6. Change quickly

Roni and Cathy gaped at the cashier's words. The helpful intern was arranging all the clothes into paper bags with a big smile. She was sure she had gotten the customer who bought the most that day, so her boss must have given her a bonus.

"Here are your purchases, sir... please come again if you want to buy anything."

Travis accepted the groceries with a happy heart. He trusted the clerk to pick out the most suitable clothes for him.

He himself was not familiar with fashion.

"Can I use the dressing room to wear just one outfit? Because the clothes I'm wearing are already baggy." Travis asked.

The employee escorted Travis to the changing room.

Meanwhile, Roni and Cathy still couldn't believe what they saw.

"Did he just steal?" asked Cathy.

"I think so." said Roni.

"Let's report it to the police-"

"No stop! If my dad finds out, I get beaten up again, remember your idea to make Travis wash dishes for a week at the restaurant? My dad found out from the restaurant owner and he beat me with a belt until my back was scratched. Don't give me any more bad ideas or we're breaking up!"

This was the first time Cathy had been scolded by Roni, so Cathy was very upset.

"Then break up!" A cranky Cathy immediately left the shop.

Roni immediately caught up with her, but an employee stopped him, "wait, you still haven't paid for the bag your girlfriend bought, it cost 3000$."

Roni cursed in annoyance, Cathy only liked his money.

After paying unwillingly, Roni went after the troublesome woman.

He even forgot that he was with Travis.

Meanwhile, Travis was relieved when he saw Roni and Cathy had left.

"Thank goodness..."

Travis was afraid that they would prank him again if they were still there.

"Wow, you're so handsome!"

"Excuse me, can I take a picture with you? Because you're the first customer I served today." said the intern who had been helping Travis.

Travis himself was confused, people's gazes had changed just because he was wearing nice clothes, or because he managed to pay 8,000$, or because he was handsome?

"Of course."

After finishing the photo, he quickly left to buy the latest smartphone.

[Go to the biggest store]

[You will get twice what you spend]

Travis was certainly happy to hear that, so he decided to buy the most expensive and advanced smartphone, buy a laptop and other accessories that he needed.

This time the employees are all friendly, they are competing to offer Travis the most expensive gadgets. Travis is of course tempted by their offers, because he also wants to have a sophisticated smartphone and laptop.

[You have spent 4,500$]

[Your reward is 9,000$]

The claims of a system that could give him instant wealth were not made up.

Travis' current money is still 34,090$, he bought some fresh vegetables, eggs, and chicken breast at the supermarket. He will cook by himself, because the system only allows him to eat healthy food without much processing.

For a day, Travis can still have two unhealthy snacks.

Since he only had one unhealthy snack that day, he chose to buy a jumbo burger.

Isn't that what it feels like to buy anything without fear of lack of money?

Travis' money was only tens of thousands of dollars, but back then even fifty dollars was the most money he had.

He took another online taxi home.

Cooking for a while because he was already hungry. He only boiled chicken breast after he seasoned it a little, he also boiled vegetables so he wouldn't get bored with chicken breast. Because Travis doesn't like to eat chicken meat without chicken skin, he likes chicken skin the most. In addition to vegetables, he also makes chili sauce so that his food is not bland.

While he was busy eating, he looked at the burger he bought and couldn't wait to eat it at night.

"Wait, I already spent the opportunity to buy unhealthy food!" Travis said indignantly.

He was about to go to the cafe to work on the assignment with his group, there must be a desire to buy sweet food or drinks there.

[The system will show the menu that the master can buy]

[So don't worry]

Travis nervously thought about what bland menu the system would provide for him.


Working on the group assignment went very smoothly, Travis could only buy cold lemonade.

He knew for sure Vicky, Justin and Lizzy who were in the group with him were thinking that was all Travis could buy.

However, none of them commented on Travis' appearance. Except Justin who said that Travis's clothes were really nice. Travis just chuckled to answer him, he couldn't say that he bought the clothes from a big store for 500$.

Justin was an ordinary young man, he came from a well-off family, you could say rich, but not that rich either. Despite having money, Justin liked to work part-time.

Travis himself often applied for part-time jobs. But he was in a place where appearance was everything. One of the requirements for work is to goodlooking, and Travis didn't qualify. So he just took jobs from his neighbors.

Well, Justin wasn't bad. He was tall, handsome, tan, with brownish hair. Travis himself was confused why he was being bullied, even though his skin color was very pretty. But the beauty standard there was light skin.

Travis, who was getting ready to go home, had to be surprised when Vicky suddenly reached out her hand, pulling Travis' chin so that he looked at Vicky.

"I've noticed from the start, you've gotten a lot better than before." Vicky said.

"Right, where did all your pimples go? Three days ago there was still a lot of it, your face was dull. Now you look like you've never had acne, not even a trace of it, your face is brighter too."

If Vicky is a model who is often used for product photos, ranging from makeup, skincare, to clothing. Then Lizzy is the daughter of a well-known make-up brand owner who is also a former actress.

"Do you go to a certain beauty clinic, or use a certain skincare?" Vicky asked.

The two girls looked very curious about Travis' face which turned smooth and bright.

Travis himself was confused, his face was slowly improving, even acne scars did not exist.

"I don't wear anything." Travis replied.

Vicky and Lizzy laughed at that.

"There's no way you didn't do something, quickly tell me what you did."

Justin was silent because he was also curious about Travis' rapid change.

"I'm wearing-"

[Remember not to divulge about the system, or the product of the system you are using]

Travis swallowed his saliva, suddenly his throat felt dry, so he drank the remaining half of lemonade.

His three friends were still waiting for Travis' answer.

"I only use face wash and diet. I can't eat much sugar or salt, I only eat vegetables and meat boiled every day, and for rice, I eat brown rice."

Travis hoped they believed him.

However, Vicky and Lizzy, who are very knowledgeable about skincare, did not believe him.

"Travis, what you mentioned makes sense, but it's impossible to change in three days, right?" Lizzy said.

"It's Travis, am I right?"

Travis don't know if he should feel relieved or not because there were two men coming towards him. From their appearance they looked like thugs.

"Yeah, what's happen?"

"You can eat at a nice cafe like this, but we almost beat up your father for gambling debts. He owes 5000$, pay it off quickly and here's the proof."

Travis was scared to be confronted like that, and even presented with the proof.

His father owed a lot of money again...

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