"Ma, are we still going to support Nathan now that the Vice President of the Cloud Corporation is here? We could get into trouble if he is caught impersonating him," Vanessa's personal assistant whispered into Vanessa's ear, fearing trouble with the Cloud Corporation.

But Vanessa stood her ground. "All that matters is we get him to join us."

The Wilson family thought Bianca felt insulted when they sent the servant to welcome them. Immediately, they all rushed forward, bowing their heads apologetically with Grandfather Wilson taking the lead.

"I'm very sorry, Miss Bianca. Welcome to the Wilson family. With you in our midst, our family will definitely succeed and prosper."

"The Wilson family prosper?" Miss Bianca repeated.

"Of course," Victoria answered. "It's all thanks to my daughter, Claire. She is a rising businesswoman in Prescott, and she will make the Wilson family good enough to partner with the Cloud Corporation."

"Claire?" Miss Bianca asked. "Everything your family has achieved is because of someone else," Miss Bianca declared.

"Yes, Liam," Ivan said, gesturing to Liam. "He is one of the top officials in the Cloud Corporation, personally appointed by Lord Nathan himself. This is the new contract of two billion dollars he helped us secure from Lord Cloud."

Ivan picked up the contract documents and handed them over to Bianca, who observed them with a frown. Liam was visibly shaking as he was about to be exposed.

"These contract documents are fake!!! And are not from the Cloud Corporation!" Bianca declared as she tore the documents into pieces. The room fell into a stunned silence as the pieces descended to the floor.

"You fools! Liam has nothing to do with the Cloud Corporation."

Liam's smirk faltered, replaced by a look of panic as all eyes turned to him.

"Get out of the way!" One of the bodyguards shouted at the family, dismissing them like they were insignificant obstacles.

The Wilson family recoiled in shock.

The people from the Cloud Corporation then walked over to Nathan, and they all bowed before him and chorused, "All hail the Almighty Lord Cloud!"

Nathan's eyes scanned the room, taking in the mix of shock, fear, and confusion on the faces of the Wilson family.

The hall was filled with gasps as they could not believe it.

Who is Nathan that the Vice President of the Cloud Corporation bows to him?

It could only mean one thing...

Nathan is really Lord Cloud!

Victoria was visibly shaking with fear as she managed to mutter, "He... He is Lord Cloud." The entire family, especially Claire, immediately began to regret their actions.

Grandfather Wilson stepped forward, his voice shaking. "Miss Bianca... Are you sure you are not mistaken? This is the son-in-law that we have just driven out."

"Robert Wilson," Miss Bianca called Grandpa by his first name, "Are you tired of living? How dare you question the identity of Lord Cloud?"

Grandfather Wilson's face turned pale at Miss Bianca's stern rebuke. He swallowed hard, eyes wide with terror, and his knees buckled slightly as he tried to steady himself

. The rest of the Wilson family, now huddled together, mirrored his fear.

"Miss Bianca, please," Grandfather Wilson stammered, "we... we had no idea. If we had known, we would never have—"

"Silence!" Miss Bianca's voice cut through the air like a blade.

"You and your family are ignorant! Do you think it was because of Claire your family was able to rise to the top? How arrogant! Claire does not have the resources or means to get the Wilson family to the top. And since you are all so sure you can do without Lord Cloud, from now on the Cloud Corporation will terminate all its relationship with the Wilson family. We will also take back all the gifts presented and reclaim all the benefits the Wilson family has received from the Cloud Corporation in the last three years!"

The Wilson family's collective gasps filled the room as the gravity of Miss Bianca's words sank in. Victoria clutched her chest, her face turning pale, while Claire's confidence crumbled into despair.

Ivan immediately rushed forward and dropped to his knees in front of Miss Bianca. "Please, you can't do this," he pleaded, tears streaming down his face. "Our family will be ruined."

Grandfather Wilson, his voice trembling with desperation, stepped forward. "Miss Bianca, I beg you to reconsider. I was joking when I said those things... it was just a misunderstanding," he pleaded, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"Misunderstanding?" Nathan snapped.

"Yes, please," Victoria begged, and she desperately turned to Claire whose eyes were brimming with tears. "Please beg him; we can't afford to lose everything." But Claire stood frozen, too stunned to find the words.

Nathan's eyes held no mercy as he turned away from the pleading faces of the Wilson family. "Let's get out of here," he commanded, his voice resolute.

Bianca nodded, her expression unwavering. "Yes, Lord Cloud." She gestured to her team, and they began to gather their things. The Cloud Corporation executives followed, and also the ladies took the gifts along, and they all followed Nathan's lead, heading towards the door.

The Royal Corporation also took their leave, but they could not help laughing at the Wilson family first. All the invited guests also proceeded to take their leave, leaving behind disdainful remarks as they exited.

"How could they be so blind?"

"Incompetent and ungrateful!"

"How could they cut ties with the world-renowned legend? Their family is definitely done for!"

Soon, the hall emptied, leaving only the Wilson family and Liam.

"This is all your fault," Grandfather Wilson seethed, turning to Liam, pointing his walking stick accusingly.

But Liam didn't appear frightened. "Mr. Wilson, do you really think a worthless man like him could be Lord Cloud? I received a message just now that Lord Cloud and his vice president are on their way to the capital for a meeting, and the Global Triad are expecting him."

The Global Triad was a group of the three most powerful presidents in the world. They have come all the way to Prescott to see Lord Cloud.


The Wilson family exchanged bewildered glances, their hopes flickering amidst the chaos of the revelation.

"So you're saying Nathan was just putting on a show to scare us?" Grandfather asked incredulously.

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