I refuse to be the MC

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I refuse to be the MC

By: Sixtee Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 76

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"I refuse to be the MC!" These were the storming words that came out of Ethan's mouth after reading the script he was given in the Alternate Realm. He had just turned down the big role of becoming the main character of a novel he had been reading for months, Why? However, choosing the role of a side character, Ethan never expected any good from the God of reality... [You have received the Double Reward System]. [You shall gain ×2 the rewards of the MC. Both Good and Bad].

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    wonderful, so when would update start ... I love all your works

    2024-06-28 16:05:32
  • Sixtee


    It's about the story of a young man who died and transmigrated to the novel he had been reading. He refused to be the MC due to what he would face in the future, however, choosing to be a side character turned out not to be the best decision either.

    2024-06-28 15:52:30
  • Sixtee


    Hey everyone! This is my second work. Do well to support.

    2024-06-28 15:49:17
Latest Chapter
11 chapters
Bitter piece of shit
"Bitter piece of shit!" A young man with pale skin and raven short hair who seemed to be around sixteen to eighteen years old almost freaked out as he stared at his smartphone screen, utterly angered and disappointed."Why did the author always have a reason to make him suffer?""Why?" He queried, still staring at his smartphone with a fierce scowl.It had been four months since Jason started reading a particular web novel: Saga of Albany. This web novel was serialized on one of the best platforms in the globe, however, with every passing chapter, there was always a reason to make the MC suffer...Although it was a very wonderful novel with great potential, the world-building and character development was outstanding. The only thing that wrenched Jason's gut was this usual problem that the main character would get himself into. Jason usually read "Saga of Albany" every day on either his way to work or when coming back. As a young chap who had lost his parents when he was eight, lef
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I refuse to be the MC
"What?! Are you kidding me?" The same voice from the colorless orb sounded again, however, the god-like figure standing in front of it didn't seem to be moved by the exclamation."You should be glad that you had this opportunity," the god-like figure spoke with a slight smile.In the next moment, he pointed one of his fingers towards the orb, and suddenly, the orb quickly transformed into the body of a teenage boy with unhealthy pale skin and long brown hair. With a rush of panic, Jason observed himself with a worried look on his face."This is not my body... What's going on?" He complained, casting glances at the god-like figure standing not quite far from him.The god-like figure didn't reply to him at once... He only sighed, turned, walked a little bit backward, and returned to face Jason's direction again."Your body is gone. Do you expect to have your body back after that brutal crash from the truck?""Do you?" The god-like figure asked.It was now that Jason noticed the physi
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Triple A
Jason just transmigrated into the body of Ethan Nox after falling into that abyss in the Alternate Realm, and now, he was right in Triple A, an arcane academy where young Arcanists are trained and guided to succeed in the path of magic.The name "Triple A" was just some kind of abbreviation form with the name "Aetherum Arcanum Academy". Due to having three starting letters as "A", they best called it Triple A.The Aetherum Arcanum Academy was the only academy for Arcanists in Albany, and thus, despite the fact that this world was ten times larger than Earth, every youngster who manages to awaken their Mana Core and possessed an affinity for arcane magic must be enrolled into the academy at any cost.The people believed that the mages were the only source of peace and safety in the society and had made sure that everything needed to make these youngsters grow in the path of magic was provided.Although not only Arcanists are mages in this world... In this world, Arcanists, Elementalist
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'What the heck is this?!' Ethan shrugged upon reading what was written on the screen. Actually, being Ethan Nox, a system was alien to him. But in Jason's point of view, this is the legendary mysterious stuff that helps MCs grow in several novels. Somehow, Ethan's life was a mixture of his and Jason's, so after some realization, he knew what the system stuff meant, but what the hell is the Sidekick Assistant System? Ethan tried to calm down. Below the words of announcement for the system was a pair of phrases written: [Commence Progression]. Ethan quickly muttered "Commence" with a very low tone, not wanting anyone to notice anything weird. Somehow, he noticed that he was the only one who could see the screen, and at least, that was a relief. The only thing that could get odder is if he was noticed doing some strange communication with an invisible entity. Then, everyone would think the Profession Detector had a glitch by revealing that he was an Arcanist instead of a Spiritual
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A useless Noxian
