Karma Circuit

There were four lengthy ranges of tall shelves lined in the vast room, the books shrouding every space. Out of these four, Ethan hid behind one, the second one.

There was a lengthy space that looked like an aisle by every shelf's compartment. But out of all, Ethan's hiding spot came to be the widest aisle. What's worse? Ethan sighted a door from the near distance... He was taken aback.

He just heard the librarian speaking to the principal about the third floor. Glancing around, Ethan didn't seem to notice any other entrance unit in any part of the room, making it clear that this was the path they would take upon going to the third floor.

The entrance was just a tiny distance away from his hiding spot.

*Thud. Thud. Thud.*

Soon, Ethan heard bold footsteps approaching his direction, well, he didn't hesitate before finding a way to get himself outta there. If he got caught by any chance, he would be fiercely punished.

Ethan made a promise to himself... "No matter what happens, I'm not going to be sent into the Woodlands."

As this was the principal's only way to punish students, Ethan didn't want to step in his shoes. Now that his foot was inches away, Ethan must find a way to save himself or else he would be dressed in thick silver armor in no time.

Ethan quickly ran towards the end of the shelf compartment he was hiding behind and followed another aisle. Although he was fast, he still applied some strategies to ensure silence.

Just as he switched to another aisle, the principal and librarian came out to the widest space where Ethan had been hiding lately and made their way to the third floor.

"The Deans are requesting for the Karma Circuit... They are going to be in charge of the Core Devices after today... That's why I came for it. Some senior Legionnaires are waiting outside the academy's reception board," Principal Bernard said as he walked.

"What?! Why? It's safer here," the librarian said, disappointed and unhappy.

He wasn't pleased with the Deans' decision, and couldn't believe that the Karma Circuit could be taken from Triple A.

The Karma Circuit was a magical device used to either destroy one's Karma or heal it. Although Ethan didn't know anything about this thing, he had just heard it for the first time in his life.

'Only books are kept here. What the hell is a Karma Circuit?'

Ethan wondered.

The librarian used yet another lightning string to lock the entrance leading to the third floor, so he had to unlock it himself. They both entered the third floor after the librarian opened it, and perhaps, Ethan didn't know if they forgot to relock the entrance or not.

It was open.

Although it was really risky, Ethan found this as an opportunity. He never knew what the Karma Circuit was, and he was sure he wouldn't ever get to know it if he missed this chance.

Adepts aren't allowed to enter the second floor, much less the third floor. It was certain that he wouldn't get that chance anymore.

"I should go know that thing," Ethan muttered.

The footsteps seemed to have ceased after a while, and Ethan noticed that they were on the third floor at the moment.

He sighed.

"Oh Aether God, please don't let me get caught," Ethan prayed before shuffling into the entrance.

Like the second floor, there was a staircase that led to the third floor since it was over the second floor. However, Ethan could still notice differences. That of the third floor was way longer and curvier than that of the second floor, making it quite exhausting for Ethan to climb.

As a poor young chap, he wasn't used to climbing stairs. The Nox Clan's home was just a small modern bungalow, and only what one could climb was the mountains that surrounded the Grey Shelter...

In the Western Continent, those who lived in the Grey Shelter — a small town surrounded by mountains on the extreme edge of the Western Continent — are unarguably regarded as the inferiors.

Most people in that place struggled to survive, as most of them were the Ordinaries. For Ethan's parent who couldn't get through after becoming E-rank Elementalists, their life was just almost as miserable as that of the Ordinaries.

If it hadn't been that the enrollment into the Aetherum Arcanum Academy was free, Ethan wouldn't have stood a chance to join...

And right now, he hoped that his sister, Lacey, who would turn sixteen next year would be able to awaken her Mana Core and have an affinity to Arcane Magic.

After entering the third floor, Ethan made sure that he was in the best hiding spot. Although he could hear the voices of the principal and the librarian clearly, his hiding position was quite safe.

He only just had to make some space on the shelf so he could see what was going on in the near distance. At least, seeing the Karma Circuit and knowing its qualities was why he came here.

"There are rumors that almost all Legionnaires had nightmare signs about the upcoming raid against The Changed... Although many didn't know the fate of their Karmas, they only just want to destroy it."

Principal Bernard spoke as they approached a box-shaped diamond-made structure at a special part of the third floor.

Instead of seeing mostly books, Ethan was surprised to see various hidden artifacts and mysterious entities stored here. Not only the bookshelves could be seen, but diamond-made compartments that looked like shelves could be noticed around the walls.

Ethan was amazed.

"Why would one choose to live a life the way they work it out? If they destroy their Karma, they would be deleted from the list of souls of the Aether God..."

The librarian said with a disappointed expression.

"Well, not all souls will benefit from the plans of the Aether God... No one would want to perish so miserably, that's why they had to work out their fates themselves."

"Unlock the basement, please," Principal Bernard ordered.

Nodding positively, the librarian unlocked the box-shaped structure using his skill. This basement was also sealed with his lightning, so he was the only one who could open it.

Meanwhile, Ethan who was hearing everything that was being said back in his hiding spot was now more confused than curious.

"What does this even mean?" He wondered.

He was clueless about the whole thing. But he actually understood that the Karma Circuit had a connection with the Aether God, and also knew that if one destroys his/her Karma, they would be marked out of the Aether God's list of souls.

'That's insane!'

Ethan almost shouted out loud.

Although he hadn't understood the full concept of Karma destruction, he only found this "stupid".

Who would want to live a life without the aid of the Aether God? They might not be loved by their fate anymore, but their souls wouldn't be accepted in the Realm of Legends after their demise.

"I already informed the arcane masters that the Karma Circuit wouldn't be in our hands after today in the meeting, so the idea of giving the students a hint of it should be eradicated," Principal Bernard said, grabbed the Karma Circuit, and attempted walking away.

The Karma Circuit was a circle-shaped metallic structure with tap keys that looked like that of keyboards. A small wide yet short-lengthened screen could be seen above the keys, however, Ethan visibly didn't see anything special about the Karma Circuit.

It only looked exactly like a mass calculator used in calculating Albanian numbers in elementary schools.

Ethan didn't waste a second before sneaking out of the third-floor library before the principal and the librarian. He wasn't really enlightened about the Karma Circuit, but at least, he was delighted that he had a hint.

Stepping into the second floor, Ethan's eyes widened in shock as he saw Mason. Actually, Mason stepped in just as he was descending from the third floor.

"Ah, shit! What the hell did you... "

Before Mason could finish his statement, Ethan already wrapped his lips with his palms.

"Oh gosh, shut it, the principal and librarian are on their way down here," Ethan said, letting go of Mason's lips.

Mason glanced at the exit of the second floor in the distance with curiosity. He then looked at Ethan with slight distaste.

"Hey, we are going to the Woodlands," he pointed upwards just as Ethan attempted to react, "just look up."

Ethan quickly peeked upwards without hesitating, and almost fainted the moment he saw what Mason had pointed at.

'CCTV cameras!?!'

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