7. Not grateful enough

"You guys are rude for collecting a debt that doesn't belong to my friend in a public place like this," said Justin, he was blocking Travis from the two bad-looking guys.

"It's okay Justin, I'm used to this." Travis said.

"Even though you're used to it, it doesn't mean they can be mean to you." Vicky said.

Travis stood up and asked the two men to talk about his father's debt properly. Travis grabbed the bag he was carrying and left with the two men.

His friends could only stare at Travis and the two men walked away. But Justin quietly followed them because he was worried about Travis.

After arriving outside the cafe, Travis stopped, then looked at the two men with a flat stare.

He was upset about his father being in debt.

But also not surprised at all.

In the past, it was his mother who was always billed for every debt his father owed. His father always lost at gambling.

But if he won, Travis and his mother never enjoyed the money. His father used the money to have fun with other wome
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