Author: Harmonic quill


"Careful love." Jason said as he held the door open for his wife, Julie Grey and they both stepped out of the dimly lit restaurant into the cool night air.

 The city's neon lights cast a soft glow on the bustling street. Julie dressed in a sleek black dress stumbled slightly, it was clear that she was drunk and her laughter echoed down the sidewalk.

"Wow, I think you had a few too many this night." Jason said with a chuckle, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her movements.

Julie waved him off with a playful smile on her lips, "Oh, come on, Jason. I'm perfectly fine. It's not every day a girl gets to celebrate her last night of freedom!"

"I just think, you should be careful. You walking sloppily." Jason said critically observing her movements.

"I'm fine, you worry too much." Julie said as her speech slurred, Jason ignored her as his smile faded as they approached her car.

 "Maybe I should drive, Jules. It's not a good idea to let a lawyer drive while drunk. Imagine the headlines tomorrow—'lawyer Caught Drunk Driving'?" Jason chuckled at his own joke.

Julie rolled her eyes as her tone turning stubborn. "Jason, I'm fine. I've driven under worse conditions during law school remember?"

Jason sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to win this argument. "Alright, but please be careful."

They got into the car, Jason in the passenger seat and Julie behind the wheel. She started the engine, her hands gripping the steering wheel with a bit more force than usual. As they pulled onto the road, Jason couldn't help but glance over at her with a bit of concern.

"So, about tomorrow," Julie said, her voice slurred but cheerful as they celebrated her getting her first law case. "Do you think I should go with a classic approach or try something bold?"

Jason tried to keep the conversation light, though his eyes darted to the road nervously. "I think the classic approach is always strong. But if you want to try something bold, I’m in support Darling."

Julie nodded enthusiastically. "Classic it is. I can't believe I got my first case, Jason. It's like a dream."

"It really is," Jason agreed, though his focus remained split between Julie and the road ahead. "I just want everything to go perfectly for you."

"I love you," Julie said, leaning over to kiss him leaving the wheels. Jason reciprocated, their lips meeting briefly.

Just then a figure appeared in the headlights, too close for Julie to react in time.

"Julie watch out!" Jason alerted her as Julie screamed, jerking the wheel to avoid the pedestrian. The car swerved violently, tires screeching before crashing into a parked car with a sickening crunch. The impact jolted both Jason and Julie violently, and everything went black.

Jason groaned as he stirred awake, his head throbbing and his vision blurry. The sterile scent of antiseptic filled his nostrils, and he blinked against the harsh fluorescent lights above him. Disoriented, he tried to piece together his surroundings.

"Where am I?" he mumbled, his voice raspy.

A figure loomed over him, holding a small penlight. "You're in the hospital, Mr. Grey." The doctor said calmly. He leaned in closer, flashing the bright light into Jason's eyes. Instinctively, Jason raised his hand to block the glare.

"Easy there," the doctor said, lowering the light. "Just checking your vision. You've had a light concussion."

Jason let out a shaky breath, feeling the weight of exhaustion and confusion pressing down on him. "A concussion...?" He rubbed his temples, trying to remember what had happened. The last thing he recalled was the screeching of tires and the sickening impact.

"You're going to be alright," the nurse said, her voice soft and reassuring. She gently patted his hand, her touch warm and comforting.

Panic began to creep in as Jason's mind cleared a bit. "Julie," he whispered, his eyes darting around the room. "Where's Julie? Is she okay?"

The nurse's expression faltered for a moment, and she glanced away, avoiding his gaze. "Mr. Grey, please try to stay calm. You need to rest and recover."

Jason's heart rate spiked, and he tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness forced him back down. "No, I need to know! Where is she? What happened to Julie?"

The nurse stood at the foot of Jason’s bed, her eyes pleading silently for direction as she met the doctor’s steady gaze. She felt a heavy burden of responsibility. How could she possibly explain to Jason what was happening to his wife right now? Jason's current emotional and physical state made the situation even more delicate. She needed guidance on how to handle this without causing him further distress.

The doctor noticing her inner turmoil, answered him with a composed demeanor.

 "She's fine," He said with a reassuring tone.

