As Jason finished up with uncle, he was heading to Olivia. He spotted a familiar figure: tall, with striking long red hair, unmistakably engaged in conversation with Olivia. The woman turned and noticed Jason, her features softened by a warm smile. She gently excused herself from her daughter and walked towards him.

"Mother, this is Jaso—" Olivia began to introduce him, but her mother interrupted her.

"You must be Jason," she said, her voice warm but her eyes sharp as she cupped his face in her hands. "You look so much like your father." Jason, taken aback by her sudden display of affection, glanced at Olivia, who seemed downcast and tense.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. um…"

"Evelyn Tempest," she introduced herself smoothly. "It's very unfortunate what happened to darling Edward. I loved him so much," she continued, her voice tinged with sorrow.

"My condolences," Jason replied awkwardly. "He was my father, but I didn’t know him that well."

Evelyn's demeanor shifted dramatically. "You didn’t know him at all," she growled, her grip tightening momentarily. "I loved him so much, all I ever wanted to do was give him a son, but instead..." She glanced at Olivia with a look of contempt. 

"Mother, I found Jason—" Olivia tried to interject, but Evelyn cut her off again.

"I disappointed my own lover. All he ever wanted was a son, and because of that useless girl," she spat, glaring at Olivia. It was clear that Evelyn was bullying her daughter, who lacked the will to talk back.

"Aren’t you going to say anything, you useless girl!" Evelyn's voice rose to a fever pitch, and she slapped Olivia hard, making her head snap to the side.

Jason stepped forward, horrified. "Thinking about you irritates me," Evelyn continued, her voice dripping with venom. "Because of your birth, my womb was damaged, and I couldn’t give your darling father a son. Because of you and your useless existence, what do you have to say for yourself? Huh?" She kept slapping Olivia, red marks appearing on her face as drops of blood spilled from her lips.

Jason, unable to stand it any longer, caught Evelyn's hand in mid-air just as she was about to deliver another slap. "That’s enough! You’ve done enough damage," he said firmly, dropping her hand after sensing she wouldn't continue.

"You’re always being saved by the men around you. If only you were born a man, none of this would have happened," Evelyn sneered at Olivia, her tone dripping with disdain.

"Anyway, Jason, here is an invitation to dinner. Let’s talk, just you and me." Evelyn handed him an elegant card. Jason looked at her incredulously.

What kind of woman does that to her child and acts like nothing happened?

He was about to refuse her request when she smiled maliciously. "You shouldn’t think about denying my request, Jason. After all, I am one of the board directors of this company. You can have my vote if you want to solidify your position as CEO."

Jason's eyes flickered to Olivia's bruised face before answering. "It’s pathetic seeing a mother hurt her only child over something so mundane. But do you know what’s even more pathetic? Blackmailing me to earn favors. Keep your vote. I don’t fucking need it!" He spoke with a cold, nonchalant face, his voice carrying an undertone of anger and disdain. Olivia looked up, amazed that he didn’t accept her mother’s coercive offer despite needing the votes to become CEO officially.

"How dare you!" Evelyn shrieked, raising her hand to slap Jason, who effortlessly grabbed it and shoved her aside.

"Olivia, I need you with me," Jason said, summoning her attention. Olivia glanced at her mother, who was shocked beyond measure, then turned to Jason.

"Coming," she said, an oddly satisfied smile playing on her lips as she followed Jason.

As they walked, Olivia spoke, her voice nearly breaking. "You didn’t have to do that," she said emotionally as they entered the elevator.

"I don’t know the relationship between you and your mother, but no mother should treat their daughter like that," Jason replied, his tone firm but sympathetic.

"No, you don’t get it. You really shouldn’t have done that," Olivia insisted as the elevator doors opened. She walked out, clearly upset about something Jason couldn’t grasp.

"Olivia! Wait! Hold on!" Jason called after her, but she increased her pace with each step. He didn’t understand why she was so upset. Her mother treated her like trash, and it was unacceptable in Jason’s eyes. He only defended her as any decent person would.

As Jason chased after her, he caught a glimpse of a figure in a meeting room. He whispered a name that made his blood boil. "Alex, what the fuck is this trash doing here?" he muttered to himself as he saw Alex, dressed in a sharp black suit, shaking hands with a man and signing a deal.

Alex emerged from the room, a smug smile on his face, only to find Jason glaring at him. "Oh! I didn’t think someone of your reputation was allowed to work around here. Do they hire ex-convicts now?" Alex mocked, his laughter echoing through the hall.

"Did you borrow that suit? Or maybe you stole it. I should probably call security to take you out of here. There’s no way you could afford that suit," Alex continued, his tone dripping with condescension.

"Did it occur to you that maybe I’m working here now?" Jason remarked calmly.

Alex laughed again, derisively. "Maybe as a salaryman. Your monthly income couldn’t even pay for my haircut."

Jason remained calm, knowing his worth and the empire he was set to control. "I guess you’re too angry to even speak. By the way, I know Julie didn’t tell you, but she’s pregnant with my child. I enjoyed her every time in bed, even when you two were together. She would always come to me for satisfaction." Alex licked his lips provocatively, hoping to provoke Jason into a rage that could land him in trouble again.

"You know, Alex, you should really watch your back," Jason warned, his voice dangerously low.

"Is that a threat?" Alex sneered, just before he felt a crushing impact to his groin. He collapsed, clutching his aching scrotum.

"Told you so," Jason said with a smile.

Olivia, who had picked up the fallen documents, glanced through them and smirked. "These are contracts signed with one of our sub-companies, Voss Fashion Empire. We are not interested in dealing with you, and I don’t ever want to see you here again. Get out!" she said coldly, tearing the contract into pieces. Alex, in pain and fear, scrambled to his feet and fled.

"You will regret this, Jason. I swear to you, you will regret it," Alex yelled as he ran out.

"Thanks, I didn’t think you would come back," Jason said to Olivia with a grateful smile.

"Now we’re even," she replied coolly, only repaying a debt as she turned to walk away. Jason ran after her, calling out her name and tapping her shoulder. She turned around, her expression guarded.

"Wait! Olivia, I only did that to help you. Listen, I don’t understand the relationship between you and your mother, but—"

"Just let it go, Jason! You won’t understand, and you can’t understand me," she said aggressively, her voice filled with years of pent-up frustration and pain. She walked away, leaving Jason standing there, watching as the distance between them grew.

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