Jason trudged up the driveway towards the imposing mansion, the day’s weight hanging heavy on his shoulders. He was mentally drained, each step feeling like a challenge. As he neared the grand entrance, he instinctively reached for the handle, but before he could touch it, the doors swung open on their own. His eyes widened in surprise, his mouth slightly agape as he took in the sight.

“You’ve never seen automatic doors before? What kind of life were you living?” Olivia’s voice came from behind him, laced with playful mockery.

Jason chuckled, his voice tinged with fatigue. “Mocking a man who just got out of prison, huh?” He turned to face her, raising an eyebrow.

Olivia scoffed, shaking her head. “Welcome home, Jason.”

As they entered the mansion, a buzz of activity surrounded them. The mansion's staff, a group of maids and butlers, had lined up, their expressions a mix of curiosity and reverence. At the front stood Lily, the head maid. Jason noticed the maids whispering among themselves, giggles and murmurs filling the air as they speculated about the new arrival.

“Lily, this is Father’s son, Jason Tempest,” Olivia announced, her voice authoritative yet warm. “He’s here to claim ownership of the house. Serve him well.”

Jason felt a pang of discomfort at Olivia's words, making him sound more like a dictator than a returning family member. He started to lower his head out of respect, but before he could, Lily dropped to her knees, followed swiftly by the rest of the staff.

“Thank the heavens you are alive,” Lily said, her voice trembling with emotion. “Your father never gave up on finding you. I always prayed for your return, Master Tempest.”

Jason’s eyes widened further, a blush creeping up his neck. “Yo- umm… You shouldn’t bow your head like that,” he stammered, feeling deeply embarrassed by the display.

Lily raised her eyes to meet his, her expression earnest. “Master Tempest, your father saved me, along with the rest of these girls, a long time ago. Each one of us has a story to tell about how your father rescued us from human trafficking, organ trafficking, drug addiction, or kidnapping. We owe our lives to your father, and we have pledged to serve him and his offspring.” Her voice was steady, filled with unwavering determination.

Jason let out an awkward laugh, scratching the back of his head. ‘This can’t be happening,’ he thought. ‘It’s like they’re part of a cult or something.’

Olivia stepped forward, breaking the tense silence. “That’s enough, Lily. Show Master Tempest to his bedroom. He’s clearly tired. Prepare a feast and ensure he has a nice set of clothes.”

Lily nodded, bowing once more before leading Jason up a grand staircase. They arrived at a spacious master bedroom, tastefully decorated with an elegant view of the swimming pool below. Bookshelves lined one wall, and a large, ornate bed dominated the room.

“This was your father’s room,” Lily said, her voice almost breaking with emotion. “Now it’s yours.”

Jason looked around, feeling a mixture of emotions he couldn’t quite identify. “I’ll take good care of it,” he responded simply.

Lily bowed her head once more and left the room, leaving Jason to explore his new space. He took his time in the shower, savoring the feeling of cleanliness and the luxurious surroundings. When he emerged, he found a set of clothes laid out for him. He dressed quickly and made his way downstairs, where a maid led him to the dining room. The table was laden with an array of exotic dishes, their aromas making his mouth water.

“Leave us,” Olivia commanded the maid, who bowed her head and exited swiftly. The atmosphere grew tense as Olivia took a seat across from Jason.

“Jason, there’s a lot you don’t know, and I have to be brutally honest with you,” Olivia began, her tone serious. “Uncle Daemon wants you to step down as heir. He believes Father made a mistake in choosing you.”

Jason’s eyes narrowed. “And what about you? What do you think about me being heir?”

Olivia’s expression softened slightly. “It was Father’s dying wish that I find you and help you solidify your position as heir, regardless of my personal feelings. I intend to honor our father’s wishes.”

Jason’s lips curved into a small smile. “It’s good to know you’re on my side. Looks like I’m going to have a lot of enemies.”

Olivia nodded, her expression grim. “Indeed. Uncle Daemon and other corporate vultures are eager to see if Father made the right choice. We need to be prepared for their challenges.”

Jason leaned back in his chair, contemplating her words. “So, what’s the plan?”

“Tomorrow, you’ll be approached by Daemon and other businessmen. They’ll test you to see if you’re worthy. We need to be strategic about this,” Olivia explained, outlining their plan for the next day.

The night passed quickly, and before Jason knew it, he was dressing in a sleek black suit that had belonged to his father. He marveled at how perfectly it fit, almost as if it were made for him. Olivia and her security team arrived promptly, whisking him away to the company headquarters.

