternoon for seven days, right?"

[Sorry master, but you'll quickly get used to that water]

[The potion helps you remove all the dirt from your body, all the fat that you don't need]

[Made from natural herbs from the mountains of Elvestra, which they used to make baths that-]

"Okay, enough! I don't understand what you mean. Just let me finish my bath."

[Tsk, okay]

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