System Unlocked

Martin's face had a sad picture as he stared down to the ground, deeply ashamed. He couldn't even dare to raise his head to look at his fellow offenders... His acts were giving something far from boldness.

"Hey! Keep working," one of the disciplinary officers shouted after noticing that Ethan's pace had lessened.

Ethan was lost in looking at Martin's sorry ass and how he acted. Martin was someone with low self-esteem and wasn't bold, and this did much to make him a silent, bullying figure.

Even by looking at his face, one could notice slight bruises due to assaults from stronger students. A part of Ethan was deeply sorry for him, but...

'I hate him because I'm going to suffer his miseries in double fold.'

Ethan mused inwardly and hastened his steps forward. Martin was later taken to join them as they progressed to the principal office.

When they got to Principal Bernard's office building, he came out from his inner chamber and met them in the office compound space.

As usual, his face is fiercely frowned when about to give a student a punishment for their wrongs.

Today wasn't different at all.

"Ethan Nox, son of Greg Nox, the E-rank Elementalist in Grey Shelter, right?" Principal Bernard asked after glancing at Ethan repeatedly.

"Yes, principal," Ethan replied immediately, though with a surprised look on his face.

Although the principal should know every student's background, was that even necessary?

'Why is he mentioning this? If Father knows that I made an offense in the academy, he is going to rip my head off.'

Ethan feared.

"All students were told not to go into restricted areas in the academy. The second and third floors of the academy's library were among these restricted areas, right?" Principal Bernard questioned.

"Yes, principal," Ethan answered quickly and politely yet again.

"Then why did you choose to offend the school rules?"

Principal Bernard had a disappointed look on his face as he spoke. Ethan could clearly sense it.

Ethan was rendered speechless after this particular question. Now, he was afraid that Principal Bernard would suspect that he had trailed him and the librarian onto the third floor as they went for the Karma Circuit.

However, mostly, he was also thinking about the kind of punishment he would be given. The level of offense caused determines the level of punishment given.

The greater the offense, the greater the rarity of the elixir ingredient to be found.

On the other hand, Jeff was standing behind Ethan, Mason, and Martin as he watched the principal speak to them. It was now that he knew Ethan and Mason's offense, and this left him speechless.

'Really?! They went to the library to intrude on the restricted areas?!'

Jeff hardly believed it.

Meanwhile, he came to discover that Mason only trespassed into the second floor, making it clear that he would get a lesser punishment.

After having a word with the offenders, Principal Bernard smashed his gaze on Jeff who was standing boldly behind the offenders.

"He insisted that he would join his friends in the punishment, sir. That's why he is here," the bald disciplinarian said.

Principal Bernard's brows furrowed upon hearing this... He was amazed. Jeff possessed a bold aura that made it clear that he wouldn't change his mind, and this added to the principal's amazement.

Bernard smiled. "You see, being brave is the worst thing one would ever do in this unforgiving world... Braveness would never pay anyone."

Jeff glared at Principal Bernard just as he heard those words coming out of his mouth. The truth was that he didn't expect such a statement from the Magus-level Arcanist. Even Ethan, Martin, and Mason couldn't also believe it.

'What a clueless principal. His he going to poison Jeff's mind now?' Ethan wondered.

"I'm going with them no matter what. They are friends, and I should have their backs," Jeff hesitated and said, insisting.

Principal Bernard chuckled. Deep inside, he was vexed. This was because Jeff chose to go with his friends into the Woodlands over receiving more combat and sword training back in the academy.

The main fact was that Jeff was one of the best 1st Year students in the academy, and he was really rooting for him to become one of the greatest Arcanists on the planet.

Now that he was too blind to see what he meant, Principal Bernard brought out that strict action of his. With a frown, he sentenced.

"Ethan Nox, you should get me a full liter of Crimson Water from the Crimson Lake."

Ethan swallowed repeatedly. Although he had no idea how difficult that mission would be, he only sensed that the process wouldn't be funny at all.

"Mason Galloway, you should get remains of any Spirit Beast in the Woodlands."

Mason's punishment wasn't actually that hard. Yeah, this was because he was only found around the entrance door of the second floor. His offense wasn't too offensive, perhaps.

Martin who sneaked out of the academy was urged to bring Spirit Nuts from three different Spirit Nuts plants, well, this also sounds hard.

And for Jeff who had no offense, the principal only gave him the urge to do something quite funny.

"And you, you should keep a record of whatever happens while these three take their punishment," Principal Bernard said and handed over a short record book and a case ink to Jeff.

"But, they might be going separate ways, principal. How can I do that?" Jeff asked confusedly.

"That's none of my business, you should figure something out," Principal Bernard said, he gave the offenders the tools they needed to get what they were asked to and went back into his office.

The disciplinarians then led Ethan and the others to a preparatory room where they got dressed in thick black leather armor and armed themselves with swords and daggers.

Martin chose a bow and arrows... And then two knives.

Ethan wasn't really good at any but also went for bow and arrows. He also had his sword and dagger.

'Anyone can help, I guess.' He thought.

The disciplinarians led them to the academy's teleport station and made sure they were teleported to the Woodlands.

After being teleported into the Woodlands, the four youngsters found themselves in a vast dreadful yet lonesome expanse. The sky seemed too far from land, it was as though it was disappearing from the galaxy.

Low moans of several Woodlands Creatures could be heard at every nook and corner, the aura of absolute strangeness shrouding the atmosphere.

"This is the Woodlands. Where I have been before!" Mason shouted after observing the area for a while, almost excitedly.

Jeff and Martin were only glancing around with complicated looks on their face as this place was alien to them.

It was really strange, as many said.

Meanwhile, Ethan Nox who had just stepped on something hard after being teleported was left in shock as a system-like voice sounded in his ear.

[Host has approached first Extractee, one Mana Point gained].

[Mana Point: 1]

[Sidekick Assistant System has fully been unlocked].

[Do you want to extract the remains of the dead Giant Monkey Beast?]

Hearing this, only one word of reaction hit Ethan's mind.


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