 "She’s in the next room, but you can’t see her right now. She’s currently resting." The words slipped out smoothly, a practiced lie, as he maintained eye contact with Jason. He then glanced briefly at the nurse, silently signaling her to play along.

Relief washed over the nurse's face, though she couldn't completely hide her guilt. She moved closer to Jason, her voice gentle but firm. "For now, just rest, Mr. Grey," she said softly, attempting to convey calmness and security.

Jason nodded, but the anxiety in his eyes betrayed his apparent compliance. As the nurse and doctor left the room, the door closed with a soft click, leaving Jason alone with his swirling thoughts. Despite the doctor's assurances, Jason's mind raced with worry for Julie. The minutes felt like hours, each tick of the clock amplifying his growing unease.

Unable to contain his concern, Jason glanced at the medical equipment connected to him. He knew what he had to do. Slowly, he began to remove the various monitors and tubes attached to his body, he winced as he pulled the last IV out, but determination overshadowed any physical discomfort.

Slipping out of bed, Jason moved silently toward the door opening it to peek into the hallway. Seeing it was clear, he ventured out driven by an urgent need to see Julie. He navigated the sterile corridors with quiet precision, his heart pounding louder with every step. 

He spotted Julie's room and entered, his  mind raced as he processed what he saw. Julie was handcuffed to the hospital bed, her eyes filled with fear as the officer questioned her. He barely noticed the sharp intake of his breath, but it was enough to draw the attention of the officer.

"Hey! You can't be in here." the officer barked, turning his head sharply toward Jason.

Julie looked over, her eyes locking onto Jason's. "Jason," she gasped, tears welling up in her eyes.

The officer stepped forward, blocking Jason's view of Julie. "Sir, you need to leave. This is a police matter."

Ignoring the officer, Jason's voice rose with desperation. "What the hell is going on? Why is she handcuffed? Julie, what happened?"

The officer held up a hand to halt Jason's approach. "Sir, please step outside. This is an ongoing investigation."

Julie spoke up, her voice trembling but resolute. "Jason, it's okay. Just listen to them. I'll explain everything later."

Jason shook his head, frustration and worry blending into anger. "No, I won't just stand by. She’s my wife. I deserve to know what's happening."

The doctor, who had followed Jason into the room, placed a calming hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Grey, please let's step outside and discuss this. Your wife is safe, but we need to follow protocol."

Reluctantly, Jason allowed himself to be guided out of the room, his eyes never leaving Julie until the door closed behind them. The doctor led him to a quiet corner of the hallway, the nurse following closely behind.

"Mr. Grey," the doctor began, his tone gentle yet firm, "your wife is involved in an investigation concerning the accident. The police need to question her to understand what happened. I assure you, she's not in any immediate danger."

Jason's hands clenched into fists at his sides. "But why is she handcuffed? She's not a criminal!"

The nurse stepped forward, her eyes kind but serious. "Sometimes, in situations like this, the police take precautions. It's standard procedure during an investigation, especially if there are unresolved questions."

Jason took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "What aren't you telling me? What really happened in that accident?"

The doctor exchanged a glance with the nurse before continuing. "From what we've gathered, the accident was severe. There are indications that it might not have been purely accidental. The police are just trying to piece everything together, to ensure everyone's safety and to find out the truth."

Jason's heart pounded in his chest. The last thing he remembered was driving down a familiar road, and now his wife was under police scrutiny. He needed answers, but most importantly he needed to see Julie to hear her side of the story.

"Can I at least talk to her?" Jason asked, his voice breaking slightly. "Please, just for a minute."

The doctor sighed, nodding slowly. "I'll speak with the officer and see if we can arrange a brief conversation. But you need to promise to stay calm. Any agitation could worsen your condition."

Jason nodded, grateful for the small mercy. "Thank you."

The doctor disappeared into the room, leaving Jason to his thoughts. Moments later, he re-emerged accompanied by a police officer. He surveyed the room before his eyes settled on Jason, assessing him with a look that was both stern and compassionate.

"You have five minutes to talk with your wife," the officer said, his voice steady and devoid of emotion. 

Jason nodded, his heart pounding in his chest as he entered the room seeing Julie in tears.

"Julie," he murmured, his voice a blend of anguish and empathy. "I'm here. It’s going to be alright."

