Chapter 17

Bob looked around, and then he was staring at the taxi. Feeling suspicious, he inspected it, but he couldn't open the trunk or the door.

He got back in and asked Aiden to step aside. He checked the man's pants pocket by force. Although the driver struggled, Bob managed to get the key.

Bob checked the car, but he didn't find the bag. But he wouldn't give up. He forcibly bent the back seat and found the black bag there.


Aiden ran out, he was still holding the knife. "You found it," he said, as Bob showed him the bag.

"Let's get out of here."

Aiden nodded, he threw the knife away. He briefly looked back at the open door, a little worried about leaving the man.

"Let me hold this bag." Bob put the bag between his legs. The car started to move.

The taxi driver didn't know what was in the bag, but he hoped it contained drugs. He would make a lot of money if he could sell them. That's why he stole it from Aiden.

They arrived at a hotel, where Bob was in charge of guarding the bag.
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