Jason wandered aimlessly through the rain-soaked streets, his mind a tempest of regrets and anger. Each raindrop seemed to echo the sorrow and betrayal that filled his heart. He had sacrificed everything for his wife, only to watch her move on with her life, leaving him with nothing but painful memories. Anger surged within him, a bitter fury that made him wish he could make her pay, but he felt powerless, abandoned even by his closest friend. As an orphan with no family to love him, his sense of loss was profound and all-encompassing.

Suddenly, the shrill ring of his phone broke through his desolate thoughts, startling him. He hesitated, wondering who could be calling him at such a moment. The display showed a 'private number'. With a mix of curiosity and confusion, he answered.

"Is this Jason Grey?" The voice on the other end was that of a woman, authoritative yet respectful.

"Yeah," Jason replied, feeling an odd compulsion to respond.

"You know the cafeteria, Deli Delight?" she continued, as if assuming he was familiar with it.

"Yes, I do."

"Good, meet me there before 4 PM," she instructed, her tone brooking no argument.

"Okay—" Jason began, but she had already hung up, leaving him puzzled.

"Who the hell was that?" he muttered to himself. Glancing at his watch, he realized he had just enough time to make it to the location. Deli Delight wasn't far from Julie's mansion, and he sprinted there, arriving just a minute before the designated time.

For fifteen minutes, he sat in the cafeteria, growing increasingly convinced it was a prank. But then, three black SUVs pulled up, one after the other. A man in a sleek black suit, wearing an earpiece, stepped out of the central car and opened the door.

A striking red-haired woman emerged, her attire and demeanor exuding wealth and authority. Every head in the region turned to look at her. She entered the cafeteria and, to Jason's surprise, made her way directly to his table, sitting down without a word. The silence stretched uncomfortably until Jason, unable to bear it any longer, was about to stand up when she finally spoke.

"Twenty-eight years. That's how long Father has been looking for you, like you were a lost puppy. Now, look at you," she said, her eyes sweeping over him with a mixture of disdain and pity.

"I'm sorry, miss... I don't understand what you're talking about. You must have the wrong person," Jason replied, his confusion mounting as he prepared to leave.

"You go by Jason Grey, don't you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Jason sat back down slowly, recognizing her voice from the phone call.

"Are you the one who called me?" he demanded, seeking answers, but she ignored his question.

"How did you end up in prison? Are you really that stupid to drink and drive?" she mocked, scoffing as Jason bristled with anger.

"That's my personal business. Now, back to my—"

"Perhaps you are that stupid. I guess it runs in the family after all," she interrupted, pushing Jason to his breaking point. He stood and slammed his hands on the table.

"Repeat that again!" he snarled, but the woman merely signaled her bodyguard to stand down.

"Calm down, brother. I know you've had it rough. I'm here to bring you home," she said, and Jason blinked in surprise.

"Brother? What the hell are you talking about? I'm not your brother," he retorted forcefully, but she just scoffed.

"You really know nothing, do you? Do you remember your parents?" she asked.

"Yeah, Mr. and Mrs. Gre—"

"Jesus Christ..." she muttered, rolling her eyes. "I'm talking about your real parents, your blood parents."

Jason shook his head slowly. "No, I don't. What does that have to do with anything?" he asked, and she growled in frustration.

"Your real parents are Mr. and Mrs. Tempest," she revealed, and Jason's mouth dropped open.

"You mean, the billionaire Tempests? The owners of Voss Fashion Empire and one of the country's major oil suppliers?" Jason exclaimed, his surprise evident. She gestured for him to lower his voice.

"Yes, that's correct. Twenty-eight years ago, your mother died, and you went missing. It was a tragic day for Father. He married my mother afterward. Father wanted a son, but my mother couldn't give him one, making you the sole heir to the family empire," she explained, her voice tinged with bitterness.

"If this is all true, then you are my half-sister," Jason said, trying to process the information. She nodded.

"If you're here, what about Father?" The word felt foreign and awkward on his tongue, showing he hadn't fully accepted the reality. She lowered her head, her expression turning somber.

"He died yesterday. The cause was a massive fire outburst," she said softly. It was the day before Jason's release from prison. For a moment, Jason lowered his head, feeling an unexpected wave of sadness for a man he hadn't even known.

"I can see that you truly loved him," Jason observed, noting the emotion on her face.

"He was one of the few people who made me feel accepted in the family," she admitted, her voice thick with emotion.

"What about your moth—" Jason began, but a bright flash interrupted him. Instinctively, he shielded his eyes.

"Damn it! The press is here. We need to go, now!" she urged, grabbing his arm. They raced to the car, barely avoiding the horde of reporters with cameras.

"Take us home," she commanded the driver, who nodded. As the car sped away, Jason turned to her, realizing he didn't even know her name.

"Oh, I didn't ask. What's your name?" he inquired. She smiled, a genuine smile that softened her stern features.

"I'm Olivia. Olivia Tempest," she replied, her voice gentle as she recalled a pleasant memory. The name had been given to her by Edward Tempest, their father.

The car, a sleek black sedan with tinted windows rolled up the gravel driveway of an opulent mansion. It's engine purring softly as it came to a stop, the estate was expansive, with immaculately manicured lawns and towering hedges that enclosed a world of luxury. 

Jason gazed out of the window, eyes widening at the sight of numerous high-end vehicles parked outside—Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Bentleys. The grandeur of the mansion and the display of wealth were unlike anything he had ever experienced. He stepped out of the car feeling the crunch of the gravel under his feet and took in the massive mansion before him,

Before he could fully absorb the magnificence of his surroundings, a voice called out to him, breaking his reverie.

"Father wanted you to have his mansion." Jason's heart raced, and a wave of disbelief washed over him. The reality of her statement was almost too much to comprehend.

"Me? This mansion?" Jason stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't believe it. My whole life... I never imagined something like this could happen to me."

Olivia smiled warmly, understanding his awe. "It's true, Jason. Father's last wish was for you to inherit this place. He believed you would cherish it."

Jason was overwhelmed. His life, which had been modest and unremarkable had suddenly taken a fantastical turn. The enormity of the gift left him speechless standing there in a daze.

"You should come inside," Olivia urged gently, a playful glint in her eye. "Experience wealth for the first time." Her teasing tone was lighthearted, meant to ease the shock that Jason was clearly feeling.

As Jason was about to respond, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He fished it out and glanced at the screen, reading the message that had just arrived. "Meet me at that place, the one where you..." Jason's lips moved silently as he read, the cryptic message trailing off into ambiguity. It was from Julie, he scoffed at the absurdity of the situation momentarily pulling him out of his astonishment.

"Um... Olivia," he began, hesitating as he looked up from his phone. "I need to go. It's urgent."

Olivia's expression shifted to one of concern, she could see the seriousness in his eyes. "Alright," she said nodding slowly. "Just be careful. Let the guards accompany you."

Jason shook his head, a determined look settling on his face. "I want to do this myself," he insisted. There was a resolve in his voice, a need to confront Julie and finally end things.

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