They didn't seem intimidated or probably felt they could gather up and beat him, so they continued to advance.

Zhang Wei's eyes glinted as he pressed even harder on the base of Quan Che's skull—a sensitive acupoint that could cause great discomfort and even death. Sure enough, Quan Che howled in pain and pounded the floor with his palm, unable to form coherent words.

"If you move another inch, I'll pull his acupoints and cripple him," Zhang Wei threatened as he looked up at them again. "If you don't believe me, you can try attacking me."

His confidence made them stop to look at one another with doubt, but they stopped advancing.

Zhang Wei wasted no more time as he looked at Quan Che, who was still in severe pain under him. "You seem to like bullying pretty much. Why are you so meek now?"

He was a bully himself, but he would never put himself in such a situation. Except for the scene today, he had never lost a 1v1 fight, and it was because this body could not keep up with him. A mere bully with little cultivation like Quan Che had managed to land two moves on him—it would be strange if he wasn't offended.

"You..." Quan Che grunted in pain. "Let... me... go." He couldn't believe a loser like Zhang Wei could have such strength.

Zhang Wei gave a light scoff, and a small, indifferent smile appeared on his lips. "Actually, I'm not forcing you down. You can just get up. If you can."

Liang Feixing stared at his face, incredulous. Zhang Wei surprised him in many ways—he was always straightforward in the past and would never speak with such a mocking tone.

Quan Che was obviously fooled by his leisurely tone and wanted to try getting up. But, he only moved for a second before crashing back onto the floor with widened eyes. He seemed to have been pulled taut and could only lay there helplessly.

Zhang Wei clicked his tongue seeing this, and he patted the back of Quan Che's head. "Or are you hoping your friends will save you from me? I don't think any of them can undo what I've done, and if they come closer, I'll cripple you. So, just lay there quietly and do everything I tell you to. Otherwise, you can forget about ever getting up from that position. Do you hear me?"

Immediately, one of Quan Che's gang, a boy who was clearly the youngest, rushed forward in anger. "You little shit..."

But, he was pulled back by a taller and older boy, stopping him from rushing over.

"Brother Hu," the boy complained. "Brother Quan..."

Brother Hu looked at Zhang Wei, who was still leaning over Quan Che and shook his head at him. "Just stay put. Don't do anything."

The boy was obviously unwilling but kept quiet nonetheless. Zhang Wei gave them a look but didn't react to it. No response came from Quan Che, so he slapped the back of his head. "Do you hear me?"

"Yes, yes." Quan Che gritted his teeth in humiliation. But there was nothing he could do, and he cursed Zhang Wei in his heart. The moment he was free from the chokehold forcing him down, he would make sure to torture Zhang Wei a hundredfold more.

"Good." Zhang Wei was satisfied. Since he had forced Quan Che into being submissive, he had to do it to the end. Otherwise, the moment he let him go, he and his gang would attack them. Maybe he could play some tricks here and there to escape, but Liang Feixing was obviously too upright and would end up as collateral damage.

His gaze flickered to the satchel one of them held, and a sneaky smile appeared on his lips.

The boy holding the satchel was instantly alarmed upon seeing his gaze and clutched it tighter. "You... what are you trying to do?"

Zhang Wei chuckled and looked back at Quan Che. "Let's make a deal. Do something for me, and I'll immediately release you from the chokehold you're in."

"What do you want?" Quan Che was wary.

"Give me everything in your satchel."

Quan Che and his gang were instantly stunned. They had wanted to snatch the things Zhang Wei and Liang Feixing hunted; how did it become the other way around?

"You..." The youngest was not so patient and was about to rush over, but he was pulled back by Brother Hu again. This time, he gave him a glare to shut his mouth.

"You can't give it to me?" Zhang Wei tilted his head and smirked, pressing his hand down on the base of Quan Che's skull and the side of his neck immediately, causing Quan Che to howl in pain and his eyes to roll like he was about to collapse.

Zhang Wei laughed, "Good. I thought you'd forgotten how to cry in pain since you don't seem to be in pain anymore."

"Zhang... Wei, let... me go," Quan Che grunted, now sweating.

"My offer is simple," Zhang Wei responded.

Quan Che had obviously reached his limits and looked at the boy who held the satchel. "Give it to them."

But none of them moved, and they were all obviously unwilling.

Zhang Wei looked at him. "I don't think your friends are willing. They might not understand how much pain you're in, but I'm sure you know better. Are you sure you want to trade your neck for a mere satchel? You should seriously consider changing your friends."

"..." Everyone was speechless at his ability to spout nonsense.

But Quan Che was obviously affected. He immediately barked at Brother Hu, "Hu Long, do you want me to die here? Hand it over!"

Hu Long was silent, and he seemed to be contemplating. But eventually, he sighed and turned to look at the boy who held the satchel. "Give it to him," he ordered.

"Brother Hu..." the boy complained.

"Do it now!" Brother Hu barked at him, and the boy had no choice but to approach Zhang Wei with the satchel.

Zhang Wei shook his head and gestured toward Liang Feixing, who still stood rooted by his side. "Give it to him."

The boy huffed and threw it at Liang Feixing, who immediately grabbed it. Then, he looked at Zhang Wei with questions in his eyes.

Once the satchel had been collected, Quan Che was obviously relieved and called out, "Release me, Zhang Wei."

But Zhang Wei was obviously not in a hurry. He stood up and dusted his palms. "Don't be in such a hurry. What if I let you go and you decide to attack me?"

Quan Che was fed up with his antics. He buried his head on the floor and grunted, "I won't attack you. I promise."

"Am I a five-year-old child? Who would believe that you'll keep your promise?" Zhang Wei laughed. He just enjoyed messing with him.

"Zhang Wei..."

"Fine." Zhang Wei turned to the youngest boy. "You. Come here."

"Go." Hu Long pushed the boy out, and he approached Zhang Wei warily.

Zhang Wei stepped away from Quan Che's body and pointed at his neck. "Apply pressure around his neck and massage for about twenty minutes. He should be able to get up then."

When he saw that the boy was hesitant, he snickered, "You better hurry. If he's left like that for too long, he'll be crippled for life."

He was rather leisurely and turned to leave once he was done. But everyone else was speechless. If they had known that the remedy would be so simple, would they have handed the satchel over?

But they could not deal with him at the time because the moment the boy gently touched Quan Che, he howled in pain and everyone rushed over to check on him.

Zhang Wei immediately strolled to Liang Feixing, and when he saw that the latter was still standing there, he grunted, "Why are you standing there like that? Let's go before they have the time to come after us."

"Ah, yes." Liang Feixing nodded, and the two quickly strolled away with the two satchels, leaving Quan Che on the floor and his group of friends massaging his neck.

They had barely walked far when they suddenly heard a loud growl from behind them, "Damn it! Find Zhang Wei this instant!"

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