"I can't help but laugh at your ignorance and Liam's audacity," Nathan said, pointing directly at Liam.

Liam took a step forward, fists clenched as he glared at Nathan "And what is that supposed to mean?"

"You keep bragging that you know me and now you claim that you got this project as a result of your relationship with me, but I have never met you until yesterday"

Liam chuckled in Nathan's face "You still have the guts to claim that you're Lord Nathan, the business legend?"

He then turned to face Grandfather Wilson, "Well, Mr. Wilson I guess all I have done here is unnecessary, since the Almighty Lord Nathan is in your family, there's no need for the 2 billion dollar contract," Liam said before letting go of the contract document in his hands and it dropped to the floor.

Grandfather Wilson could no longer control his anger at this point "How dare you make such outrageous claims, Nathan!" His voice thundered as his face flushed with anger.

"You've not only disrespected me but also humiliated our entire family."

"Guards!!!" Grandfather Wilson called out but before the guards could show up the doors of the Hall burst open once again.

"The Cloud family representatives are here!" Someone announced capturing everyone's attention. The room fell silent, and all eyes turned toward the entrance.

A procession of elegantly dressed women entered, each bearing opulent gifts that left everyone in awe.

One lady presented seventy gold bars.

Another unveiled an ancient jade artifact worth millions of dollars.

Key to a mansion were offered, along with a briefcase containing $50 million in cash.

Three sets of car keys to Rolls Royce vehicles, and many more.

The entire family was astonished at the magnitude of luxury displayed before them. Victoria, Claire's mother, gasped audibly at the sight of fifty gold bars being presented, just one gold bar was worth over one million dollars!

She exchanged bewildered glances with Cynthia, who was equally taken aback by the ancient jade artifact and the keys to a mansion.

Liam was equally stunned, his gestures were completely overshadowed by the lavish gifts.

His earlier boast about the $2 billion contract seemed trivial compared to the tangible wealth now on display, Nathan stood quietly, observing the scene with a subtle smirk.

One of the ladies then stepped forward "The Almighty Lord Nathan wishes you Mr. Wilson a very happy birthday!"

Nathan's smirk widened slightly as he watched the family's reaction unfold before him.

"Wow! Such lavish gifts are really for the Wilson family?" Grandfather Wilson exclaimed, his eyes wide with astonishment as she gazed at the fifty gold bars gleaming under the lightlight.

Who was he that the Almighty Lord Nathan sent him presents?

Grandfather Wilson could not contain his excitement and gratitude.

Liam was speechless and he began to lose his composure.

Nathan folded his arms and declared boldly "These gifts are from me"

Nathan's words echoed through the hall, His statement hung in the air, heavy with disbelief and awe. Grandfather Wilson, seated at the head of the room, stared at Nathan with a mixture of astonishment and confusion.

"From You?" Grandfather Wilson finally managed to utter, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"That's right, as I said earlier, these are the birthday gifts I have prepared," Nathan said.

The room fell into a hushed silence as everyone watched Nathan in disbelief.

"These gifts are from Lord Cloud himself and it has nothing to do with you," Ivan said suddenly pointing a finger at Nathan.

"It had nothing to do with me?" Nathan repeated.

"Yes!" Ivan retorted "If you could afford such expensive gifts then why have you been living as a burden to our family for the past three years?"

"Then how do you explain how these gifts came about" Cynthia asked out of curiosity.

"It is certainly because of Liam, out of everyone here, he is the only one that has a close relationship with Lord Cloud." Ivan declared.

Liam, sensing an opportunity, stepped forward with a confident smirk. "That's right. I arranged for these gifts as a favor from Lord Cloud. After all, he and I share a special bond," he said, his voice dripping with false humility.

"You see... Nathan how dare you try to steal credit for these beautiful gifts, do you think because coincidentally your last name is Cloud, you can associate yourself with the most powerful family in Prescott, you're nothing but a worthless trash!" Cynthia spat at Nathan.

"Thank you so much, Liam, you've done so much for our family, I so much wish you were our son-in-law" Grandfather Wilson thanked Liam wholeheartedly, Liam bowed as he basked in the attention.

Nathan's temper flared as he witnessed Liam's act "How convenient of you Liam," Liam said, his voice laced with sarcasm "And Grandfather, why are you easily fooled by this fake?" He said glaring at Liam, who was shaking inside but he maintained his composure, he could not afford to be caught at this point.

"Nathan!!!" Claire exclaimed as she grabbed Nathan by his arm, as she tried to call him to order, Nathan was going too far.

"Stop this nonsense and apologize to Grandpa at once!" But Nathan bluntly refused "You don't know what is going on, this man here is an imposter!" Without warning, Claire's hand flew through the air in an attempt to slap Nathan across the face. Nathan, however, caught her hand in midair, stopping the slap just inches from his cheek.

Nathan looked softly into Claire’s eyes, his grip firm but gentle. "Claire, please, you have to trust me," he pleaded, his voice calm yet earnest. "I’m not making this up. Liam is deceiving all of you."

"What about you, Nathan?" Claire's voice trembled with anger.

Nathan met her gaze with determination in his eyes as he let go of her hand "What have I done?"

"What have you not done?" Claire's eyes blazed with fury "For the past year, you claimed you lost your memories and I cared for you like a child and now you claim to be the legendary Lord Cloud? Don't you have any shame at all?"

Nathan's eyes flickered with a mixture of pain and resolve as Claire's words hit him like a barrage of bullets, Liam was wearing a smirk as Claire continued "After warning you not to embarrassarras us at this party, you still go ahead and cause a scene! I have given you multiple chances yet you continue to disappoint me, WHY?!"

The weight of Claire's accusation hung heavy in the air. Nathan stood silent, the hurt evident in his eyes as he struggled to find the right words.

"I no longer have any expectations from you," Claire said softly, her voice tinged with resignation. "Let's.." She paused for a moment as she stared deeply into Nathan's eyes before dropping the bomb "get a divorce"

Nathan’s eyes widened, the shock evident on his face. For a moment, the entire room seemed to freeze in place.

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