The harsh clang of metal gates resonated through the corridor as Jason stepped out of the penitentiary. His eyes squinted against the glaring sunlight, a stark contrast to the dimly lit interior of the prison he had called home for the past five years. The prison guard was a burly man with a gray beard, stood at the threshold watching Jason's tentative first steps toward freedom.

"Hey, Jason," the guard called out, his voice gruff but not unkind. "Remember what we talked about. No more trouble. You've got a fresh start now. Make the most of it."

Jason turned back, his expression a mixture of gratitude and determination. "Thanks, Officer Reynolds. I'll keep that in mind."

Reynolds nodded, his eyes softening. "Good luck, son."

With a final nod, Jason walked away, the massive gate clanging shut behind him. His heart pounded with a mix of anxiety and anticipation as he made his way to the bus stop. His first destination: home.

The journey was a blur, his mind racing with memories of the past and dreams of the future. He stepped off the bus in his old neighborhood, a place that felt simultaneously familiar and foreign. The streets were quieter than he remembered, the houses showing signs of age and wear.

As he approached his old house, a sinking feeling gnawed at his gut. A large 'For Sale' sign was staked in the front yard. His heart sank. He stood there, staring at the sign, trying to process the reality of the situation.

"Hey there!" A voice called out, breaking his reverie. Jason turned to see a man in his mid-thirties, earbuds dangling from his ears, approaching with a curious look. "You looking for someone?"

"Yeah," Jason replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I used to live here. Do you know what happened to the people who lived here?"

The man pulled out his earbuds, his eyes widening in recognition. "Wait a minute. Are you... Jason?"

Jason nodded, a hint of wariness creeping into his posture. "Yeah. That's me."

The neighbor's face lit up with a mix of surprise and excitement. "Man, I can't believe it. You're out! The whole neighborhood thought you'd never come back."

"Yeah, well, here I am," Jason said, forcing a smile. "Do you know what happened to Julie? Julie Grey?"

The neighbor's expression shifted to one of confusion. "You mean, Julie Adams? You don't know?"

Jason's heart skipped a beat. "Know what?"

"Man, she's a movie star now. A famous actress!" The neighbor pulled out his phone, his fingers flying over the screen. "Here, let me show you."

Jason watched in disbelief as the neighbor brought up a search result. There, on the screen, was a picture of Julie, radiant and smiling, her name splashed across headlines. The text read: "Julie Adams: Hollywood's Rising Star with a Net Worth of $100 Million."

Jason's mind reeled. "She lives in a mansion now, about two hours from here," the neighbor added, pointing at the screen. "Crazy, right?"

Jason stared at the image, his thoughts a whirlwind. "Yeah," he murmured, more to himself than the neighbor. "Crazy."

"Hey, if you want to get in touch with her, maybe I can help you find her address," the neighbor offered, sensing Jason's turmoil.

Jason hesitated, the weight of the past five years pressing down on him. "Thanks, but... I think I need some time to process all this."

The neighbor nodded understandingly. "I get it. If you change your mind, just let me know."

Jason thanked him and walked away, his mind a storm of conflicting emotions. Julie had changed her surname back to their father’s name. What had happened with Grey? The question gnawed at him, a puzzle he couldn’t solve. Grey was their surname a name that had meant stability and love. Now, it was gone.

Jason sighed deeply, he needed to see her, to understand what had happened. He checked his wallet—only a few coins left, not enough for a bus fare. "Hey! I think I will need that address." He said to the neighbor, Jason gathered what little he had and boarded the bus.

Jason stepped off the bus and looked up at the sprawling mansion before him. It was a striking sight, far grander than anything he had ever imagined Julie living in. He clenched the piece of paper with the address he had gotten from the neighbor, his last bit of hope guiding him to this place. Despite his ragged appearance, he was determined to see Julie. After all, she was the only family he had left. 

As he approached the imposing gates, the security guards eyed him with suspicion. His worn clothes and weary expression didn't match the opulence of the mansion behind them.

"I’m here to see my wife, Julie," Jason said, his voice steady despite his anxiety.

The guards exchanged looks of disbelief. "Julie? The boss is busy, and she doesn’t have time for you. Move along before things get ugly," one of them said dismissively.

Jason felt a pang of humiliation and desperation. "Please, I need to see her. She’s my wife. Just let her know I’m here," he pleaded, his voice breaking.

The guard’s eyes narrowed. "We’ve got no time for delusional men. Get lost," he barked, pushing Jason back. 

As the rain started to pour, mirroring the turmoil inside him, Jason felt utterly dejected. How had things come to this? Julie was supposed to be waiting for him after his release from the hospital. She had promised. Determined to get answers, Jason decided to take matters into his own hands.

The rain provided a cover as he snuck around the perimeter of the mansion. Finding a section of the fence that looked scalable, he climbed over, thankful that the guards were distracted by the weather and the dogs were asleep. Once inside, he marveled at the grandeur of the mansion, a stark contrast to the life they once shared.

