"Everyone else brought a gift for Grandfather, how about you? What have you brought?" Ivan continued.

"Ivan, there's no need for that" Claire interjected before Nathan could speak.

"There's no need for you to take his side, today is Grandpa's birthday and yet he dares to show up empty handed, this man has no respect for Grandpa at all! You don't deserve to be here!" The whole family agreed with Ivan as they continued to look at Nathan with disdain.

"I have arranged for someone to deliver the birthday present, it will be delivered shortly," Nathan said firmly.

Ivan stood up and circled James, stopping in front of him with a wide grin plastered across his face "Ohh, so you've gotten someone to do that for you, let me guess your colleagues from the mental hospital?"

The whole family burst into laughter but Nathan stood his ground, his gaze unwavering despite the ridicule. "The gifts I have asked to be brought here are ten times more expensive than all of the gifts here brought tonight," Nathan said as he glanced around.

"and Ivan you do not have any authority to comment over the people I have sent to bring the gifts" Nathan declared staring into Ivan's eyes.

"So, what? You're some kind of big shot that you have people doing things for you?" Ivan said as he chuckled.

"How dare you say, our gifts are nothing compared to yours, only Ivan's gifts are worth thousands of dollars! Even if you sold yourself you won't still be able to afford it!" Cynthia, Claire's sister said glaring at Nathan in disdain.

Claire lowered her head in shame, despite all the warnings, Nathan continued to embarrass her.

Grandfather Wilson, weary of the quarreling, finally intervened "Enough!!!" He blurted out, today was supposed to be a celebration, but it was being ruined all because of Nathan, the room fell silent immediately at Grandfather Wilson's sudden outburst. His voice, though weakened by age, carried a weight that demanded attention.

He then turned to Nathan "Nathen go sit on the floor by the door"

Nathan's eyes hardened, his jaw tightening at Grandfather Wilson's command. "Why?" he asked, his voice calm but carrying a weight of defiance.

If everyone was allowed to sit at the table why should he go and sit on the floor by the door?

The room grew even more silent if that was possible, everyone holding their breath at Nathan’s audacity.

Victoria banged her table in anger, her face flushed with frustration, she spoke with an edge in her voice. "How dare you question Grandpa?"

"If Claire was not married to a useless man like you, she would have gotten married to someone from a prestigious family and there would be dignitaries from all over the world at this party" Cynthia added

Claire was overwhelmed with shame and frustration as tensions were escalating.

Nathan folded his hands behind standing tall despite the tense atmosphere that enveloped the room.

His voice was steady and filled with authority as he addressed the family "You all have forgotten, three years ago the Wilson family was just an ordinary family in Prescott" Nathan continued, his voice unwavering. "You may not remember, but I do. Back then, you were struggling with debts, barely able to keep the business afloat, You've only recently tasted success, and now you expect dignitaries from all over the world? How presumptuous!"

Victoria let out a mocking laugh "Look at you! You speak as if you have something to do with the rise of our family, meanwhile, you're just leaching off us, the only reason why we have become very successful is because of my wonderful daughter, Claire, she is so talented and hard working, and she would be doing so much better if you hadn't held her back with your illness after your accident"

"Alright Mom, that's enough," Claire said softly, but Victoria remained adamant "It's not enough, I will make sure this lunatic knows his place!"

Grandfather Wilson fed up with the bickering, stomped his walking stick on the ground and stood up, as Grandfather Wilson rose, the weight of his presence commanded everyone's attention once more.

"Enough of this nonsense!" He said as his eyes darted between Victoria and Nathan.

Victoria shrugged off his gaze defiantly, but Grandfather Wilson's stern expression softened slightly as he turned his attention to Nathan.

"Nathan, don't make me get angry with you tonight, it's either you sit on the floor by the door or you get out of here now"

Nathan was about to speak when some group of guests burst through the doors.

The sudden intrusion startled everyone in the room. A group of elegantly dressed guests, led by Liam, entered with an air of authority that instantly shifted the atmosphere. Their entrance drew all eyes towards them, momentarily diverting attention from the tense family drama.

Stepping forward with confidence, Liam announced "I, Liam Smith have brought dignitaries from all over the world to Prescott just to say" His companions, in unison, bowed respectfully and exclaimed, "Happy birthday Grandfather Wilson!"

The whole family was pleased with Liam and they welcomed him and his companions open handedly.

"Thank you! Welcome!" Grandfather Wilson exclaimed warmly.

"Take your seats," Victoria said with a huge smile gesturing to an unoccupied table, the same one Nathan had been directed away from earlier.

Only one person did not share in the excitement and that was Nathan, since when he claimed to know him, Nathan knew he was just a bluff and was trying to get Claire's approval.

"Mr. Wilson thank you for welcoming us, today is a special day and I brought you a gift" Liam paused before continuing, "Sir, do you know the Cloud family?"

Of course, everyone knew who the Cloud family was, they were the most powerful and influential family in Prescott.

"Of course, I know the Cloud family, even presidents treat them with such great respect" Grandfather Wilson replied.

"Exactly sir, the one who has the most powerful influence internationally is Lord Cloud, he is the second son and the head of the Cloud corporation," Liam continued.

"I have heard of him, he is a legend!" Cynthia interjected, her eyes wide with admiration.

"Lord Cloud has never revealed his identity to the public, but I have the honor of being appointed very high position in the Cloud corporation, and I know his personality, and here is a five billion dollars contract for the Wilson family as a token of my goodwill to Claire" Liam declared, adjusting his suit with a sense of pride as he continued to bask in the attention, he then diverted his gaze to Nathan, casting a triumphant glance at him, but Nathan remained wholly unimpressed.

The whole room buzzed in excitement as everyone looked at Liam in admiration, indeed Liam was a big shot!

"Thank you, Liam," Grandfather Wilson said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "This is truly an extraordinary gift!"

"Exactly, unlike someone who has been living off us, and still dares to come to Grandfather's birthday empty handed, how shameless!" Ivan said and the room's attention shifted to Nathan once again with eyes filled with disgust, but Nathan couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Ivan snapped, his voice dripping with disdain.

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