Joining the punishment

Ethan and Mason ran out of the second floor and out of the library building. Although they knew that they were in trouble, they just didn't want to be caught red-handed by the principal. At least, maybe they could spend some time preparing for their greatest nightmare in their dorm room before being summoned.

Mason had this urge to cry. He had just returned from the Woodlands a few hours ago, and now he just got himself into trouble again.

"I can't believe I would be going to the Woodlands again," Mason said, his face painted with a dismal hue.

For a moment, Ethan was silent while staring down at the concrete floors. He was lost in thoughts, imagining what version of "hell" the Woodlands would be.

Many who had journeyed into the Woodlands have had different yet complicated experiences. Generally, it was known that only strong and smart individuals could enjoy the good side of the Woodlands.

For people like Ethan who couldn't even learn simple martial arts for self-defense, his success in the Woodlands can't be predicted. Even though he succeeds like most students in getting any elixir ingredient, he must have got through total shit.

"I'm sorry, Mason. I caused this," Ethan said after some moments of silence. He felt guilty that he had been placed him in another problem, and Ethan almost hated himself for that.

Mason was in the Woodlands for more than a fortnight and Ethan knew that he must have suffered severely. Now that he was back and needed time to rest and meet up to the academy teachings and training he had missed, he was going back to the Woodlands again.

How miserable.

"You shouldn't blame it all on yourself, Ethan. I shouldn't have entered the second floor by the way when I knew it was against the rules."

Mason sighed and added.

"You should have just been the only one to suffer the punishment. Damn it."

Ethan smiled slightly and scoffed. "I guess you are gonna have another dance with me in that place," Ethan muttered while he stared at Mason.

Although Mason wasn't pleased, he was still simple and unshaken. Even though Ethan was mostly at fault and had caused the problem they were going to face, he still overlooked it because Ethan was his best friend.

"Growing up, my father used to be a swordsman. He taught me most things about sword-fighting and martial arts. So, the 1st Year in Triple A is almost useless for me," Mason spoke.

Ethan shrugged hearing Mason.

"Really?" He asked curiously.

"Sometimes, we go in hunting some spirit beasts somewhere in the Northern Continent using our swords. We even used beast bones for creating bows, as well as using their skins for backpacks and hunting leather armors."

Ethan had a surprised look on his face... He also had a slight disbelief in what Mason was saying, but he tried not to show it.

"Until his death, we explored some parts of The Change's local residence," Mason added.

"What? You guys dared to enter The Change' Territory?!" Ethan was stunned.

Mason heard his question and smiled slightly.

"Not really. We only killed a few Spark-tier Changes. Well, since my brother died, our raid came to an end."

"How come he died?" Ethan couldn't help but ask.

At first, it looked like Mason didn't want to talk about it. His eyes were turning dark, making it clear that his death could be brutal.

"They killed him... I managed to escape."

They were already in the male dormitory and had approached their dorm room. Mason walked in and Ethan followed.

As they got in, they noticed Jeff having some sword training in a small suitable space inside the dorm room. His clothes were almost soaked in sweat, breathing hard, but still, he didn't stop.

"Back from the room of wasted papers?" Jeff asked after noticing their return.

He stopped training and turned to look at them.

"What do you mean, Jeff?" Mason asked with a frown.

"Nothing actually..."

Jeff had to cut it from there. "Got what you wanted?"

Mason nodded positively.

"But hey, we got ourselves into trouble. A really bad one," Ethan said, his eyes showing a hint of dread.

"What... What happened?" Jeff looked at both Ethan and Mason suspiciously.

However, before they could give a reply, a knock was on the door.

'It must be the academy's disciplinary officers. Shit!'

Ethan cursed inwardly.

Even Mason could feel his heart beating hard in his chest.

"Hey boys, open the damned door!"

"Ethan, Mason, what the hell is going on?!" Jeff was utterly confused at the moment and couldn't help but ask. However, Ethan and Mason were speechless, their minds caged with fear and regrets.

Not getting an answer from any of them, Jeff summoned full courage, walked over to the door, and pulled it open.

Just then, two study men dressed in a purple security uniform and thick black shoes scrambled into the room with fierce scowls on their faces.

Observing the room, one of them, a bald man with pale shiny skin, took a look at the paper in his hand. This wasn't actually a paper, it was a sheet frame holding two different pictures.

Undoubtedly, it was Ethan and Mason's pictures.

Now, Jeff had slight information that they did something wrong and were about to be punished.

"Ethan and Mason, you must come with us," the bald man said after taking repeated looks at the picture and the two figures standing not quite far from him.

The other disciplinarian walked over to Ethan and Mason and urged them to lead the walk out of the dorm room.


"I'm coming with them."

Watching them walk away, Jeff said.

The bald disciplinarian turned to look at Jeff. He smiled at Jeff's confused face and objected.

"They committed a crime, you shouldn't be part of the punishment."

The bald man turned and attempted to continue walking.

"Then you can punish the three of us... I'm going with them," Jeff insisted, and this made the bald man amazed.

Although Jeff didn't wait for the officer's approval, he approached Ethan and Mason without hesitation.

"We are going to be punished together," Jeff said.

Hearing this, Ethan and Mason shrugged.

"What do you mean, Jeff? You aren't part of this," Ethan tried to convince Jeff to stay away, but he insisted and didn't back out.

Seeing how desperate the youngster was, the bald man had no choice but to take the trio together as they progressed to the principal's office.

As they walked, they noticed another disciplinary officer leading another male 1st-Year student to the principal office.

As they moved forward, the facial picture of this young man became clearer to them, and when Ethan finally recognized him, his eyes widened.

'It's Martin. Did he also trespass into the second floor?'

Ethan wondered.

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