The rain drummed incessantly on the roof of the mansion as Jason stood in the grand foyer, staring up the staircase. The sound of familiar giggles lured him to a room upstairs, a room where he would find more than he bargained for. His heart pounded in his chest, each step feeling like an eternity. He reached for the door, his hand trembling, and paused as he heard a voice that made his blood run cold.

Julie’s laughter was unmistakable, but it was intertwined with another voice—Alex’s. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. His worst fears were about to be confirmed. He pushed the door open and stepped inside.

“Julie,” he whispered, his voice barely audible over the storm raging both outside and within him. The scene before him was like a nightmare brought to life. Julie was bent over the bed with Alex's dick buried inside her.

Julie’s head snapped up, her eyes wide with shock. “Jason, how—Why are you here?” She stammered, scrambling to cover herself with a sheet.

“How could you, Julie?” Jason’s voice broke as he looked between his wife and his best friend, the two people he had trusted most in the world.

Alex, recovering from his initial surprise, sneered. “What did you expect, Jason? You were out of the picture. Julie moved on.”

Jason’s fists clenched at his sides, his body trembling with anger. “Moved on? With my best friend? Julie, we had plans. You wanted to be the best lawyer, remember?”

Julie looked away, she was unable to meet his gaze. “Things change, Jason. Alex... He made me realize I could be more. I’m a movie star now.”

Jason’s world spun. “And you used your father’s surname? What happened to Grey?”

Julie’s eyes filled with tears, but there was a hardness there too. “Grey was part of a life that’s over. I’m someone else now.”

The betrayal cut deep. Jason felt rage building inside him. “You were supposed to be there for me. We were supposed to be together.”

Alex stepped forward, his face twisted in a smug grin. “Julie’s with me now. You’re nothing but a ghost from the past.”

Jason’s voice trembled as he spoke, “I went to jail for you, Julie. For a crime, you committed and this is how you betray me?”

Julie’s expression hardened, her voice cold. “I didn’t ask you to go to jail for me, Jason.”

Hearing those words, Jason’s heart shattered. This wasn’t the woman he once knew. The warmth and love he remembered were replaced by a coldblooded persona. She was a stranger, someone who had discarded her past without a second thought.

Julie continued, her tone resolute. “I want a fresh start. Alex and I are planning to get married. He’s helping me solidify my career and future.”

"I didn't want to do this here," she said, turning away from him. She walked over to the antique mahogany drawer, her movements sharp and decisive. She pulled out an envelope and thrust it toward him. "This contains the divorce papers and a cheque for a million dollars. I need you to sign it. I'm through with you."

Jason stared at the envelope, his mind reeling. “A million dollars? Is this what our life together is worth to you?” His voice cracked with pain and disbelief.

Julie’s eyes flashed with impatience. “I don’t want to spend my future with you, Jason. You’re an ex-convict, and I can’t afford to have my name tainted. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am.”

The word “ex-convict” felt like a slap to his face. Jason’s pride bristled, and he tossed the papers away. “I won’t sign it,” he said defiantly, his voice low and trembling with suppressed rage.

Julie sighed, exasperated. “You’re only delaying the inevitable. The court can allow me to file unilaterally. Your consent isn’t needed, Jason. You know this as well as I do. I was a lawyer, after all.”

Before Jason could respond, Alex stepped into the room, a smirk playing on his lips. “Still can’t move on, can you, Jason? Pathetic,” he mocked, his voice dripping with condescension.

The taunt ignited a fire within Jason. His vision narrowed, and without thinking, he swung a punch at Alex, his fist connecting with a satisfying crunch. Alex staggered back but quickly recovered, retaliating with a blow that sent Jason sprawling to the floor.

“Enough!” Julie screamed, rushing to Alex’s side, her face a mask of concern. She knelt beside him, her hands gently probing his face for injuries.

Jason struggled to his feet, anger and hurt warring within him. “You care more about him than you ever did about me,” he spat, his voice breaking.

Julie looked up, her eyes cold and unyielding. “This isn’t about you anymore, Jason. It’s about my future. My career. And Alex is part of that.”

Jason’s fists clenched, and he moved toward Alex again, his rage blinding him. But before he could reach him, Julie’s voice rang out. “Guards!” she shouted, her voice shrill with panic.

Within moments, two burly security guards burst into the room. They seized Jason, restraining him with practiced ease. He struggled against their grip, his heart pounding with a mix of fury and despair.

“Get him out of here,” Julie ordered, her voice cold and devoid of any emotion.

The guards dragged Jason toward the door, his feet scraping against the marble floor. “Julie, please,” he pleaded, his voice raw with desperation. “Don’t do this.”

But Julie had already turned her back on him, her attention solely on Alex. Jason was hauled out of the mansion, his protests falling on deaf ears. Outside the rain had started to fall, a cold, relentless downpour that soaked him to the bone as the guards threw him into the mud.

He lay there, the cold and the wet seeping into his bones, feeling the full weight of his despair and pain. His mind raced with memories of what once was, the love that had turned to bitterness, the dreams that had crumbled into dust. 

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