A useless Noxian

Ethan Nox felt an intense pain around the right side of his chick, due to the punch he just received from a male 2nd Year.

Placing his left hand on his left chick, he cast a fierce gaze at the 2nd Year Adept, the urge to retaliate lingered on him, however, Ethan forced himself to avoid trouble.

"Ethan, are you okay?" Jeff who also saw the 2nd Year punch Ethan was stunned. Seeing Ethan's pained look, he couldn't help but ask.

"Let's... Let's just get outta here," he quickly said and pulled Ethan out of that scene. However, Ethan still stared death into the cruel senior's eyes, as they both began a staring session.

They kept exchanging promising gazes, indicating that a red line had been drawn between them. Soon, Ethan had no sight of the 2nd Year student, as they entered the boarding area of the academy.

"Ah, that was a massive bang, Ethan," Jeff teased as they approached the building where their dorm room was located.

Apart from the towering buildings in the main part of the academy, buildings for student accommodation were structured in the inner part of the academy.

Three students were entitled to one dorm room, however, well, youngsters from rich clans could be privileged to live alone...

As for Ethan who was from a Low-class clan and Jeff whose clan was barely titled as a Mid-class, they had to live together in one dorm room with another young man named Mason.

For almost three weeks, Mason had been out of the academy on a mission to get a rare elixir as a punishment from Principal Bernard. The real truth right here was that the three of them committed the offense, but only Mason got caught, unfortunately.

In eight days, it would clock a month since he left, and the Academy's Arcane Guild would go in search of him. Ethan and Jeff only hoped he was fine wherever he was...

"Shut your mouth, Jeff. You have no idea how that hurts," Ethan cursed, slightly.

'I know it's this Double Reward stuff? Ah shit!'

'My cheek hurts.'

Now, Ethan was gradually understanding the Double Reward System's explanation of the Good or Bad benefits.

Martin just got slapped, and just as he was almost laughing his lungs out, he was punched by the hardening fist of a 2nd Year. To him, that was just times two of what Martin suffered.

It was certain.

Ethan clenched his fist, and entered his dorm room, Jeff also stepped in before him so he slammed the door shut after entering.

"You should be careful now, I think you have got another enemy," Jeff said after bouncing his butt on the bed. Three beds were arranged accordingly in the extreme end of the dorm room, each belonging to one of the three chaps.

The size was not bad, and at least, it could occupy a single body.

"I'm not afraid of anyone..."

Ethan replied. However, Jeff only chuckled upon hearing his response. Although he knew who Ethan was. Ethan was someone who wouldn't say no to challenges, he was someone who always faced his fears. But the shameless truth was that he would always lose every challenge he faced, no matter how he tried.

Ethan was a complete weak figure.

"You and I know that you can't stand against a 2nd Year... You can't even beat a fellow 1st Year on your own," Jeff teased with a smile.

Hearing this, Ethan felt a little embarrassed. But he knew it was the truth. If he hadn't been with someone like Jeff, he would have been the highest target of bullying in the academy.

Out of the six thousand 1st Years that had entered the Aetherum Arcanum Academy, Jeff had been among the few who had been doing pretty well in breaking through the Adept-level... He was more like the seniors, and just after three months in the academy, he was able to learn what many had been trying to comprehend for five to six months.

Jeff was intelligent.

But Ethan was... Pretty useless.

He would actually say it to himself.

"Yeah, I know... My father also looked me in the eye and called me a useless figure. I was a curse to the Nox Clan... They didn't even believe it when I managed to awaken my Mana Core."

Ethan sighed.

"But that's nothing special... Awakening one's Mana Core isn't the issue, I'm not sure if I would be able to break through to the Mystic-level stage."

Ethan was doubtful of himself. At the same time, he had a dismal look on his face, and as Jeff stared at him as he spoke, he could sense Ethan's hidden grief.

Jeff was really sorry for Ethan.

"My mom called me a useless Noxian... That was clear enough to indicate that I have no value."

Ethan added, a tear almost trickling down his temple. Ethan's memories already came flooding in, and this truly was what Ethan faced in his clan.

"They rejected you, I know, but you have me. I'm sure they hated you because you became an Arcanist, that's my belief," Jeff said sadly.

Ethan only looked at him for a moment and returned his gaze to the floors.

"You just have to create your legacy... No one in the Nox Clan had ever become an Arcanist, I know, and this is why you have to build your legacy. Together..."

Jeff tried to wrap Ethan's sorry ass with some motivation, but Ethan found it hard to believe.

'With being affected by the miserable main character's Goods and Bads, my life would be a total shit.'

He actually knew that Martin's bad was far bigger than his good. That guy suffered as though he was in hell.

Jeff tried to persuade Ethan to believe in himself, and they both went for the normal teachings by noon. When they got back to the dorm room, they couldn't believe their eyes.

A teenage boy clad in thick silver armor and a sword could be seen lying on Ethan's bed.

The duo froze, and their eyes widened in shock.

After so long, he is back.

Right on the bed was their best friend who had left them for more than a fortnight.

Mason was back.

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