Julie clung to him, her sobs muffled against his shoulder. After a few moments, she pulled back slightly her eyes red and swollen from crying. "Jason," she began as her voice trembled, "The cop... he’s going to arrest me once I’m out of here. They’re saying I’ll be convicted for killing that pedestrian last night." Her words came out in a rush, each sentence laden with fear and desperation. "I was drunk driving, Jason. My career... my life... it’s all over."

Jason’s heart ached as he listened to her. He stroked her hair gently, trying to soothe her. "I understand, Julie. It’s a terrible situation, but we’ll find a way through this together," he assured her, his tone filled with conviction.

Julie’s eyes flickered with a glimmer of hope before they clouded over with a new darker thought. She hesitated for a moment, then looked Jason directly in the eyes. "Jason," she said slowly, her voice almost a whisper, "there were two people in the car last night... You....You could take the fall for this."

Jason recoiled slightly, his face a mask of shock and disbelief. "What? Julie, no! How could you even think of that?" He took a step back, running a hand through his hair as he tried to process her suggestion.

Julie’s expression hardened, her desperation transforming into a steely determination. "If you really love me, you would do this for me," she insisted. "You have nothing to lose, Jason. But for me, it means everything. My career, my future... It’s all at stake here."

Jason felt the weight of her words pressing down on him, a crushing pressure that made it hard to breathe. He loved Julie deeply, but the idea of sacrificing himself for her crime was unthinkable. "Julie, this is insane," he said, his voice strained. "You’re asking me to throw my life away for something you did. I can’t do that."

Before Julie could respond, a loud jolt came from the door. The cop outside was growing impatient, his fist hammering against the door. "Jason, open up! I’m coming in!" the officer barked, his voice muffled but commanding.

Jason’s mind raced. The cop was likely suspicious, thinking he was trying to help Julie escape. He knew he had to make a decision, and fast. Turning back to Julie, he saw the pleading in her eyes, the silent beg for him to save her. Torn between his love for her and his sense of justice, he felt a pang of despair.

With a heavy sigh, Jason nodded slowly, his resolve hardening. "Fine, Julie. I’ll do it," he said, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his heart.

Julie's eyes widened in relief, and for a brief moment, her tear-streaked face lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, Jason. Thank you so much," she whispered, clutching his hand tightly.

Jason turned and unlocked the door, the cop bursting in immediately. "What the hell’s going on in here?" The officer demanded, his eyes darting suspiciously between Jason and Julie.

Jason squared his shoulders, preparing himself for the lie that would change his life forever. "It was me," He confessed, his voice steady but his heart racing. "I was the one driving last night. Julie wasn’t behind the wheel. I’ll take full responsibility for the accident."

The cop stared at him, disbelief etched on his face. "Are you serious?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "You’re willing to go down for this?"

Jason nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Yes, I am. Julie had nothing to do with it. I’m the one you want."

The officer shook his head, a mixture of skepticism and grudging respect in his eyes. "Alright, if that’s the story you’re sticking to," he said, removing the cuffs from Jules. "You’re under arrest for the hit-and-run last night. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law."

As the cop snapped the cuffs onto Jason’s wrists, he glanced back at Julie. She was watching him with a mixture of relief and sorrow, her tears flowing anew. "I’m so sorry, Jason," she whispered with her voice breaking. "I wish there was another way."

With that, the officer led Jason out of the room, the cold steel of the handcuffs biting into his skin. 

As they reached the bottom, Jason's eyes locked onto a familiar face near the front desk. It was Alex, his best friend since childhood, engaged in a tense conversation with the receptionist. Alex's face was a mix of worry and determination as he tried to gather information about his friend's whereabouts.

"Alex, keep her safe! You hear me?" Jason's voice rang out, cutting through the murmur of the station. He pulled against his restraints, desperate to convey the urgency of his plea. 

Alex turned, his expression shifting from confusion to concern as he took in the sight of Jason in cuffs. "I don't unders-"

"Just keep her bloody safe!" Jason's voice cracked with intensity, eyes wide and pleading. The officer, unmoved, nudged Jason forward, ushering him out the door towards the waiting police car. 

Those were Jason's last words before being pushed into the back seat and convicted for a crime he didn't commit.

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