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By: Harmonic quill OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 6 views: 31

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Julie’s expression hardened, her desperation transforming into a steely determination. "If you really love me, you would do this for me," she insisted. "You have nothing to lose, Jason. But for me, it means everything. My career, my future... It’s all at stake here." Jason Grey felt the weight of her words pressing down on him, a crushing pressure that made it hard to breathe. He loved Julie deeply, but the idea of sacrificing himself for her crime was unthinkable. "Julie, this is insane," he said, his voice strained. "You’re asking me to throw my life away for something you did. I can’t do that." After taking the fall for a crime his wife committed, Jason was released from prison after five years. Upon returning home, he found his wife in an intimate position with his best friend. Feeling betrayed and heartbroken, Jason confronted his wife, only for her to show no remorse and reveal her intention to divorce him. Just as everything seemed to be going wrong for Jason, he received a phone call from a woman who revealed his true identity: he was actually the son of the owner of a multi-billion-dollar enterprise, and his real name was Jason Tempest. Now, with a new identity and a renewed sense of purpose, Jason vowed to take revenge on his wife and best friend for their betrayal. However, he also needed to prove himself worthy and adapt to the cutthroat world of business.

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6 chapters
CHAPTER 1"Careful love." Jason said as he held the door open for his wife, Julie Grey and they both stepped out of the dimly lit restaurant into the cool night air. The city's neon lights cast a soft glow on the bustling street. Julie dressed in a sleek black dress stumbled slightly, it was clear that she was drunk and her laughter echoed down the sidewalk."Wow, I think you had a few too many this night." Jason said with a chuckle, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her movements.Julie waved him off with a playful smile on her lips, "Oh, come on, Jason. I'm perfectly fine. It's not every day a girl gets to celebrate her last night of freedom!""I just think, you should be careful. You walking sloppily." Jason said critically observing her movements."I'm fine, you worry too much." Julie said as her speech slurred, Jason ignored her as his smile faded as they approached her car. "Maybe I should drive, Jules. It's not a good idea to let a lawyer drive while drunk. Imagine t
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The harsh clang of metal gates resonated through the corridor as Jason stepped out of the penitentiary. His eyes squinted against the glaring sunlight, a stark contrast to the dimly lit interior of the prison he had called home for the past five years. The prison guard was a burly man with a gray beard, stood at the threshold watching Jason's tentative first steps toward freedom."Hey, Jason," the guard called out, his voice gruff but not unkind. "Remember what we talked about. No more trouble. You've got a fresh start now. Make the most of it."Jason turned back, his expression a mixture of gratitude and determination. "Thanks, Officer Reynolds. I'll keep that in mind."Reynolds nodded, his eyes softening. "Good luck, son."With a final nod, Jason walked away, the massive gate clanging shut behind him. His heart pounded with a mix of anxiety and anticipation as he made his way to the bus stop. His first destination: home.The journey was a blur, his mind racing with memories of the p
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CHAPTER 3Jason wandered aimlessly through the rain-soaked streets, his mind a tempest of regrets and anger. Each raindrop seemed to echo the sorrow and betrayal that filled his heart. He had sacrificed everything for his wife, only to watch her move on with her life, leaving him with nothing but painful memories. Anger surged within him, a bitter fury that made him wish he could make her pay, but he felt powerless, abandoned even by his closest friend. As an orphan with no family to love him, his sense of loss was profound and all-encompassing.Suddenly, the shrill ring of his phone broke through his desolate thoughts, startling him. He hesitated, wondering who could be calling him at such a moment. The display showed a 'private number'. With a mix of curiosity and confusion, he answered."Is this Jason Grey?" The voice on the other end was that of a woman, authoritative yet respectful."Yeah," Jason replied, feeling an odd compulsion to respond."You know the cafeteria, Deli Delight
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The bird chirped melodiously as it landed on the branch of a nearby tree, its song a stark contrast to the somber mood surrounding Jason. He sat heavily on a worn park bench, looking tired and sweaty from the long, grueling day. His clothes clung to him, still stained and crumpled from his time in prison. Jason hadn't had the chance to wash up or change since his release; he felt as though the grime and exhaustion of his incarceration were etched into his very skin.As he waited, he watched children playing nearby, their laughter echoing through the park. It was a scene of pure innocence and joy, something he had once imagined sharing with Julie. They had talked about having children, living a simple, happy life. But those dreams had shattered when she betrayed him, along with his best friend, Alex. He felt a mix of bitterness and longing as he observed the carefree play of the children.After what felt like an eternity, Jason noticed Julie approaching, accompanied by another woman dr
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Jason trudged up the driveway towards the imposing mansion, the day’s weight hanging heavy on his shoulders. He was mentally drained, each step feeling like a challenge. As he neared the grand entrance, he instinctively reached for the handle, but before he could touch it, the doors swung open on their own. His eyes widened in surprise, his mouth slightly agape as he took in the sight.“You’ve never seen automatic doors before? What kind of life were you living?” Olivia’s voice came from behind him, laced with playful mockery.Jason chuckled, his voice tinged with fatigue. “Mocking a man who just got out of prison, huh?” He turned to face her, raising an eyebrow.Olivia scoffed, shaking her head. “Welcome home, Jason.”As they entered the mansion, a buzz of activity surrounded them. The mansion's staff, a group of maids and butlers, had lined up, their expressions a mix of curiosity and reverence. At the front stood Lily, the head maid. Jason noticed the maids whispering among themsel
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As Jason finished up with uncle, he was heading to Olivia. He spotted a familiar figure: tall, with striking long red hair, unmistakably engaged in conversation with Olivia. The woman turned and noticed Jason, her features softened by a warm smile. She gently excused herself from her daughter and walked towards him."Mother, this is Jaso—" Olivia began to introduce him, but her mother interrupted her."You must be Jason," she said, her voice warm but her eyes sharp as she cupped his face in her hands. "You look so much like your father." Jason, taken aback by her sudden display of affection, glanced at Olivia, who seemed downcast and tense."Nice to meet you, Ms. um…""Evelyn Tempest," she introduced herself smoothly. "It's very unfortunate what happened to darling Edward. I loved him so much," she continued, her voice tinged with sorrow."My condolences," Jason replied awkwardly. "He was my father, but I didn’t know him that well."Evelyn's demeanor shifted dramatically. "You didn’t
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