Changing Life With Instant Wealth System
Changing Life With Instant Wealth System
Author: Dee Hwang
1. A cruel world

"Now take that bread, with your mouth!"

Some of the students laughed loudly, seeing the fat, short, weak-looking figure of another student crouching down. The fat student did as they told him, otherwise, they would beat him up.

"Haha he's so stupid!"

"I've never seen anyone as stupid as him."

"He's not stupid, but an idiot."

"Now eat that bread, quickly!"

The fat student had no choice but to eat it. The bread that had been trampled with their shoes was the only bread he could buy with his pocket money.

As the tears flowed down his face, he covered himself up.

He was so pathetic.

His name was Travis Averdo. He was just a pathetic teenage boy, with a broken family, lack of finances, not to mention his appearance that people thought was very ugly, he wasn't very smart either.

Luck never seemed to be on Travis' side.

Being bullied like that was his daily life and he was used to it. Although it was still painful.

His hands had just healed from their torture last week. They burned Travis' hand with a vise belonging to Cathy, the girlfriend of the head bully.

Of course Travis' hands were badly blistered by it, but those who had no heart laughed at him as if his misery was a joke to them.

Revenge? Don't joke around.

Even to take revenge, just thinking about it, Travis was sure he was incapable.

He was so weak and cowardly.

He knew that.

But he couldn't do anything about it.

They were very strong and powerful.

Ronald, or Roni as he was usually called, was the leader of the bully group. He was the son of a local official, a rich man.

Of course Travis couldn't fight him.

Travis started to get excited when they started to get bored because there was no resistance at all by Travis.

"He's getting boring, let's just go." Roni said.

They left, leaving Travis crying silently while chewing his dirty bread with difficulty.

If he didn't eat it, he might not be able to eat again later.

People say, "don't eat, you're already fat" and it's very painful.

Travis actually rarely ate, because there was no money for it, but he never got thin.

The rearmost of Roni's followers kicked Travis until he was on his stomach on the cold floor.

Of course it hurt a lot, but Travis didn't make a sound.

"Not only fat, you're also ugly! It hurts my eyes!" he said, before leaving to follow Roni.

Travis was used to such treatment, so he just kept quiet, wiping away his useless tears.

He thought his heart was dead because he was used to being treated badly by others, but apparently he could still cry.


Travis went back to his sickening home. There was no happy family there, no harmonious family. There was no gentle and loving mother. No strict and responsible father.

Travis heard a loud slap as soon as he opened his door.

His parents' arguments were normal for him, but that didn't mean they didn't hurt him.

His father didn't want to work, but always gambled and spent money on cigarettes and alcohol.

While her mother also drank alcohol, she worked in a nightclub as a waitress, but her salary was all spent on fun and supporting her useless husband.

They fought every day, hitting and hurting each other. In fact, sometimes Travis was their punching bag.

The pocket money Travis got was the result of his own work, any work.

Sometimes he would help his neighbor clean the house, fix a broken faucet, hoe in the fields... whatever. For the sake of a few pieces of money that he could use for food.

But sometimes that little money would be snatched away by his father and used to buy his cigarettes, or his cheap alcohol.

He would always say, "you're already that big, you don't need money or food, you'd better go on a diet and work to make more money."

Well, it wasn't just the thugs at school, even his own family liked to hurt him.

Travis always thought, did he really not deserve a little respect? Was it all because of his appearance?

Travis chose to be alone in his room that afternoon, along with his smartphone.

To entertain himself, he opened social media, looking at the posts of rich people that he could not possibly get even though he had worked hard.

He was happy to see those rich people showing off their branded goods, spending money like a paper.

However, suddenly his fingers couldn't scroll anymore, his hands trembled seeing a video that was going viral on the internet.

It was a video of him being bullied at school. He thought there would be comments defending him, but there were not.

They were all laughing and enjoying the video of Travis being harassed like that.

This world is so cruel.

Why are they like that?

Was Travis created in this world to be bullied only?

He was tired.

So tired.

"Do I have to end my own life?" He muttered.

If he went back to school tomorrow, surely they would laugh at him again, right? It would be worse than before.

Travis left the room.

His stomach was rumbling because he hadn't eaten, only eating dirty bread which he then vomited back.

"Hey damn kid! Hurry up and get some money so I can eat."

The man he called father punched him, causing Travis' weak body to fall to the dirty floor.

But Travis didn't cry, didn't complain, just stood back up and replied "I'll try."

Other people, have fathers who are willing to do anything to support their children.

But his father was never like that.

Travis hated his parents, but people always said, "after all, they're your parents, you can't hate them."

But even they hated their son and abandoned him.

This world, is there still a glimmer of hope?

Travis continued to walk in an uncertain direction. He himself didn't know where to go, he just kept walking, away from his messy house.

Accidentally, he saw his mother in an alley, with a man. They were kissing there.

Yes, his mother often cheated on her husband and it was one of the causes of quarrels in their household.

Travis already didn't care about his mother's behavior.

He went back to walking as fast as he could.

"Hey, piggy!"

Travis stopped walking when he saw Roni's group. He wanted to get away from there and dodge, but one of Roni's men chased Travis.

"Hey, wait you idiot!"


Travis was easy to catch.

As before, they beat Travis for no reason. If they were upset, they would find Travis to beat up.

They beat him up in a small, abandoned field.

Heavy rain suddenly poured down on the city.

Roni stomped on Travis's stomach with all his might, not caring if the stocky body was already stiff and cold.

"What did I do wrong for you to beat me?" Travis asked in a weak voice, but Roni could hear him.

"Your fault? You're fat, ugly and easy to beat up. There's no reason, it's just a whim. I'm bored already, let's just go guys."

They left Travis in that pathetic state.

Travis was tired.

He wanted to die-

[Do you want to change your destiny?]

What did the strange voice mean?

What was that strange screen floating in front of him?

[Do you want to change your destiny?]


That was what Travis said before collapsing. His cold body was drenched by the heavy rain.

Travis was sure he wouldn't last long.

[The new owner of the system has been determined]

[The process of merging the system with the new owner will be done soon...]


[50%... 80%...]


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