Ethan Nox felt an intense pain around the right side of his chick, due to the punch he just received from a male 2nd Year. Placing his left hand on his left chick, he cast a fierce gaze at the 2nd Year Adept, the urge to retaliate lingered on him, however, Ethan forced himself to avoid trouble."Ethan, are you okay?" Jeff who also saw the 2nd Year punch Ethan was stunned. Seeing Ethan's pained look, he couldn't help but ask. "Let's... Let's just get outta here," he quickly said and pulled Ethan out of that scene. However, Ethan still stared death into the cruel senior's eyes, as they both began a staring session.They kept exchanging promising gazes, indicating that a red line had been drawn between them. Soon, Ethan had no sight of the 2nd Year student, as they entered the boarding area of the academy."Ah, that was a massive bang, Ethan," Jeff teased as they approached the building where their dorm room was located. Apart from the towering buildings in the main part of the academ
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Sapling's Strength Serum
After the apocalypse, not only The Changed were the threat that humanity had. There was a sudden existence of spiritual beasts. Although this wasn't the main threat that humanity had, they could only be seen in deserted, lonesome areas. This was why anyone who was sent into the Woodlands was given a vital weapon to ensure safety. Actually, that was why Mason was dressed in thick armor and was with a longsword.But..."Why does he stink so badly," Jeff complained, covering his nose."He smells like rotten fish," Ethan couldn't help but comment, disgusted."No, it smells more like the corpse of a Changed," Jeff corrected Ethan who suddenly glared at him upon hearing his statement."Huh? Have you got to see one before?" Ethan asked, extremely curious. "Not really... Just a dead one slain by my father. A Spark-tier Changed to be precise."Ethan found it hard to believe. Although he nodded positively, he was still curious, so he asked."Your father, what's his rank?" At first, Jeff was
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Sneaking into the second floor
"I told you, Ethan! This plant is so precious!" Mason was so delighted that he forgot that he was in a library. Of course, all libraries have got one typical rule: every visitor must be quiet at all costs."Do you forget that you are in a library?" After staring at Mason for a while, Ethan asked with furrowed brows.Hearing what Ethan just said, it was as if his reminder was a mouth-shutting spell. Mason froze, as well as his mouth being shut."Ah shit, I was just too excited," Mason said. "So, how huge is the strength we are talking about?" Ethan asked as he tried to study what was on the page.Mason hesitated a bit. "I don't really know... I can just read further since everything about the elixir is written here."Ethan nodded. "I'll just hang around then."They both agreed and Ethan left that spot. He walked around the first floor library, looking for books associated with The Changed but found no one.There were over a thousand books as said by the librarian on the first floor,
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Karma Circuit
There were four lengthy ranges of tall shelves lined in the vast room, the books shrouding every space. Out of these four, Ethan hid behind one, the second one. There was a lengthy space that looked like an aisle by every shelf's compartment. But out of all, Ethan's hiding spot came to be the widest aisle. What's worse? Ethan sighted a door from the near distance... He was taken aback. He just heard the librarian speaking to the principal about the third floor. Glancing around, Ethan didn't seem to notice any other entrance unit in any part of the room, making it clear that this was the path they would take upon going to the third floor. The entrance was just a tiny distance away from his hiding spot. *Thud. Thud. Thud.* Soon, Ethan heard bold footsteps approaching his direction, well, he didn't hesitate before finding a way to get himself outta there. If he got caught by any chance, he would be fiercely punished. Ethan made a promise to himself... "No matter what happens, I
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Joining the punishment
Ethan and Mason ran out of the second floor and out of the library building. Although they knew that they were in trouble, they just didn't want to be caught red-handed by the principal. At least, maybe they could spend some time preparing for their greatest nightmare in their dorm room before being summoned.Mason had this urge to cry. He had just returned from the Woodlands a few hours ago, and now he just got himself into trouble again."I can't believe I would be going to the Woodlands again," Mason said, his face painted with a dismal hue. For a moment, Ethan was silent while staring down at the concrete floors. He was lost in thoughts, imagining what version of "hell" the Woodlands would be. Many who had journeyed into the Woodlands have had different yet complicated experiences. Generally, it was known that only strong and smart individuals could enjoy the good side of the Woodlands. For people like Ethan who couldn't even learn simple martial arts for self-defense, his succ
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System Unlocked
Martin's face had a sad picture as he stared down to the ground, deeply ashamed. He couldn't even dare to raise his head to look at his fellow offenders... His acts were giving something far from boldness. "Hey! Keep working," one of the disciplinary officers shouted after noticing that Ethan's pace had lessened. Ethan was lost in looking at Martin's sorry ass and how he acted. Martin was someone with low self-esteem and wasn't bold, and this did much to make him a silent, bullying figure. Even by looking at his face, one could notice slight bruises due to assaults from stronger students. A part of Ethan was deeply sorry for him, but...'I hate him because I'm going to suffer his miseries in double fold.'Ethan mused inwardly and hastened his steps forward. Martin was later taken to join them as they progressed to the principal office. When they got to Principal Bernard's office building, he came out from his inner chamber and met them in the office compound space.As usual, his f
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