10. Only friend

Travis looked at himself in the mirror, his uniform had been replaced with a new one. He bought it from a student who suddenly offered his unused uniform, saying it was too big. Travis bought it without a second thought.

Travis didn't recognize the student, he was smaller and looked very young, despite actually being the same age as Travis.

"Can I open that present?" Travis muttered, more like a whisper, very quietly for fear of anyone hearing him.

[You have two unopened presents, master!]

[Do you want to open them all?]

"Yes," Travis replied quickly.

[The first prize is an Arch KRGT sports bike priced at 85,000$]

[The second prize is a small apartment worth 350,000$]

Travis almost fainted from the shock of all the prices. How could he ever own something with that much value?

"But, I still want to live in grandma's house." Travis muttered.

He planned to make grandma's house bigger. After all, grandma had made the house and the land belong to Travis, the only grandson she had.

Then, ne
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