Sapling's Strength Serum

After the apocalypse, not only The Changed were the threat that humanity had. There was a sudden existence of spiritual beasts. Although this wasn't the main threat that humanity had, they could only be seen in deserted, lonesome areas.

This was why anyone who was sent into the Woodlands was given a vital weapon to ensure safety. Actually, that was why Mason was dressed in thick armor and was with a longsword.


"Why does he stink so badly," Jeff complained, covering his nose.

"He smells like rotten fish," Ethan couldn't help but comment, disgusted.

"No, it smells more like the corpse of a Changed," Jeff corrected Ethan who suddenly glared at him upon hearing his statement.

"Huh? Have you got to see one before?" Ethan asked, extremely curious.

"Not really... Just a dead one slain by my father. A Spark-tier Changed to be precise."

Ethan found it hard to believe. Although he nodded positively, he was still curious, so he asked.

"Your father, what's his rank?"

At first, Jeff was surprised to hear Ethan asking him about his father's rank. The Ethan he knew doesn't give a damn about other people's affairs, but now, he was so curious to hear something from him.

Jeff frowned slightly.

Although it wasn't as if he wouldn't tell Ethan. After all, every youngster would always like to brag about the success of their parent in the academy to be admired and respected. Jeff only guessed that this was not the Ethan he knew.

"An Enchanter-level Arcanist... He is only based in Summoning. One of the best Summoners in the North."

Ethan nodded. "I see..."

He retreated from the case and returned his gaze to Mason. This guy was soaked in utter dirt... Ethan's bed was already painted in green and brown particles. He was still wearing his backpack even as he slept, revealing that he was utterly exhausted.

"Why would he just have to sleep on mine? His bed is just a few inches away."

Ethan walked over and sat on a wooden platform by the side.

"Just let him wake up. You are gonna have his to yourself," Jeff said and went to freshen up.

They were done for the day. Due to the principal having enough time to spend in the academy today, he decided to have a meeting with the arcane masters and mistresses. Luckily, there would be no teachings until the next day.

Jeff and Ethan spent the rest of the day taking a nap until it was roughly evening. Actually, Mason woke them up, bragging about his achievements in the Woodlands.

"Let me show you something, Ethan," Mason shouted upon waking Ethan. Jeff was already awake, so he had to interrupt his slumber.

Mason brought out a purplish plant from his backpack and showed it to both of them.

"Here," he said.

Ethan's brows furrowed at first glance. "What the heck is this?" He asked.

Jeff was speechless, as he didn't even know what the plant was.

This plant is at least about three feet tall. It was a straight one, and the leaves in it were attached to the main stem. It had no slight branches.

'This is a weird elixir, I guess.'

Jeff commented inwardly.

After seeing his roommates' complicated gazes, Mason had to say something.

"This is a Perillia, the core ingredient for making one of the most effective elixir. I brought five Perillias but gave Vice Principal Grey four of them and took one unawares."

"Hehe, isn't that cool?" Mason asked, however, both Ethan and Jeff were silent for a while.

"You bitch, just don't get yourself into another problem," Jeff warned after staring at him for a while.

"So what elixir can this make us?" Ethan asked.

"Ummm... I'm sorry but I have no idea. That's why I called you guys. We have to go to the library and figure something out on how to make the elixir," Mason said.

Hearing this, Ethan smiled. "Sure... I would love to visit the academy library for the first time."

"Yeah, Principal Bernard said we can now spend time in the library in our leisure time, so we are good," Mason smiled at Ethan in response, and in the next moment, the both of them turned to look at Jeff who was staring at them with a scowl on his face.

"I'm not part of this," Jeff declined.

"Uh, common Jeff... This can actually help us increase our physical and spiritual strength. We would be able to stand out against anyone that threatens us. Don't you get it?"

Mason tried to convince Jeff.

"I have what it takes to defend myself. I'm not joining you guys in making that elixir. After all, I'm not drinking from it," Jeff said harshly, and this made Mason quite embarrassed.

'I almost lost my life escaping from spiritual beasts just to get the Perillia. Now, Jeff is acting like I'm the most foolish person in the universe.'

Mason was pained, but he had no choice. Since Ethan was going with him, they left the dormitory and went straight to the academy library in the western part of the Aetherum Arcanum Academy.

Upon reaching the library, Ethan noticed Martin coming out. Martin was holding a wooden book in his right hand as he stepped outside the library, and his face was indicating a delighted countenance.

With the way Ethan saw him, he suspected that he might have had a good time in the library.

Withdrawing his gaze, he walked into the library with Mason.

Mason already cleaned himself up after waking up from his slumber. He had also dressed in the proper Academy uniform and was looking acceptable at the moment unlike before.

His stained pale skin was now clean and shiny, and his long raven hair was well straightened, revealing the glory of the sixteen-year-old boy from the Galloway Clan.

Upon entering the library, they met with the librarian, a Magus-level Arcanist who knew the entire history of the Apocalypse seizure, all that happened in the seizure, and all that happened after. He was also an expert in things associated with trying to break through and advance in one's profession. And at times, he helped some Adepts choose the path they would follow in the aspect of Arcane magic after studying their attributes.

Dr. Madison was an utter genius.

"What do you want, kids?" Dr. Madison asked upon noticing their presence.

Ethan was speechless, slightly afraid due to the fierce look on the librarian's face.

"Umm, actually. We just came to read some books," Mason said, though with a hint of dread.

"Okay, sure. You can read anything on the first floor. But don't dare to go to the second floor. The principal's usual wrath shall be your punishment."

Dr. Madison warned and let them enter the first floor.

Mason was too eager to create the elixir, so he started looking for some guidebooks about elixir-making just as he entered the library. Fortunately, he got one and quickly searched for the Perillia spirit plant.

Luckily enough, he saw it in almost the end pages of the guidebook... Well, Ethan was standing close to him, waiting for him to figure something out.

(Perillia spirit plant >creates< The Sapling's Strength Serum).

"WHOA! The greatest strength-giving elixir in the whole of Albany!"

After reading what he saw under the Perillia spirit plant, Mason couldn't help but shout.

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