Author: Michael Chi

Nathan arrived at the Wilson family house holding a bouquet of rose flowers in his hands, today makes it three years since he got married to Claire.

Nathan was brimming with excitement as he could not wait to surprise her with the flowers and now that he has regained his memories he was going to reveal his identity to Claire today as their anniversary gift and apologize for all the troubles he had caused her this past year.

he was certain that their relationship would become stronger once he reveals his true identity to her.

Nathan stood at the front door, his heart pounding with anticipation. As he was about to ring the doorbell, a sleek, white car gently pulled up in the driveway.

The engine purred to a stop and Nathan's brow furrowed in confusion as the driver's door opened, and a well-dressed man stepped out. The man quickly made his way to the passenger's side, and Nathan's heart sank as Claire emerged from the vehicle.

"Claire?" Nathan's voice was a mix of anger and confusion as he saw his wife with another man.

Claire's eyes widened as she saw Nathan standing there, she noticed something was different about him, his composure was different he looked more mature, and he was no longer holding onto the teddy bear he carried everywhere.

No way! Nathan has fully recovered!

Claire and Nathan's marriage was full of happiness until a year ago when Nathan got into an accident, the aftermath of the accident was devastating and he was diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, he lost most of his memory, regressing to a child-like state.

But last night he jumped onto the highway in a bid to escape the hitmen who were after him, he almost got ran over by a convoy of cars, the blinding headlights of the vehicle pierced his eyes and his soul triggering a flood of his adulthood memories.

"Nathan? Is that really you?" she asked, her voice a mixture of shock and relief.

Nathan stepped forward, his eyes locking onto Claire's. "Yes, Claire, it's me. I remember everything."

Claire's eyes were filled with disbelief, she rushed towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Oh, Nathan! I've missed you so much!"

But Nathan did not hug her back as he did not share in her excitement, his gaze was fixed sternly on the man she came with who was standing by his car.

Claire slowly let go of Nathan as she saw the frown on Nathan's face.

"So this is the popular useless son-in-law of the Wilson family," the man said, smirking as he scanned Nathan from head to toe.

Nathan's eyes flashed with anger. "Useless, huh?" He took a step closer to Liam, his voice steady but laced with fury. "I'd choose my words more carefully if I were you."

Liam's smirk widened, clearly unfazed. "I was just stating the obvious."

Claire quickly intervened, her voice shaky. "Uhm... Nathan, this is Liam. He works at Cloud Corporation and he said he knows Lord Cloud personally. We just had a business meeting"

"Business meeting?" Nathan repeated with his eyebrows furrowed. From the way Liam looked at his wife, it was obvious business was not the only thing on his mind.

Claire's face flushed. "Yes, Nathan, but it's not what you think. Liam promised us investment support from Cloud Corporation. He was just trying to help our family."

"It was just a long meeting at a hotel," Liam added with a smirk, clearly trying to provoke Nathan.

Nathan's temper flared. "Claire, is this true? Were you in a hotel with him?"

Claire's eyes filled guilt immediately said "Nathan, nothing happened. We were just discussing business"

"It was such a pleasure spending time with your wife. She's quite impressive I must say." Liam said in a mocking tone as he leaned on his car biting his lips staring at Nathan who was visibly boiling with anger.

Victoria, Claire's mother, was drawn to the commotion outside her house. She peered out of the window and was shocked to see Nathan and she also observed he was no longer behaving like a child, she immediately grabbed her phone and dialed a number.

"Can't you do anything right?" She barked at the person on the other end of the phone, her voice dripping with anger. "I paid you to take care of Nathan, Instead, he's standing right outside the house, looking perfectly fine!"

On the other end of the line, the hitman shifted uncomfortably. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Wilson, We were closing in on him, but a convoy of powerful individuals intervened, stopping right in front of him. We couldn't afford to take the risk."

Victoria's grip on her phone tightened, her knuckles whitening as her fury increased"I just wasted my money and you could not even do your job properly! You all are just useless!!!" She shouted and ended the call abruptly, Victoria then hurried downstairs to stop Nathan before he ruins the opportunity for the Wilson family to partner with Cloud Corporation.

Nathan clenched his fists as Liam continued to talk about his wife disgustingly, "How dare you talk about my wife like that?!"

"You call yourself a husband?" Victoria rushed outside, her expression a mix of shock and frustration as everyone turned to her.

Victoria grabbed the flowers out of Nathan's hands and threw them on the ground and stomped on it and she spat angrily "You think a bunch of roses will make up for all the trouble you've caused? You've been nothing but a burden to this family!! You don't deserve to be with Claire. Look at you! You're worthless! How dare you dare look down on someone close to Lord Cloud, do you have any idea who Lord Cloud is?"

Nathan's eyes narrowed. Of course, he knew who Lord Cloud was—because he was Lord Cloud!

His name sent shivers down people's spines, commanding respect and fear alike.

Although Nathan chose to keep his identity hidden when he got married to Claire, he used his influence to help the Wilson family secretly and the Wilson family were able to rise to power because of him.

Yet, standing here, his wife and her mother berated him, he felt the need to reveal the truth more than ever.

Before Nathan could speak, Victoria walked over to Liam, her tone suddenly shifting to one of apology. "Mr. Liam, I'm very sorry, please ignore my son-in-law, he has not been well for the past year and he has not fully recovered"

Liam, basking in the attention, shrugged nonchalantly. "No problem Mrs. Wilson, I know Lord Cloud personally, I will convince him to partner with the Wilson family"

Nathan couldn't suppress a bitter laugh, causing Victoria and Liam to pause and stare at him. He shook his head "You claim to know me personally, but I have never seen you in my life"

"Are you trying to say that you're Lord Cloud?" Liam asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

Nathan's expression turned serious as he faced Liam squarely. "Yes, I am Lord Cloud," he stated firmly.

Silence fell, thick and heavy. Claire’s eyes widened, while Victoria looked as though she’d been slapped. Liam’s confident smirk faltered for the first time.

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