I refuse to be the MC
I refuse to be the MC
Author: Sixtee
Bitter piece of shit

"Bitter piece of shit!"

A young man with pale skin and raven short hair who seemed to be around sixteen to eighteen years old almost freaked out as he stared at his smartphone screen, utterly angered and disappointed.

"Why did the author always have a reason to make him suffer?"


He queried, still staring at his smartphone with a fierce scowl.

It had been four months since Jason started reading a particular web novel: Saga of Albany. This web novel was serialized on one of the best platforms in the globe, however, with every passing chapter, there was always a reason to make the MC suffer...

Although it was a very wonderful novel with great potential, the world-building and character development was outstanding. The only thing that wrenched Jason's gut was this usual problem that the main character would get himself into.

Jason usually read "Saga of Albany" every day on either his way to work or when coming back. As a young chap who had lost his parents when he was eight, left alone with his sister, Jason had been the one to take care of himself and his sister.

Recollecting life back at their very young age wasn't explainable, as it was much like hell for them, however, now, Jason was pretty lucky to secure a job in one of the food restaurants in the street of New York.

At that moment, he was having a bus ride to work in the morning and was reading his best novel... Little did he know that the author was going to give the MC a very disappointing reward after all his suffering.

"Crap... Should I keep reading this?"

Jason's brows furrowed.

'This is ridiculous!'

Jason was utterly disappointed, and the urge to drop this masterpiece almost lingered on him.

He scrolled down the current chapter he was and clicked on the comment tab, he wanted to let out his disappointed feeling.


(Ezra44: C'mon author, WTF!).

(Killerbean: Is this a reward?! This is crap).

(JayD: Hehehe, what I was expecting).

(Y_nut: The MC has suffered for so long! Author, you should have made him happy instead).

Jason read the messages sent by other readers, and he could feel that only a few readers were happy with the author's decision.

Of course, no one should.

'Those who see this as a nice decision should be insane.'

With a distasteful look on his face, he typed some words slowly and clicked on the "send" button.

(Beef_cooker: Author, you suck! All these after his long-suffering? I'm actually dropping this novel).

After sending the message, he switched off his phone and kept it in his shirt pocket.

Jason's sadness was unexplainable due to the love he had for the MC. He was an independent young man who had a lot of sad stories to tell from his younger life, however, the misery never stopped as he grew up. At his youthful age, the suffering doubled.

His hard work wasn't enough.

His fate was to suffer miserably.

Even when he tried to make everything right, some rights became wrong.

However, Jason had been patiently waiting for so long. The very day in which the MC of "Sage of Albany" would finally stumble into peace and happiness, just as every reader would expect.

Now, instead of finding peace and absolute happiness, the MC stumbled into a river of pure extinction. Although, he didn't dare to read that part... Jason quickly exited that scene, not wanting to let his eyes pop out of its socket.

'Wouldn't keep reading what reminds me of my parents.'

He commented inwardly with a blank look on his face.

A few minutes after switching off his phone, Jason switched it back on, and the first notification he saw was a message in the MNovel app, from the author of "Saga of Albany" to be precise.

Without wasting a second, Jason quickly clicked on the message notification and entered the MNovel app.

(Author replied to your comment)

(Author: This is how it has to be. Thanks for reading... As one of the top fans of this novel, you will get a prize from me shortly).

Jason shrugged upon reading the reply of the author. "A prize? What prize do we readers get apart from the usual 'Thanks for reading' appreciation?"

He began to wonder, as he couldn't let his eyes off the author's reply. Jason waited for a while but didn't get a sign of any prize, much less a greater form of appreciation than expected. And after a one-hour ride as usual, the bus finally got to its destination, and Jason stepped down.

The streets of New York would always be extremely busy as always... Considerable amounts of lofty buildings and skyscrapers made a long assembly by the bustling road as passersby crowded the roadside.

More vehicles continued to go by at a fast speed, revealing the glory of a regular Monday morning.

Jason kept awaiting the prize from the author as he couldn't keep his smartphone aside. He knew that he would have low access to his phone after resuming work, so this was the right time he could get in touch.

Heedlessly, Jason stepped into the traffic without even making an inspection. He was fully focused on his smartphone, and eager to see what unique reward the author had for him.


A loud storming sound echoed almost around his spot, making Jason's heart skip. With his eyes widened, he raised his head to look at the source of the loud sound, only to notice an incoming truck almost in front of him.

"Holy... Hell," Jason muttered, glancing at the gigantic mechanical structure.

Unfortunately, the truck was just too close... It was too late for Jason to make any move. The truck was just a meter and a half away from him.

Jason could hear the scream from people behind... Almost everyone around noticed the incoming tragic incident, and the least they could do was shout out loud.

The truck's sound was so loud that not even the screams of the large number of people could beat it... And in just a few seconds, a massive crush was made.

Jason, together with his smartphone, was crushed by the giant tires of the truck.

He died.

Just like his parents.

He left his sister in this miserable world.

How shameful.

Because of a mere reward from an author. A reward that he didn't get.

Jason regretted his actions... He regretted his foolishness.

He regretted reading "Saga of Albany".

However, now, he had no choice. He was dead and gone.

His regrets couldn't change anything.



"Where am I? I should have died," the voice of a young man echoed in a colorful expanse.

"Where is this place?" The voice echoed yet again, but if one searched, one wouldn't be able to find the source.

The expanse was empty, but had this noticeable aura of life.

Soon, an orb emerged from nowhere and rolled over nothingness until it got to a particular spot where a large mysterious book could be seen.

Upon approaching the book, this orb vanished, however, the book also disappeared.

The next moment, the orb appeared in a large glorious building, more like a temple. Gradually, this colorless orb turned green, and then blue.

As it rolled over to the inner part of the temple, it turned white, then returned colorless. The orb continued to roll at a calm slow pace until it got to an altar.

There, a godly figure stood boldly, staring down at the colorless orb complicatedly.

"Behold the one who has come to take his reward!"

This godly figure shouted as his storming voice almost made the temple walls tremble.

"Huh???" A tiny exclamation sounded from the colorless orb.

"Where the hell am I?!" The orb bellowed again, and this time, the godly figure heard it clearly.

Slowly, he stepped down from the mysterious altar and approached the orb below. As he came forward, the glorious aura of godliness accompanied him, and even the soul inside this orb could feel it.

"This must be God... Haha... It seems I'm in heaven," this voice sounded from the orb.

"No... This is not heaven. You are in the Circle of Transmigration," the godly figure said as he approached the orb.

"What?! Transmigration?!"

"Yes... You are not just to be transmigrated, you are about to be transmigrated into your favorite novel, Saga of Albany."

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