As they pulled up to the towering skyscraper, Olivia handed Jason a tablet. “Here’s today’s schedule,” she said. “Even though you haven’t officially taken the position of CEO, these are the planned activities.”

Jason glanced at the schedule, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of meetings and tasks. “Let’s just start with talking to Daemon first,” he said, forcing a nervous laugh. “You can help me handle the rest.”

Inside the building, whispers followed them. The staff recognized Olivia, but Jason was a new face. The murmurs grew louder as they approached the board meeting room. Inside, an older man, sharp and intimidating, sat at the head of a long rectangular glass table. 

 Daemon Tempest was a man of imposing presence, his sharp suit and colder gaze reflecting the ruthless corporate warrior he was known to be. He had served as the Vice President of Tempest Enterprises with a singular focus: power. 

"You must my nephew, Jason tempest." Daemon said, his voice piercing the air.

"Un-uncle daemon, it's nice to meet you." Jason said almost awkwardly as he walked over to shake his Uncle, daemon looked at his hand and cocked his head awkwardly and just gestured him to sit. He had no intensions of shaking Jason.

"Olivia, can you kindly leave us alone? I would like to take with my nephew alone." He stress that last part as he glared cold daggers at her, even Olivia felt awkward around him.

"I will be outside, if you need me." She gave Jason a look before leaving, Jason felt naked as she left the room. 

"Jason," Daemon began, his voice a mix of feigned warmth and underlying steel, "I'm glad you agreed to meet with me and I know, you have been through a lot but you should understand things like this are urgent. So, we have to talk business."

Jason shifted uncomfortably in his chair, his mind still reeling. "I understand,"Jason replied him oddly.

Daemon leaned back, fingers steepled as he studied his nephew. "Good! Now you see Jason, Tempest Enterprises is more than just a family legacy. It's a complex beast, and you... well, you've been out of the loop for a long time."

Jason bristled at the implication. "I know I haven't been involved, but that doesn't mean I'm incapable. I can learn."

A thin smile played on Daemon's lips. "Learning takes time, Jason. And time is a luxury we cannot afford. The board is concerned, investors are nervous. We need stability, not a novice at the helm."

The sting of the word "novice" wasn't lost on Jason. "What exactly are you suggesting, Uncle?"

Daemon's eyes glinted with a predatory gleam as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a sleek checkbook. With a practiced hand, he wrote a figure, tore the check free, and slid it across the table towards Jason. "One billion dollars. Take it, Jason. It's more than enough for you to start anew, somewhere far away from the pressures of this company. Settle down, build a new life. Leave the business to those who understand it."

Jason stared at the check, the enormity of the sum almost dizzying. But alongside the temptation was a growing sense of indignation. "You think you can just buy me out? Sweep me under the rug like an inconvenient problem?" 

Daemon's smile hardened into something colder. "It's a generous offer, Jason. One that ensures your comfort and security. You've been through a lot; you deserve peace, not the relentless grind of corporate warfare."

Jason's fists clenched under the table. "And what about my father's legacy? Am I just supposed to walk away from that? From everything he built?" Jason hated the fact that everyone thought that they could buy his compliancy.

A flicker of annoyance crossed Daemon's face, quickly masked by a veneer of calm. "Your father understood the demands of this business. He groomed me for this role, trusted me to lead. You, on the other hand, have been absent, distracted by... other matters."

The reference to Jason's recent imprisonment and personal betrayals wasn't lost on him. He felt a surge of anger and defiance. "I may have made mistakes, but that doesn't mean I can't rise above them. I'm still a Tempest, and I have every right to be here."

Daemon sighed, a note of genuine frustration creeping into his voice. "Rights and reality are often at odds, Jason. The board will not support you. The shareholders will not have confidence in you. I am offering you a way out that benefits us all."

Jason leaned forward, meeting his uncle's gaze with newfound determination. "I'm not interested in your money, Daemon. If I have to prove myself, then so be it. But I won't be bought off. This company is my legacy too, and I'm not walking away."

For a moment, the two men locked eyes, the room thick with tension. Then Daemon slowly stood, his expression unreadable. "Very well, Jason. If you insist on staying, you'll have to fight for your place. But remember, this is not a game you can afford to lose."

"Everyone seems to be looking down on me, these days. I am not going to lose!" Jason said with firm resolve as he stood up, he eyes the cheque on the table and tore it in half.

"I know my worth uncle, next time try a hundred billion." Jason said with a smirk, he walked out the room with a triumph smile.

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